After each meal, diarrhea, diarrhea every day after eating

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In the case when a person has diarrhea after each meal, it is a functional diarrhea. This phenomenon occurs very often and delivers to people who have a great inconvenience, disrupting the quality of their usual life. But rarely, what kind of person, suffering from this pathology, turns to a specialist. In most cases, all patients expect that their diarrhea will disappear after each meal, or they try to ease their condition by taking medication alone. They do not even think that a liquid chair of this form is not a harmless phenomenon, and without professional help it can not cope with it.

Diarrhea every day after a meal can have different causes of origin, but most cases of such a condition can be provoked by toxins, viruses, bacteria or parasites. The range of pathological conditions caused by a liquid stool of different severity can range from a mild indisposition that occurs during or immediately after a meal, to very severe ailments that cause severe dehydration and that can lead to death. Factors capable of provoking this functional disorder will be the following:

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  1. The amount and quality of food that has fallen into the human gastrointestinal tract. If it has large volumes or is difficult to digest, it will threaten the acceleration of intestinal peristalsis and the increase in the amount of bacteria in it;
  2. Diarrhea after each meal can occur due to the deterioration of the intestinal mucosa and directly the enzymes secreted by the pancreas, stomach and liver. In this case diarrhea will be caused almost immediately after filling the stomach. In such a situation, a specialist can not do without qualified help.

If, after each meal, the patient's chair significantly dilutes and diarrhea appears, this indicates that significant functional changes occur in the bowel. Gone in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the food moves along them with considerable acceleration and can not be properly digested and absorbed. There are several reasons for this state of affairs:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, referred to in the people as a "bear illness", appears when there are abnormalities in the work of the nervous system. In this case, the appearance of diarrhea after each meal is affected by prolonged stress. The most vivid manifestation of this syndrome happens among students during the session;
  • Disturbance of the intestinal microflora, caused by a disturbed diet or prolonged intake of antibiotics, can also provoke such a condition;
  • Spoiled or unfamiliar food also leads to the development of diarrhea.

Treatment and prevention of diarrhea after each meal

Daily liquid stools, the causes, diagnosis and therapy of which are related, requires special attention. Only with carefully conducted appropriate studies it is possible to identify with the greatest accuracy the factors that contributed to the development of diarrhea, and also to select an adequate method of treatment that will not allow the occurrence of possible serious consequences. If you deal with self-medication in this case, you can not only not get rid of a serious syndrome, but also allow its transition into a chronic form.

During the therapy of diarrhea that occurs after each meal, it is necessary to restore the resources lost by the body due to the release of watery feces. To do this, using special solutions sold without a prescription, or mineral water, restore the disturbed water-salt balance. Also, in cases where diarrhea is caused by food ingestion, any food intake should be temporarily discontinued, and after every liquid feces exit, take a Smecta-type preparation.

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