Atrophic and subatrophic gastritis of the stomach: signs of atrophy of the mucosa and treatment of the disease

Many people with GI diseases do not know what atrophic gastritis means. This ailment is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the stomach, while the number of functioning cells decreases.

A person suffering from this kind of malaise, practically does not notice a pronounced symptomatology. The patient at the first stages, does not experience discomfort, therefore does not attach special importance to the problem that has appeared.

Gastritis with mucosal atrophy affects the cells, so they stop producing gastric juice. Most often atrophy.the process appears in those who suffer from low acidity.

Do not think that a person with high acidity can not have a similar disease. This is due to the fact that acidity is amenable to correction. Atrophic gastritis of the stomach can become a provoker of cancer. If you do not start treatment in time, serious consequences can arise. It is for this reason, it is better not to delay with the recovery process.

Gastritis with signs of mucosal atrophy

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Symptoms of such a disease directly depend on how much the atrophic process is expressed. The disease can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Expressed.
  2. Moderately pronounced.
  3. Atrophic-hyperplastic.

The initial death of cells begins at the bottom of the stomach, in the place where the parietal cells are located. After a while, an intensive rarefaction of cells begins, in connection with which, the digestive process is disrupted. In addition to all this, there is a decrease in the production of such elements as gastromucoprotein, pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid.

Gastritis with signs of atrophy has the following symptoms:

  • The patient experiences overcrowding, and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, after eating food.
  • Belching with air, which can be felt rotten aftertaste, bitterness and dryness in the mouth.
  • Appetite worsens, thereby causing weight loss. If the process is not stopped, the body is exhausted.
  • The chair is constantly changing from constipation to diarrhea and back.
  • After eating food containing carbohydrates, the patient feels dizzy, sweated, and weak.
  • Sense of saturation with small portions.
  • Subatrophic gastritis causes dryness and pallor of the skin.
  • Lack of vitamin A affects the eyesight.
  • The lack of vitamin C affects the bleeding of the gums, breaking the hair and nails.

When atrophy is started.the process on the skin there are pustules. Weakened immunity becomes exposed to infectious, viral and fungal diseases. Noticing such changes, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Diagnosis of gastritis

Having noticed all the signs of the disease, you should immediately go to the hospital to undergo endoscopy and gastroscopy. Thanks to these studies, you can determine how much the walls of the stomach have been depleted.

During the diagnosis, the specialist will carefully examine the duodenum, esophagus. If a person suffers from an atrophic gastrointestinal disease, his mucosa will have a pale gray color and obvious damage. The final diagnosis of the doctor will be made after he analyzes a piece of tissue taken from the body.

Diagnostics is an integral part of further decontamination. Thanks to the analysis, the doctor can correctly determine the progressiveness of the disease and prescribe the right medicine.

Gastritis atrophic: treatment of

Everyone should know that atrophied cells can not be restored, but the spread of the disease can be stopped. There is a huge number of microstructural manifestations of the disease, so there is no single approach to treatment. In each case, the doctor prescribes appropriate procedures. It all depends how much the focus has spread to the duodenum.

Despite the individuality of the recovery process, there is a medical solution stopping the disease atrophic gastritis.

To get rid of the disease of the digestive tract you need:

  • Get rid of the pain. With severe pain, it is recommended to use holinolics such as No-shpa, Buskopan and others.
  • When the pain passes, stimulate the digestive tract. To act on the stomach most often doctors prescribe to their patients Tsekural or Motilium.
  • Recovery can not proceed normally without therapy. When the secretion of hydrochloric acid is disrupted, it is necessary to use natural gastric juice and preparations related to the enzymes of the pancreas.
  • The patient must necessarily consume vitamin B12, folic acid, and in the case of anemia, iron should also be used.
  • It will be nice if a person suffering from such a disease as gastritis with atrophy, visit a sanatorium where you can undergo spa treatment.

Regardless of the course of treatment and complication of the disease, the patient must comply with the diet:

  • The food must be cooked for a couple of meals.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat cold or hot dishes.
  • Acute, fried, smoked, salted and sour dish is prohibited.
  • You should also forget about alcohol-containing drinks and coffee. You can drink weak tea and cocoa, so as not to provoke atrophy gastritis.
  • It is recommended to eat fish, soup, kashka, vegetables and fruits. In small quantities you can drink milk, but only if it is not sour.
  • I'll have to give up candy and cakes.

Many doctors recommend that their patients perform various kinds of exercises, as well as monitor weight changes. We must try to avoid stressful situations. It is necessary to build your daily routine, as there must be a balance between work and rest.

In addition to the drugs that the doctor prescribed, you can use a decoction made of rose hips. Thanks to the content of vitamins and trace elements, it promotes a speedy recovery.

It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of leaves and wild rose berries, after which pour 500 ml.water. The mixture should be put on fire. The broth should boil for about 10 minutes. It is better to use a folk remedy every time before eating. It should be remembered that it is recommended to drink at least 6 weeks, otherwise the result will be weak.

Consequences that causes atrophic gastritis

The main consequence of this gastrointestinal disease is that the disease can smoothly pass into stomach cancer. Particularly affected are people who have low acidity. With improper functioning of the stomach, the negative influence of carcinogens develops, and the protection of the stomach decreases several times. The risk of cancer in people who have an atrophy.gastritis rises approximately five times.

Everyone would like to avoid the appearance of cancer, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to predict its appearance. The only way out is diagnosis and timely optimal treatment in the early stages of the disease. After diagnosis, you can easily see atrophic gastritis photo, which the doctor will carefully examine. In addition, according to the picture, one can clearly see at what stage it is located.

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