Magnetotherapy in the home: indications and contraindications, reviews

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Pathologies of ENT organs occur quite often. Many doctors in addition to medical methods prescribe all kinds of physiotherapy techniques. This significantly speeds up regeneration and improves the prognosis. To one of the effective means carry magnetotherapy.


The essence of the technology is based on the effect of a magnetic field, which has a high tension. Unlike fields with high frequency, the procedure does not produce thermal effects and does not lead to a decrease in pressure. Thanks to this, the testimony to the application of the methodology is greatly expanded.

Performing magnetotherapy has analgesic properties and successfully copes with inflammation, which is very important for pathology of ENT organs. This treatment has a calming effect and reduces blood clotting. It can be prescribed for acute and chronic processes.

Indications for ENT diseases

The procedure is prescribed for the treatment of such types of otolaryngological pathologies:

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  • sinusitis;
  • front;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis media;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis.


Magnetotherapy has some limitations. They include the following:

  • oncological pathology;
  • blood diseases - in particular, a decrease in its coagulation;
  • complex pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • application of the pacemaker;
  • temperature increase;
  • body exhaustion;
  • acute infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • of the nervous system;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy.

How is the

performed? The methods of performing magnetotherapy for fighting otolaryngological pathologies can be different. Most often the procedure is performed in a special physiotherapy room. However, portable devices allow this method to be used at home.

Hardware treatment in the

hospital The procedure does not require much time or special preparation. Usually, before the session, the patient should drink mineral water. This will help speed up the cleansing of cells.

Before the session, the patient should lie on a couch equipped with a movable device and inductors. Then the specialist fixes the magnetic belts on the affected parts of the body. This helps to increase the concentration of the low-frequency field effect.

During the session, the device emits magnetic impulse waves, acting on the body. Depth of field influence can be up to 4 cm. When implementing the technique, a person does not experience any sensations except for a slight vibration in the region of the application of the belts.

Hardware magnetotherapy in the

at home

To use this method alone, you need to have a fairly strong magnet that can hold a weight of at least 300 g. Especially effective is the procedure for the treatment of nasal diseases. For this, the plate must be applied to the wings and sinuses.

You can also use portable devices at home to perform magnetotherapy. The most effective of them include AMnp-01, Magofon-01, Alimp-1, Almag-01.


Magnetotherapy refers to effective ways of treating various ENT pathologies. However, positive results largely depend on the characteristics of the patient. Therefore, the influence of the magnetic field does not always help to eliminate the disease.

In addition, there are many magnets that are attached to the body or used as jewelry. To achieve tangible results, you need to start wearing these funds from 2 hours. Gradually, the exposure time and strength of the device should be increased.

Reviews on the effectiveness of magnetotherapy in our video:

Procedure compatibility

Magnetotherapy is quite possible to supplement with such techniques:

  • ultrasound therapy( ultrasound);
  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanizing;
  • UFO;
  • laser therapy.

Side effects of

The effect of magnetic field on the body is not harmful. Implementation of this procedure is shown even to those patients who have contraindications to the use of other means of physiotherapy. The advantage of the technique is the ability of magnets to penetrate through clothing, gypsum, skin, greased with creams.

These include:

  • headaches;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • high drowsiness.

Benefits of

Thanks to the application of this technique to combat pathology of ENT organs, it is possible to obtain such results:

  • to relieve pain;
  • cope with swelling;
  • prevent the development of inflammation;
  • improve trophic and blood circulation in tissues, which will prevent the subsequent development of the disease;
  • to improve general well-being;
  • normalize the temperature.

About the benefits of magnetotherapy in our video:

Magnetotherapy is a very effective procedure that helps to cope with many pathologies of ENT organs. However, it should appoint a doctor, taking into account the symptoms and characteristics of the disease.

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