Serno-tar ointment: composition, instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews

The product contains natural ingredients. Is a safe means. Several generations on their experience have tested its effectiveness in the treatment of skin diseases. Price and reviews about sulfuric-dyagtern ointment, its analogs, indications and instructions for use will be discussed in this article.

Features of the preparation

The product is intended for external use. The mixture has the smell of tar. Ointment of a thick consistency, the color of the drug mass is gray-brown.

Composition of sulfuric-dyagmatic ointment

The preparation consists of three ingredients:

  • basic:
    • sulfur,
    • birch tar;
  • additional:
    • petroleum jelly.

About where you can buy sulfur-tar tar, and what its price in pharmacies, we will tell below.

Dosage Forms

Many people are interested in where the sulfur-tar ointment for man is sold. In pharmacies, especially those that make drugs on prescriptions.

The product is available as an ointment. The capacity of a glass jar is calculated for 20 g. The cost of such a package is approximately 406 rubles.

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Pharmacological action

The drug is able to exert a complex effect on damaged skin areas:

  • insecticidal,
  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal,
  • is locally irritating.


Synergistic interaction of the components of the agent causes its influence on the body.

  • Sulfur has the property, upon contact with the skin, to interact with substances of an organic nature, resulting in the production of pentathionic acid and sulphides. This phenomenon gives the agent an insecticidal and antibacterial property. The substances that are obtained when sulfur is applied to the skin interact well with tar, enhancing its useful effect. Sulfides contribute to the cleansing of skin from dead cells and act as a restoring agent.
  • Tar kills harmful bacteria, fights insects that can parasitize humans, including mites that cause scabies. Tar prevents the reproduction of parasites, has the ability to adversely affect their smooth muscles. The tar is also controlled with fungi. The ingredient, in addition, has a locally irritating property.
  • Vaseline helps the mixture take the consistency of the ointment and delegates its properties to softening and healing cracks. Vaseline also helps the skin get rid of peeling.


How the drug is absorbed and how the substance is excreted by the body through the skin, no studies have been performed. It is known that Vaseline, which is part of the product as an additional substance, does not have the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and, therefore, does not enter the circulatory system either.

On whether sulfur-tar ointment helps in demodectic, psoriasis, from deprivation we will tell further.


The agent is recommended for use in such cases:

  • fungal infection:
    • multi-colored lichen,
    • ringworm;
    • seborrhea( oily, dry and mixed);
  • scabies( including scabious, clean, Norwegian, typical).

Sulfur ointment treat affected areas with pubic lice.

Instruction for use

  • Ointment is used by applying a thin layer on the affected areas of the skin. The product is rubbed lightly.
  • The procedure is carried out up to two times a day. In the case when the disease caused infiltration of the skin, a bandage is applied to the ointment, which blocks the possibility of air penetration under it - the occlusive dressing.
  • If the patient has scabies, then the course of treatment with the drug is recommended 5 days. The agent is applied to the entire body, the ointment is not applied to the head area.
  • Before the procedure and a day after the end of the course of treatment, it is recommended to change bed and underwear and wash under the shower.

Similar recommendations for the treatment of ringworm. This disease has the following symptoms:

  • inflammatory spots of pink color on the skin,
  • the surface of the spots is peeling,
  • foci of the disease are clearly delineated,
  • is affected:
    • scalp,
    • places on the skin where there are fleecy hair,
    • and the disease is able to hit:
      • eyelashes,
      • beard,
      • eyebrows,
      • mustache.

The carriers of the disease are diseased animals, as well as wool, which has remained on various objects.


If the patient has an individual intolerance to one or all of the ingredients of the drug, then it is not prescribed for use. Usually ointment does not cause allergic reactions.

To determine if a patient can use a sulfur-tar ointment, the patient is recommended to make a test for a possible allergic reaction. For this, a small area of ​​skin is applied with an ointment. After several hours, re-spread the test area. If the skin during the experiment did not react with undesirable phenomena on it, then the drug can be used for treatment.

Side effects of

The possible adverse effects of the drug include the reaction of the body to the components of the ointment in the form of allergies.

Special instructions

  • Ointment is a natural preparation. Not addictive. Its use in the treatment of infections of bacteriological and parasitic origin brings a positive effect and does not have harmful irreversible consequences.
  • The drug has long been used in veterinary practice. Care should be taken when caring for a sick animal so as not to become infected.
  • Ointment can stop the progression of psoriasis. In cosmetology, the remedy is used to solve the problem of acne.
  • A physician may prescribe a scheme for using a remedy other than that given in the instructions that describe how to use the ointment.

Interaction with other drugs

There is no information about whether the sulfur-tar ointment is interacting with other agents. The components of the composition are also not noticed in the fact that their application affects the action of other substances.


Users are well informed about the drug. They note that the effectiveness of the drug is not inferior to modern expensive drugs. Apply adults and children.

Patients did not notice side effects and appreciate the ointment for its safety. The users used the remedy for scabies and lichen. During the week, they achieved a positive result.


Preparations that contain the same ingredients but have a different trade name are not manufactured by the manufacturers.

About sulfuric-dyagtern ointment, as well as other drugs from scabies will tell this video:

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