Ulcers on the skin: the causes of the onset, symptoms and therapies

The upper layer of the epidermis is most often affected by external environmental factors, and changes in temperature, pressure and mechanical influences can cause skin lesions of various types. Ulcers on the skin surface are most often the result of disturbances in certain processes in the human body, which cause a significant slowdown in the rate of recovery of the upper layer of the epidermis and its functions.

Today we'll talk about the types, symptoms, the causes of ulcers on the skin, their treatment and diet with them, we'll review photos of patients and share with you useful advice.

What is a skin ulcer

Damage to the skin surface is usually restored after a certain time;However, there are several reasons why the recovery process is slowing down. At the same time, necrotic tissues that have already lost their functions and do not participate in the vital activity of the whole organism are eliminated, and in their place tissues are formed either very slowly or not at all. Such places are usually called ulcers that do not heal for a long time and cause a lot of inconvenience.

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All sorts of painful conditions of a person that affect the work of any organ system or on a certain organ, have an effect on the process of regeneration of skin cells. Because of violations in their work, there is a deterioration in the activity of the immune system, which is responsible for the recovery processes in the body, in particular, the suspension of skin regeneration.

In places where necrotic tissue has already disappeared, but a new tissue has not yet formed, and ulcers are formed. Their long non-healing surface worsens the appearance of the skin, becomes a "gateway", which is constantly open for rapid penetration into the body of numerous infections. Metabolic disorders also play a role in the appearance of ulcers on the skin, because it produces the fastest food of the body cells and their formation. And for any, even minor violations, certain substances are more slowly entering the organs( and the skin), not allowing to increase the rate of formation of young and healthy cells of the epidermis.

Their classification

Depending on the site of ulceration, the causes of the occurrence( organic disorders, the consequence of mechanical skin disorders, external environmental effects), as well as the consequences of these violations of the integrity of the skin can have a certain classification. In this case, the method of treating this pathological condition of the skin is determined by belonging to a particular species.

Based on the listed factors, skin ulcers can be classified as follows:

  • ulcers caused by due to traumatic injuries to caused by mechanical effects of various types - radiation, chemical, electrical, mechanical, thermal;
  • skin damage due to development of malignant and benign tumors - their surface is often covered with ulcers( this may be sarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis);
  • with arterial blood flow disorders - blood diseases, scurvy, diabetes, anemia;
  • ingestion of infections of various origin;
  • with neurotrophic disorders - tumors of various nature, progressive paralysis;
  • occurrence of disorders and changes in the tissues of the walls of the vessels - Reynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, syphilitic aortitis, various types of atherosclerosis;
  • penetration - ulcers in this case occur mainly in the immediate vicinity of the organs or penetrate into the cavity.

This classification allows to understand the nature of ulcers on the skin, and also helps to choose the most suitable and effective method of its treatment.

How the ulcer on the skin looks( photo)

How to identify the signs in itself

The formation of ulcers on the surface of the skin occurs in parallel with certain manifestations that will help to identify these disorders. The appearance of ulcers on the skin can be calculated from the following general signs, which should attract attention - since ulcers can be considered a sign of abnormalities in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a complete examination of the body for any irregularities in the work of the organismsystems and organs.

To identify the formation of ulcers can be on the following grounds:

  1. First of all, there is excessive sensitivity of the skin in certain areas of the body, which could have been injured before - the kind of mechanical effect can be any;
  2. after injury, the skin loses its original appearance: skin density changes, bleeding can occur, the skin gradually begins to peel and thin;
  3. , as the skin peels, a gradual build-up of new skin cells occurs, however, the regeneration process has a very low rate: in the place of the thinning and dead skin, the new forms extremely slowly, forming a permanently non-healing and sensitive surface.

Due to the different rate of death of necrotic tissue and the formation of a new one, a permanent restoration of the damaged site takes place, which changes. With timely treatment, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the skin as soon as possible, cleansing the ulcer from the purulent contents, and the speed of regeneration of the damaged skin gradually becomes greater than the rate of tissue death.

The treatment of trophic ulcers will tell this video:

Possible diseases and disorders

The appearance of such non-healing areas on the skin as an ulcer may indicate the presence of certain diseases and disorders in the work of internal organs.

Painful conditions that can "signal" about their appearance by the formation of ulcers on the skin are:

  • development of tumors - both benign and malignant;
  • disorders in the circulatory system - with the development of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, arteriovenous fistulas, embolism, thrombosis, frequent vasospasms;
  • changes in the processes of lymph drainage - diabetes, scurvy, anemia;
  • for neurotrophic disorders - progressive paralysis and tumors;
  • development of changes in the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

on how to treat sores on the legs, hands, body, what ointments and other medicines for healing ulcers on the face and body skin choose, read below.

How to deal with such a symptom

Because most often the formation of ulcers on the skin should be considered a sign of a certain disease, treatment should be conducted with its consideration. Complex treatment consists in elimination of external manifestations( treatment of external manifestations) and directed treatment of the underlying disease.

  • External manifestations are eliminated through hygiene measures in combination with bed rest, physiotherapy, immobilization of limbs. The skin is cleansed from purulent discharge, for their best departure should be applied several times a day dressings with hypertonic solutions. Such solutions perfectly "pull" pus and promote a faster growth of new skin cells.
  • Important intake of vitamin products and activities aimed at increasing the level of immunity. In this case, active treatment of the underlying disease is carried out: it is the complex approach that allows you to obtain a pronounced result in the shortest possible time.
  • Surgical treatment of ulcers may be prescribed in the absence of results of conservative treatment. In the course of the operation, the necrotic tissue is removed and the resulting defect is covered with a skin graft.

As a treatment, it is also possible to offer proven folk methods:

  • washing the surface of an ulcer with freshly squeezed cabbage and potato juice;
  • compresses made from strawberry and lilac leaf juice;
  • use as a wound-healing agent juice of room geranium and hood comfrey.

These methods will help to eliminate external skin damage;However, treatment should begin after establishing the cause of ulcers. It is the internal disease, which caused the appearance of skin lesions, must be cured in the first place with observance of certain rules for the restoration of skin.

After treatment, pay special attention to the level of immunity and take multivitamin preparations that protect the body from the negative effects of the environment and give it additional strength in the fight against penetrative infections.

On the folk treatment of ulcers on the skin will tell the video below:

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