Spasms with gastritis

Many doctors consider gastritis a disease of the century. And not in vain, because they are sick no less than half of humanity. And in the risk zone, not only adults, but also children. This disease implies that there are problems with the mucous layer of the stomach. One of the symptoms often are painful spasms in the upper abdomen.this manifestation is most characteristic of hypoacid and atrophic gastritis.

The first of these is related to the problems of internal secretion. Acidity in this case is understated. Atrophic gastritis is a kind of chronic form of the disease. This type is extremely dangerous because without treatment can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Both cases of the disease are accompanied by painful spasms. In addition, both types of the disease develop for the same reasons.

What causes spasms?

There are a number of the most frequent irritants for this symptom:

  • Prolonged harmful food. This is the consumption of fatty and spicy food, regular drinking of sweet carbonated drinks.
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  • Overeating. Usually, such an eating disorder is replaced by small periods of food in small portions. Strongly stretched and sick stomach begins to suffer frantically in spasms.
  • Smoking. This bad habit is on the second place in the list of the main causes of gastritis. Often, nicotine malfunctions in the body lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Nervous overvoltage. Long-term stress at work, school or at home leads to problems with the digestive system. With the help of nutrition, one gets energy for life. Long periods of fear or resentment break this basic factory of forces, which crushes the human body. Almost immediately appears pristavuchy gastritis and spoils life.
  • Course of medicines. Long-term use of drugs often changes the intestinal microflora, and also disables the stomach. This inflammation contributes to the appearance of heartburn, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Usually, spasms last no longer than a couple of days. But with gastritis in acute form, seizures can last longer. Please note that sometimes spasms indicate rather serious problems with the body. If in combination there is also vomiting with blood - be sure to call a doctor. Help is also needed if the mucous membranes of the eyes have a strange color. Also, be careful with a long absence of appetite, severe malaise and prolonged pallor.

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