Hair loss from lamblia, why does a child get hair with giardiasis?

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In its clinical course, giardiasis can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. Each of them has its own symptoms. The acute phase begins with the appearance of a loose stool, in which there are no admixtures of blood or mucus. Then there is a sharp pain, it is localized in the podlozhechkovoy area. The bowel swells, the patient suffers from flatulence, an unpleasant eructation, a paroxysmal nausea and a headache. Children often experience an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees. The acute phase lasts for a week. Then the described symptoms disappear, but the lambliasis itself does not go away. The disease goes into a chronic phase. And now it can cause other uncharacteristic symptoms, such as hair loss.

Hair loss with giardiasis is a consequence of the prolonged action of pathological processes provoked by intestinal infection. Giardia, affecting the small intestine, settles in villi mucous of a hollow organ. They are attached to them using a suction disc. The mechanical effect adversely affects the functions of the villi of the small intestinal mucosa, responsible for the absorption processes of parietal juices. Parasitizing lamblia steals nutrients from a person. As a consequence - the lack of proteins and vitamins - the main elements of hair nutrition. That's why with prolonged lambliasis, hair begins to fall out, skin deteriorates, nails become brittle, painful cracks appear in the corners of the mouth.

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Why can hair fall out with giardiasis?

To understand why hair is climbing, a thorough analysis of other accompanying symptoms helps. Chronic giardiasis has several components. Syndrome complex includes the following complications:

  1. Chronic organization of the body of a child or an adult.
  2. Indigestion.
  3. Dysbacteriosis.

If baldness occurs against the background of skin rashes, neurodermatitis or eczema, it is an occasion to seek medical help and undergo the necessary diagnostic examination. Confirm chronic lambliasis is helped by feces analysis, blood test for antibodies, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. When you confirm the diagnosis, you must immediately begin treatment. Drug therapy can be combined with folk medication, but it is pointless to combat hair loss with the help of oils, herbal decoctions and therapeutic masks without drug-induced elimination of the cause of this pathological process. That is why when suspected of infection with Giardia, you must always seek help from the gastroenterologist.

Hair loss can be the result of taking antimicrobials, those prescribed by doctors to eliminate the infection. To check whether hair loss in a child or an adult is associated with therapy, it is not difficult. To do this, it is sufficient to cancel the course of taking the tablets, after this action, the hair must stop working.

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