What is lacunar infarction of the brain and how is it treated?

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So, lacunar infarction( stroke) is a small in diameter( about 10-20 mm) brain damage, associated with a violation of the normal process of delivery of nutrients, minerals, oxygen to this area. This occurs as a result of vascular injury, the entry of blood clots, emboli, clots of bacteria into the capillaries, which causes a partial blockage of the feeding vessels. Most of these areas are found in the middle and deep layers of the brain, remote from the cortex. Often they affect lacunae - deepening of the medulla, while simultaneously capturing several sensitive areas.

It is believed that among all strokes, 30% are lacunar infarcts, that is, those that are directly related to the obstruction of blood vessels. In this case, the doctors themselves say that in men it occurs more often, but in 90% of cases it is found by accident( with MRI examination).The final diagnosis is made only after autopsy.

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The main danger of lacunar infarction is the absence of primary symptoms and pathogenesis. Only in 0.5% of cases the disease can be detected in advance, focusing on a visual examination of the patient, monitoring the work of the nervous system( reaction to light, coordination in space).When the symptoms become apparent, the disease may not be amenable to treatment. As a rule, everything begins with a speech disorder, followed by cerebral hemorrhage. If you do not give the patient timely help, everything will end in a lethal outcome.

2 Treatment of pathology

Before the appointment of a lacunar infarct treatment, the cause of its appearance must be established. It can be:

  • diabetes mellitus( blood clotting is disrupted);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infectious inflammation of arterioles;
  • hyaline dystrophy;
  • ingress of a clot into the vessels of the brain;
  • congenital pathology;
  • is constantly high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate all the consequences of lacunar stroke. The damaged area of ​​the brain is recovered only partially, and it will take a huge amount of time. The only thing that doctors can do is to prevent the patient from deteriorating. But whether his reflexes will be restored depends solely on the regenerative capabilities of the patient himself. Lacunar stroke - this is damage to the brain cells, which can affect, among other things, the behavior of the patient. And any diseases of this nature, although cured, but no doctor will give any guarantees.

After a stroke, the only thing left to do is to carefully monitor blood pressure and periodically examine the circulatory system for blood clots.

The first leads to further deformation of arterioles, the second - to the emergence of a new focus of lacunar infarction.

Is it possible to prevent zonal brain damage in advance? Doctors only spread their hands to the sides and repeat the well-known advice: to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, not to ignore the fact of hypertension, to abandon bad habits, to observe the regime of healthy sleep. As surprising as it may sound, but when they are performed, the probability of developing a stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced 70 times.

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