Treatment of gastric ulcer with aloe juice

The ability to regenerate the cells of the mucosal epithelium of the stomach is attributed precisely to aloe. Treatment of gastric ulcer with the help of a popular houseplant has positive reviews and, moreover, they are confirmed by many specialists in the field of gastroenterology. A great advantage of a natural healer is its compatibility with almost any medication that is used for inflammatory changes in the walls of the stomach.

When patients start taking aloe juice in the stomach ulcer, they note that the pain sensations in the epigastric region disappear, as does heartburn, the involuntary exit of gases ceases, and the digestion process is normalized. All because the treatment of stomach ulcers with aloe juice removes toxins and toxins formed during metabolism, which then settle on the walls of the digestive organ. Accumulating in the stomach, they interfere with the natural nutrition of cells and provoke bowel dysfunction.

So, aloe in case of gastric ulcer provides the following beneficial effect:

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  • spasmolytic activity;
  • bactericidal care;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • is involved in cell regeneration;
  • feeds the mucous epithelium.

Since the plant is an excellent source of B and C vitamins, the treatment of aloe vera can lead to a radical detoxification of the digestive tract and to normalize the acidity, as well as to activate the protective functions of the body. Taking pharmacological preparations based on vegetable juice and preparing recipes for traditional medicine can also be done for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations of a chronic disease.

Treating ulcers of the stomach with aloe: folk recipes

Symptoms are manifested by periodic pain of varying intensity, sometimes with nausea and vomiting reflex. This, of course, suggests that you need to urgently go to an appointment with the gastroenterologist for an instrumental examination. But in parallel with this, you can prepare a homemade medicine based on aloe. With a stomach ulcer, folk medicine says: 8-10 drops of freshly squeezed juice three times a day before eating will help get rid of the pain.

As an effective medicine for the digestive tract, the following recipe: 100 ml of aloe juice, the same amount of 1% Novocaine, Vinilin antiseptic, honey, Almagel and sea buckthorn oil. All components carefully mix and take 1 tablespoon.4-6 times a day before meals. The course of therapy is 14 days. Keep the product in a refrigerator in a closed container.

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