Sodium thiosulfate and alcohol: compatibility, effects, interaction in the treatment of alcoholism

Sodium thiosulfate is used in the aversive therapy of alcoholism as a medicine for developing a conditioned reflex aversion to taste, smell, and the kind of alcohol. But, unlike other aversive drugs, sodium thiosulfate does not harm health.

Sodium thiosulfate - properties

Sodium thiosulfate is a complexing medical preparation with the property of binding toxins, heavy metal salts, halogens. The medicine serves as an antidote to aniline, phenols, mercury, arsenic, lead.

Sodium thiosulfate is used in the food industry as a food emulsifier E 539, used in medicine for the treatment of burns, psoriasis, asthma, alcoholism, toxicoses. The drug is easily tolerated, improves the health of patients, cleanses the body of poisonous metabolic products, reduces craving for alcohol.

Release sodium thiosulfate in the form:
  • powder for injection, ingestion;
  • ampoule with 30% solution for injection.


The drug is prescribed intravenously and for oral administration for poisoning, allergies, arthritis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, eczema, scabies. The drug is used by folk medicine for cleansing at home liver, intestines, treatment of the consequences of intoxication, binge drinking.

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Sodium thiosulfate is considered a safe drug, it is used to treat older people, prescribe to children, but with caution because of the lack of data on its effect on the child's body.

Thanks to the ability to purify the body of toxins, the drug is used for a hangover, treatment of alcohol withdrawal, alcohol coma.


The drug is not used to treat pregnant, lactating women, in case of high sensitivity to the drug. Contraindicated drug with high blood pressure, liver, kidney, heart, swelling of the extremities.


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In the therapeutic dose, the drug does not cause negative effects, all negative effects are usually associated with an overdose that manifests itself:

  • with high anxiety;
  • vision impairment;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • joint pain;
  • development of psychosis;
  • hallucinations.

Compatibility with alcohol

Sodium thiosulfate when used with alcohol causes a reflex reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, the autonomic nervous system, which produces a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.

The detoxification effect of sodium thiosulfate is not at the moment when ethyl alcohol enters the bloodstream, but after taking alcohol. The drug neutralizes ethanol and its toxic metabolite acetaldehyde in the liver with a hangover, alcohol abstinence.

Possible consequences of

Already 20 minutes after drinking alcohol against the background of sodium thiosulfate treatment, there are:

  • disorder of the stool;
  • poor coordination;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • heartbeat;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness.

The combination of alcohol with treatment can cause not only an immediate negative reaction, but also lead to long-term consequences that are characterized by:

  • impaired liver function;
  • reduced therapeutic effect;
  • negative side effects.

Rules for combining

In the treatment of sodium thiosulfate, aversion to alcohol is produced for a long time. The patient does not feel the need to drink alcohol, moreover, even the appearance of alcohol disgusts him.

But over time, a negative reaction to ethyl alcohol softens, and it may be a question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol after treatment with sodium thiosulfate.

In the treatment of alcoholism

During treatment, which lasts about 3 weeks, alcohol is strictly contraindicated. It can not be combined with sodium thiosulfate even in the smallest doses.

Drinking alcohol after a course of sodium thiosulfate injection can cause a violent reaction of the body, after which a relapse of the disease is possible. After alcoholism treatment, ethyl alcohol is banned forever.

In the treatment of diseases

If sodium thiosulfate is not used for the treatment of alcoholism but is prescribed for medical reasons against arthritis, eczema, gynecological diseases and other diseases, it is possible to take alcohol after the medicine only after a few days.

Although sodium thiosulfate is excreted within an hour, it is impossible to make a decision on its own. Before you go to an event with alcohol, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of drinking.

After drinking alcohol before treatment with sodium thiosulfate, a sufficient time should be allowed to completely remove ethanol from the blood. You can calculate this time interval using an alcohol calculator. Depending on the weight, age of the person, as well as the amount drunk, the result will be different.

About treatment with this drug should be prevented and when referring to other doctors, because sodium thiosulfate is not compatible with certain medicines.

Use of the drug in the treatment of alcoholism

Sodium thiosulfate is used to treat alcoholism, as a means by which a reflex response from the digestive system and the central nervous system to ethyl alcohol is produced.

Treatment Scheme

A 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate is administered in the form of daily intravenous fluids, and treatment continues for 16-20 days. Then injections are done 3 times a week, gradually reducing the number of injections to 1 injection per month. The treatment plan is appointed by the attending psychiatrist-narcologist.

To fix the result, the treatment courses are repeated. The courses are prescribed both for therapeutic and preventive purposes 2 times a year. Before the treatment and during therapy, alcohol can not be taken.

Instruction for use

The dosage of the drug to each patient is selected individually, it can not be changed because of the possibility of overdose and the occurrence of side effects. Typically, the patient is administered daily 15 ml of a solution of sodium thiosulfate along with other drugs.

Results of

The result of treatment is noticeable as early as 2-12 days. The smell, the taste of ethyl alcohol causes a gag reflex on the part of the stomach, dizziness, sweating, palpitation of the nervous system.

With successful treatment, one look at alcohol causes vomiting, literally turning a person inside out. Along with vomit, salivation, lacrimation, nasal discharge, coughing increase.

A stable result is fixed for a long time, and there are no relapses in patients who have been treated with sodium thiosulfate.

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