What blood tests are taken for pancreatic disease( illness, inflammation), check, norm, diagnosis, examination

The main function of this body is the production of pancreatic juice, which contains: trypsin, lipase, alpha-amylase, other enzymes. The gland tissue( endocrine) produces insulin and glucagon, the secretion of the body is mixed( with exocrine and endocrine functions).If the pancreas is not working well, several types of analysis are required:

  • kotopogram - visual assessment of stool, determination of chemical composition, research of intestinal microflora
  • diastase - examination for the presence of enzyme, allows to determine the condition of the body, pancreatitis is performed at all stages of the disease
  • amylase -examinations are performed only after an attack, the prognostic value of the analysis at an early stage does not have an
  • X-ray - the definition of stones in the ducts, the deposition of salts( only prThe
  • ultrasound examination is carried out after two days of diet, reveals the growth of connective tissue, fluid in the abdominal cavity, changes in adjacent organs
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  • tomography( computer) - reveals the density, size of new formations, allows you to distinguish which stage of the disease( cancer or pancreatitis)
  • EGDS - determination of inflammatory processes in the organ and 12-day
  • MRI - evaluation of the level of tissue metabolism, the procedure precedes tomography on the computer

For non-transportable patients, analyzes underof the stomach, primarily include: urine for diastase, blood for serum amylase, calcium, nitrogen, AsAT and LDH.This is the minimum necessary for everyone, without exception. All patients of this type are divided into chronic, in which diagnosis reveals a state of exacerbation or remission, and primary, which reveals the presence of the disease itself. A blood test to check the pancreas is the most important for more than half a century. In a complex with it there are following analyzes at disease of a pancreas: urine and a feces. Alpha-amylase is measured in the blood, after which the daily volume of urine is examined to obtain accurate information.

Informativity increases when examining lipase in the blood and creatinine in urine and serum derived from the patient's blood. Analyzes for examination of the pancreas are delivered in parallel, both enzymes must be determined simultaneously. Analyzes for pancreatitis of the acute form additionally include the diagnosis of elastase activity, which is contained in the feces. Even after one attack, the indicator is important, a few more days.

Methods of diagnosis are always determined by the attending physician, they are all individual. Only a specialist can tell what tests should be given to a particular patient in pancreatitis. Instrumental methods produce on special equipment, always combined with laboratory ones. It is possible to know exactly what tests are taken during pancreatitis, only a doctor who independently performed a primary examination, has a history of the illness, knows about the patient's concomitant diseases.

Many surveys require a preparatory period( for example, a diet), therefore, are always appointed in advance. Analyzes of blood, feces, urine are taken at the same time, which allows you to study all the components( indicators) in the complex. The stage of the disease before the first attack( hospitalization) is the most difficult in diagnosis.

The number of erroneous diagnoses reaches 36%, despite the increase in the number of equipment, the emergence of new methods. The blood counts in pancreatitis, still remain one of the most significant. The indication of patients on his diet plays an important role, as the seizures of 80% of patients are caused by fat abundant food, and 20% cause alcohol. Pain when exacerbated is very strong, always sudden, its strength depends on the type of pancreatitis.

Analysis for pancreatic hormones

The study of hormones in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract is given great importance, since they regulate the main processes in the body for normal vital functions and the functioning of organs. The study reveals not the presence of the disease, but what are the symptoms.

Modern medicine analyzes substances such as:

  • Insulin. It plays an important function in the body. Insulin regulates carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates glucose uptake and, if necessary, lowers blood sugar levels. When the body is fully functional, the sugar level is normal. If there are certain disorders, the amount of glucose can fall to a dangerous critical value. Analyzes for insulin are prescribed for pancreas, diabetes, hypoglycemia.
  • Protein substance C-peptide. It is formed together with insulin. This substance of protein nature characterizes the amount of secretion of insulin by the body.
  • Glucagon. This is the hormone of the alpha-cell gland, is a peptide. The analysis for glucagon is carried out with severe inflammation, hypoglycemic conditions and hypoglycemic coma.

What separates the pancreas from the blood?

The pancreas secretes such enzymes, which are felt in the life of a person. For example, some enzymes are necessary for the process of digestion, for the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

There are enzymes that release into the blood the pancreas needed to regulate blood glucose and carbohydrate metabolism. Some of them improve the absorption of sugar and reduce its concentration. All these processes belong to the intrasecretory function.

If there is a lot of insulin in the blood, then the glucose level begins to drop rapidly. This process provokes the appearance of a hypoglycemic attack. In case of untimely assistance, the patient falls into a hypoglycemic coma. If glucose, instead of getting into cells, begins to accumulate, then there is a violation of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Possible development of diabetic coma.

If the pancreas fails in its work, the complete isolation of insulin ceases.

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