Symptoms and treatment of paraproctitis, signs in men and women, temperature after surgery, do antibiotics work?

Paraproctitis is a very unpleasant disease that occurs due to the occurrence of inflammation and suppuration in the tissues that surround the rectal cavity. Paraproctitis is acute and chronic. Each of these forms has its own symptoms and methods for their treatment.

Acute paraproctitis in both men and women is characterized by a sudden onset and a rapid onset of symptoms: signs of general intoxication, the appearance of weakness and headaches, a decrease in appetite and a fever of 39 degrees, which causes a state of chills. In the acute form of the disease, there are disorders of the stool, which manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea and constipation, with very painful sensations in the act of defecation and false urges. Pain also appears during urination, localized in the lower abdomen in the cavity of the small pelvis, rectum and anus.

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis can vary along with the localization of the inflammatory process. If subcutaneous paraproctitis is observed, from the first days the disease will be accompanied by reddening of the skin, swelling and tightening of the tissues that surround the anus. In the process of palpation of this site there are sharp painful sensations, sometimes leading to the inability to sit.

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Other forms and visual signs of paraproctitis, in which deeper tissues are affected, are more difficult to diagnose, and mainly, over a large amount of time, only general symptoms of the disease will appear in patients. That's why many decide to solve the problem with treatment independently, and, therefore, often only worsen the situation, which contributes to an emergency appeal to a specialist. It often happens that there is a sharp improvement in the state of health, a reduction in painful sensations and a drop in temperature. In this case, there may be abundant purulent-bloody discharge. Such signs characterize the breakthrough of the abscess.

Symptoms of chronic paraproctitis

In a chronic type of disease, a pararectal fistula is formed - an unnatural canal, of a small size, the outer opening of which will open on the skin of the perineum, and is the first sign of the disease. By means of a fistula, in case of its good passableness, pus from an inflammatory focus is allocated. In the event that the outflow of pus is difficult, additional cavities form along the channel.

Symptoms of chronic paraproctitis are wavy, where periods of exacerbation are replaced by a phase of remission. In the phase of remission, the patient will be disturbed by the purulent-sacrificial branch from the fistula, and the pain symptoms are mostly absent. Due to persistent secretions, the skin around the fistula develops, which contributes to the appearance of itching and irritative reaction of the perineal skin.

In the case of an exacerbation, the lumen of the canal is closed by pus and dead tissue. Symptoms of acute paraproctitis begin to appear. It is worth noting that the independent healing of the fistula is impossible, therefore, even if during periods of exacerbation the symptoms appear rarely and do not greatly disturb the patient, it is still worthwhile to consult a specialist for the treatment of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of paraproctitis

Paraproctitis is treated only by surgical intervention. In some mild cases, antibiotics may be used. Immediately after the diagnosis is established, a surgical procedure is performed, in which a purulent focus is opened and drained. Since it is required that the muscles are completely relaxed, and the lesion area is qualitatively anesthetized, complete anesthesia is used. Surgical treatment of paraproctitis is carried out with the help of epidural or sacral anesthesia, in some cases general anesthesia can be used. Local anesthesia is not used for autopsy of pararectal abscesses.

In the process of such treatment, an abscess is found and opened, the contents are pumped out, then the crypt that is the source of the infection is located. After the foci of infection has been completely removed and the drainage of the abscess cavity has been carried out qualitatively, it is possible to count on the successful outcome of the treatment.

Before performing an operation intervention, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics is prescribed, which is often combined with physiotherapy.

In the case of chronic paraproctitis with prolonged course of remission, when several fistula canals are closed, surgical treatment will be postponed until the channel to be excised is clearly defined. Surgery is an expedient solution for getting rid of the symptoms with a well-visualized reference point - that is, if the fistula is open.

Paraproctic temperature

Acute paraproctitis is predominantly accompanied by a temperature increase of up to 39 degrees, in some severe cases, possibly even higher. However, the temperature rises not only during the course of the disease, but also after the operation to get rid of the disease.

In the first few days after the operation, the patient will necessarily have a subfebrile-type temperature. This condition is a sign of a normal reaction of the body, and mostly does not cause concern for specialists. But if it will stay for a long time or suddenly rise several days after paraproctitis operation, this is a testament to the onset of the development of inflammatory processes and requires urgent medical treatment.

Why can the temperature rise? This can be explained by several factors. So, any type of surgical intervention carries a stressful situation for the body, which will be accompanied by signs of weakening immunity. Also, the first few days after surgery, absorption of the decay products occurs, which occurred when the tissues are dissected. Another factor that can cause such a sign is considered to be loss of fluid by the body during surgery and because of the allocation of a wound secret.

In the case of paraproctitis treatment, cavitary surgical interventions are used that are predominantly severe, and may require a considerable amount of time for the recovery period. In the first week after the operation, there will always be an elevated temperature, and the further condition and possible manifestation of symptoms depends on the post-operative therapy and restorative processes of the body.

It should be noted that the temperature that rises above 38 degrees during the postoperative period, in almost all cases, is a sign of complications, which contributes to the appointment of antibiotics. Independent therapy is unacceptable. In the event that this happened after discharge from the hospital, you should immediately consult a specialist.

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