Skin-cap: instructions for use, composition, analogue, price

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Skin-cap is a drug about which there are many contradictory rumors. The manufacturer for a long time kept silent about the hormonal substances in its composition. The World Health Organization, on the basis of studies conducted, stated that there is an aggressive corticosteroid substance in Skin-Cap with a lot of side effects.

But in some cases, the drug is really indispensable in the treatment of skin diseases. The constant monitoring by the attending physician and the patient during the Skin-Kap therapy gives good results.

Features of the preparation

Skin-cap is a medicinal product intended for external use. The drug has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Skin-cap forms

Dosage forms

Skin-cap is available in several convenient forms:

  • The manufacturer offers cream-ointment 0.2% with the following packaging: plastic tubes of 15 and 50 grams, and soft sachets of 5 grams each. Any of the options has an individual packing of cardboard.
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  • Aerosol 0,2% is available in aluminum cans of 35, 70 and 100 ml, packed in cardboard packs. The kit includes a spray head and a nozzle for treating the area of ​​the scalp.
  • 1% shampoo can be purchased in two versions: a 150 ml plastic bottle in a carton box or a box with a 5-sachet of 5 g.

Skin-cap composition

Dosage form Active substance Additional components
Cream Zirconium pyrithioneactivated form) Glycerin monostearate, glycerin distearate, capryl caprylate, methyldextrose polyglyceryl distearate, isopropyl palmitate, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, butylhydroxytoluene, sucrose, stearyl alcohol, fatty acid coconut oil(activated form) Polysorbate, isopropyl myristate, trolamine, ethanol, propellants, water
Shampoo Zinc pyrithione( activated form) Propylbetaine amide of coconut oil fat, TegoPerly C-96, Tego sulfonate 2427, macrogol copolymer, dimethicone copolymer, propylene glycol copolymer, sodium lauryl sulfate,

flavorings. Prices

Skin-cap preparation belongs to the category of expensive. The average price in the country's pharmacies:

  • cream 15 g - 1000 rub
  • aerosol 35 g - 1700 rub
  • shampoo 150 ml - 1350 rub

Pharmacological action

The main active substance Skin-capa, zinc pyrithione, effectively fights against fungi and microbes. The drug inhibits the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.


Zirricium pyrithione lowers ATP content inside cells, provokes death of fungi and bacteria, inhibits division of infected cells, disregarding normally dividing cells. The death of parasites is due to a decrease in the energy reserves of cells under the influence of the drug. Skin-cap not only eliminates external manifestations of the disease, but eliminates their causes.


External application of the drug contributes to its accumulation in the upper layers of the skin and slow systemic absorption into the deep layers. Remains of the active substance are detected in the blood.


Skin-cap is prescribed for adults and children over 1 year of age in the following cases:

Formulation Indications for use
Cream Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis
Aerosol Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis
Shampoo psoriasis, seborrhea dry or oily, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruffAtopic dermatitis of the scalp

Instruction for use

Any dosage form of Skin-Kapa is intended for external use and is accompanied by instructions.


Dosage form How to use
Cream For any indications, treatment of affected areas with cream is done 2 to 3 per day. The duration of therapy for psoriasis is at least 5 weeks, with seborrhea it is 2 weeks. In other cases, the therapy continues until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated. In case of an exacerbation, a second course is prescribed. With the constant use of the cream in patients with psoriasis, there are long periods of remission with a decrease in the severity of the disease during periods of exacerbation.
Aerosol The preparation should treat affected areas of the skin, keeping the canister about 15 cm apart. Two to three procedures are required per day. On the scalp, the product is applied with a special nozzle included in the kit. After eliminating the external symptoms of the disease, treatment should continue to be done for another seven days.
Shampoo Skin-cap shampoo is prescribed for two weeks. The number of procedures - 2 - 3 times in seven days. During one procedure, the product is applied to wet hair twice. The first time the skin needs to be massaged well, letting the agent do its job. The second time the shampoo should be left on the head for 5 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly.

For children and newborns

  • For children under the age of one, the drug is not prescribed.
  • Given that the manufacturer has not indicated the content of the drug clobetasol, you should refrain from treating the drug with children under 6 years old.

In pregnancy and lactation

There is no information on the adverse effects of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy and on the baby during breastfeeding. In these periods of time, women are prescribed Skin-Cap if the intended benefit from its use is higher than the possible harm.


Skin-cap is not recommended for use if a patient's hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected. It is also contraindicated for simultaneous use with drugs containing glucocorticosteroids.

Given that the manufacturer does not specify the content of the preparation of clobetasol, it can additionally be noted the following contraindications: perioral dermatitis, acne, infectious skin diseases, skin neoplasms.

People in this video share their impressions of using Skin Cap:

Side effects of

  • When applying any Skin-Cap dosage form, the patient may feel slight burning at the treatment site. In a similar situation, the drug is not canceled.
  • Few cases of allergic reactions to the drug have been reported.

For long-term therapy, the following adverse reactions due to clobetasol not indicated in the formulation can occur:

  • skin pigmentation
  • hypertrichosis
  • stria
  • atrophy of the skin space
  • acne vulgaris
  • pustular psoriasis

Complications can occur when treating extensive skin areas:

  • increase in intraocular pressure
  • gastritis
  • ulcers on the mucosa of the digestive tract
  • numbness of the extremities
  • folliculitis

Special instructions

  • The preparation in the form of shampoo does not affect the color and general condition of the hair.
  • In case of contact with eyes, flushing with large volume of water is required.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended simultaneous therapy with Skin-Cap with glucocorticosteroid agents, also intended for external use. There are no other data on drug interaction.


Most reviews on the application of Skin-Cap are positive. They note the convenience of using all dosage forms, their high efficiency. Patients talk about relief from the first days of the drug.

According to reviews, it often helps even in severe cases, when for a long time it was impossible to cope with the help of other drugs. High price is the justification for the high effectiveness of the drug. Side effects are observed only in rare cases. More often than not, the question arises about the content of hormonal substances in the preparation.


Among the drugs with a similar effect due to the content of the same active substance in them, we can distinguish the following:

  • zinc oxide Friederm Zinc
  • Pyrithione Zinc

Domestic counterparts of the Skin-Cap preparation have a lower cost.

Negative review of Skin Cap is given in this video:

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