Amidopyrin: dosage forms, prices, composition, contraindications, reviews

Amidopyrine is a remedy for the elimination of headaches, which has been used to lower body temperature and to stop inflammation as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Instructions for use in medicine, the price of Amidopyrin, reviews and analogues of the drug are discussed below.

Features of the preparation

Composition of Amidopyrin

Amidopyrinum is the Latin name for the preparation containing 100 mg of sodium benzoate( caffeine) and 250 mg of dimethylaminopyrazolone, which is an active substance. The chemical formula of the preparation Amidopyrin, taking into account two chemical compounds, 2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-4-dimethylaminopyrazolone-5 pyramidone.

Next, the shape and price of Amidopyrin in Russia are discussed.

Dosage forms and prices

Amidopyrine is produced in three dosage forms:

  1. Tabletted .It is produced since the Soviet times in a package of 6 tablets. In Soviet times it was known under the name "Pyramidon".Tablets Amidopirina white or whitish in color with a gray tinge.
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  3. Powder .A crystalline white powder with a not very pronounced bitter taste. The powder is poorly soluble in water and well enough in ethyl alcohol.
  4. Injection .Ampoules with a solution of Amidopyrin are produced with different capacities: 10, 5 and 1 ml each. Ampoules contain a solution of amidopyrine of 2% or 4% concentration. Ampoules are packed in 10 or 100 pieces in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action


The anti-inflammatory effect of Amidopyrin is associated with the expansion of peripheral vessels( mainly - the vessels of the brain) and the improvement of local blood circulation. The magnitude of blood pressure after taking Amidopirin does not change, since peripheral vasodilation shows a small and unstable narrowing of the vessels of the central direction.

An analgesic effect is associated with a change in the lumen of the blood vessels and the effect of the constituent components of the drug on the nerve centers of the hypothalamus. One of the hypothalamic nuclei is responsible for the release of pyrogenic substances causing an increase in temperature. The blockade of the exciting processes of this nucleus leads to the arrest of a febrile symptom.


The end products of Amidopyrin are excreted through the urinary system and sweat glands. Urine after consuming Amidopyrin has a bright red color. Intermediate products have a toxic effect on hepatocytes of the liver, where the metabolism of the drug occurs. Joint use with sulfonamides leads to skin allergic reactions. Long-term use of Amidopyrin is fraught with the emergence of agranulocytosis.

The final decay products are rubrane and methyl-rubrazonic acids, 4-aminoantipyrine and methylaminoantipyrine.


Duration of admission Amidopyrin and dosage for treatment is determined by the doctor who prescribes the drug. The purpose of Amidopyrin may be associated with:

  • headache;
  • by muscular and articular inflammation;
  • high temperature;
  • pain associated with nerve topography;
  • by the rheumatic origin of acute joint pain in pediatric patients;
  • joint damage by rheumatic and inflammatory process;
  • inflammatory process in the striated muscle of any etiology;
  • Choroid Syndromes;
  • for elimination of hyperthermia in hemorrhagic stroke;
  • dyshidrotic eczema;
  • is an inflammation of the peripheral nerves.

The following is an instruction for the use of tablets and other forms of Amidopyrin for children and adults.

Instruction for use

  • Tablets are taken orally no more than 1.2 grams per day, based on a four-fold intake. Acute rheumatic conditions are stopped by a dose of 3 g per day. One-time intake of the drug should be calculated from the scheme: 1 year of life - 0.2 g.
  • In the stage of remission of rheumatic condition, Amidopyrin should be maintained at a daily dose of 0.6 g. The treatment is continued until the symptoms of rheumatism disappear completely.
  • As an anti-migraine agent, amidopyrine is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day.
  • In children( up to 12 years) from amidopirin is better to refuse, but if necessary, the daily dose should not exceed 0.15 g only with a single daily intake.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to prescribe Amidopyrin if the threat to the life of the mother is not greater than the possible harm to the fetus or baby.

Contraindications to

The basis for withdrawal from the Russian production of Amidopyrin was the observation of patients taking a long-term drug. Most of them showed changes in the hematological picture, often irreversible. Before excluding Amidopyrin from the nomenclature of medicinal substances in Russia, the medicine was rejected in Europe and the West.

With short-term admission of Amidopyrin, health problems may occur in patients with:

  • biochemical and cytological abnormalities in the blood;
  • lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  • hemorrhage of the stomach and intestinal mucosa;
  • medium and severe liver function abnormalities;
  • abnormalities in blood clotting;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • of individual intolerance to components of Amidopyrin;
  • marked by convulsive activity.

Side effects of

The dangerous side effects of the drug are:

  • deviations in the formation of blood cells( agranulocytosis);
  • skin disorders( pruritus, rash);
  • allergic reactions of a sharp nature( anaphylactic shock);
  • skin edema;
  • sleep disorders both in the direction of decreasing, and in the direction of increase.

With prolonged use of Amidopyrin, it is required to periodically perform a diagnostic blood test to determine the concentration of the formed elements and prevent agranulocytosis.

Special instructions

  • Amidopyrin is able to inhibit the synthesis of white blood cells - leukocytes, especially inhibiting the production of monocytes and granular white blood cells.
  • The shelf life of the drug should not exceed 3 years.
  • Storage conditions - low temperature, dark place. Strictly prohibited as a means of self-treatment.

Interaction with other medicinal substances

  • When using Amidopyrin, consideration should be given to the inadmissibility of joint use with acid-containing medicinal substances, for example, Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Amidopyrine in the form of injections can not be used together with metal-derived alkaloids due to the precipitation of alkaloids in the form of insoluble hydroxides.
  • Due to the mutual arrangement of the substituent groups in the molecules, the interaction of Amidopyrin with oxidative drugs should not be tolerated.
  • In powder form the preparation is not used together with Tsinghonfen, Menthol, Phenylsalicylate, Timol and Resorcinum due to the formation of eutectic mixtures.
  • Do not use with drops Otyrelax, a medicine Dyuzifon.


Despite the proven harm to health from prolonged use of Amidopyrin, the drug is in demand in the part of the population of Russia that has become accustomed to using it. So, Tamara writes: "Who said that ketoral and paracetamol are less harmful than pyramidone( amidopyrine)?Nevertheless, they do not disappear from the pharmacy counters. I have used Amidopyrine for many years as an analgesic, now I am unhappy with its absence. I ask you to return his production, because he did not do any harm to me or to my friends. "

Ludmila, a social networking user, claims that the short-term use of the pyramidon put her on her feet after the illness in 2 days. Svetlana claims that the drug returns to the pharmacy counters and does not exclude its use, although it believes that its use should be strictly following the instructions, since taking the drug during pregnancy increases the incidence of children with anomalies in organ development( teratogenic effect).

For analogues of Amidopyrin in Russia, read below.


In analogues of Amidopyrin, 2 groups are noted:

  1. In addition to Amidopyrin, the tablets contain other analgesics( analgin, phenacetin, dibasol) - Novomigrofen, Piranal, Pirafen, Pirkofen, Pyramene, Pyramin. Analogues for the active substance - Amidozofen, Amidofepbrin, Aneuxol, Dimapirin, Dipirin, Novamidon, Pyrazorin, Pyrazon, Piradon, Stellamidon.
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