Symptoms of sinusitis in adults and treatment at home

1 What causes the development of the disease

In medicine, it is customary to talk about two forms of sinusitis - acute and chronic. In acute form the disease is caused by acute respiratory viral infection, while it develops rapidly with vivid symptomatic manifestations. In chronic form, the cause is incorrect treatment or complete disregard. Symptoms will be less pronounced.

According to doctors, sinusitis in adults can develop for the following reasons:

  • ARVI, ARD;
  • is a bacterial or fungal infection;
  • injury to nasal septum;
  • enlarged polyps or adenoids;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • tooth decay;
  • allergic reactions;
  • is a weakened immune system.

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In adults, most often the causes of sinusitis are either pathogenic bacteria, or allergic reactions, which causes mucosal edema, a violation of normal breathing.

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2 Symptomatic manifestations of

Sinusitis in acute form is very clear, with the symptomatology of the disease immediately allows you to establish the correct diagnosis. At the doctor's appointment, patients indicate the following symptoms:

  • pain in the sinuses of the nose that extend to the front of the head;
  • total absence or shortness of breath;
  • during sleep can appear cough due to dry mouth;
  • increased excretion of mucus, with complete disregard for treatment, it can acquire a yellow-green tint;
  • after sleep, mucus is separated in large quantities;
  • body temperature may increase to 37.5 ° C;
  • general weakness, fast fatigue;
  • in the area of ​​inflamed sinuses may be marked by puffiness;
  • headache can spread to the forehead and nose.

Treatment of sinusitis in the home is quite possible, the only thing to remember is that preliminary consultation with the attending physician should be mandatory.

To date, there are a large number of recipes that have received popular recognition. They are effective in combating various forms of sinusitis and allow for a short time to get rid of the disease.

3 Application of inhalations

  1. Inhalations over potatoes cooked in the skin. For such a procedure, it is necessary to rinse the potatoes, boil it in a saucepan, drain the water and breathe over the steam, covering yourself with a blanket. Such inhalation should last no less than 15-20 minutes. Hot air from the potato will help soften the mucus in the nasal passages and allow it to freely exit. After the procedure you need to clean each nasal passage and go to bed, covering your face until completely cooled. Important to remember! Potatoes for this procedure should be home, to be sure that there are no harmful pesticides in it. They can cause a serious allergic reaction and worsen the patient's condition. This procedure is prohibited at high body temperature.
  2. Inhalation over a soda solution. The principle of performance is similar to that of potato, only in boiling water is bred soda. Pairs of dissolved soda are beneficial not only to the nasal mucosa, but also to the trachea and bronchi. Therefore, such a procedure can improve the departure of not only the mucus in the nose, but also make the cough expectorant.
  3. It is good to treat chronic sinusitis with the help of Vietnamese balm "Asterisk".In boiling water put a balm the size of a bead, cover with a towel and breathe until 7 minutes. This procedure will make it possible to remove puffiness from the mucosa and to breathe freely for several hours.


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To facilitate sinusitis, treatment can be performed with garlic or menthol. They can be used as an inhalation in a water bath or simply left at the head of the bed in the cut form for the whole night.

4 Will compresses help?

Treat sinusitis at home with a compress. Such procedures help to warm the inflamed sinuses of the nose and improve breathing. The most popular are the following recipes:

  1. Welded eggs are wrapped in cotton cloth and applied to the nasal sinuses. With this procedure, the heat should be pleasant, so as not to cause a burn on the face.
  2. Heating can be performed with salt, sea sand or paraffin.
  3. Excellent warms up a pack of black radish juice. Take a black radish and squeeze out the juice from it, mix it in equal proportions with sunflower oil and apply the resulting mixture to the nasal sinuses. To increase the warming effect, it is possible to cover the top with film and bags with heated salt or sand. Cakes from honey and rye flour. Take a spoonful of honey, and kneaded on a rye flour cake. It is applied to the sinuses, covered with a film and a small towel and left for 20 minutes. After such a procedure, the outflow of mucus will increase. This method is effective even in purulent stages of sinusitis.
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5 Rinsing and irrigation of the nasal passages

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies involves mandatory procedures for flushing the nose.

These same procedures are recommended by the doctors as the main ones in the treatment, since any of the above recipes will not have the right effect unless a rinse is performed. There are a number of rules that every patient should remember when washing: all procedures should be performed with a small enema for each nasal passage separately. The water or wash solution should be at room temperature to avoid burns to the mucosa. All the liquid filled inward should go out by gravity back.

Among all the existing recipes for rinsing and irrigation of the nose, the most popular are:

  1. Rinsing with alkaline mineral water. The main condition is to first release gases from it.
  2. Water with sea salt or soda. Effectively, the alternation of these two solutions throughout the day.
  3. Decoction of chamomile, sequins, calendula, St. John's wort, currant leaves. This composition not only perfectly and quickly removes the inflammatory processes on the mucosa, but also helps to remove mucus outward, has an antibacterial effect.
  4. If it is necessary to make antibacterial washing, it is better to use a light tincture of green tea.
  5. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will also have a bactericidal effect, but here it is necessary to prepare the solution correctly so that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved.
  6. In the case when the mucous membrane in the nose constantly dries, you can use saline for droppers for irrigation.

6 Medical drops for the nose

Treat sinusitis necessarily with the use of drops. They help to remove the inflammation, dry the discharge from the nose, which allows you to quickly get rid of an unpleasant disease.

  1. Mixed in equal proportions juice Kalanchoe, aloe, water. The prepared drops are digested into each nostril by 2-3.
  2. If to the drops, which are indicated above, add a little honey, then they will have a bactericidal effect. Juice of raw beet. For an adult you can use undiluted juice.

7 Healing ointments

Ointments are great for nasal congestion, they can be used even at work, when sinusitis worries and does not allow you to focus on important things.

  1. For 30 g of glycerin, put 0.5 g of camphor and menthol and 3 g of iodine. This ointment should be applied 2-3 times a day.
  2. Instead of iodine, you can use in the recipe garlic juice - 5-7 drops. This recipe can be used in the absence of allergic reactions to garlic.
  3. 0.5 Menthol, 0.5 tsp.honey and 20 g of baby cream. This ointment can alternate with any of the proposed drops. She effectively copes with unpleasant symptoms of sinusitis throughout the night.

Very effectively help in the removal of inflammatory processes on the mucosa, improving the breathing of the nose at night with essential oils. With sinusitis, you can use butter of burdock, ginger, lemon, chamomile, cypress, juniper, tea tree, echinacea, cat's claw, eucalyptus. On the basis of them you can make drops in the nose, add them with inhalations, apply to the aroma lamp.

It's important to know! The use of essential oils in allergic sinusitis is strictly prohibited. Their smell can increase the allergic reaction and worsen the patient's condition.

8 Invalid treatment - a high risk of sinusitis

How to cure sinusitis with traditional medicine, only the doctor will tell. Any chosen prescription must necessarily be agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid the development of complications such as sinusitis.

Since the anatomical structure of the sinus sinuses is closely related to the maxillary sinuses, then with incorrect treatment and its complete absence, this disease very quickly passes into sinusitis. Further, viruses can freely occupy any part of the skull, thereby causing even more serious consequences, which can be lethal.

The most dangerous and common complication is an infection in the orbit. This leads to the development of puchoglazia, with the patient suffering the strongest pain.

If the acute form of sinusitis is left unaddressed, then it can also easily change into a chronic one. The patient will have to treat the unpleasant symptoms until the end of their days, which will be aggravated at least 2-4 times a year.

Also acute form very often provokes the development of neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. The pain syndrome will bother constantly, while the face will form an abscess, in the inner part of which will actively collect pus.

In chronic sinusitis, there is always a high probability of complete mucosal atrophy. A person completely loses his sense of smell, and a chronic cough may appear.

Sinusitis is a disease that everyone faces. It is easily treated even at home with the help of traditional medicine. The main thing - remember: only a preliminary consultation with a doctor, compliance with all of his recommendations will quickly get rid of the disease.

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