Chronic gastritis with reduced and preserved secretion, its symptoms

Gastritis, which has recently become one of the major diseases of mankind, has a large number of forms of manifestation, which, often, have common features. But the treatment of each of the species must be determined in order to prevent serious consequences of this unpleasant in its symptomatic disease.

There is a difference in gastritis, primarily by the secretion( with an increased or decreased acid content in the gastric enzyme) that has caused it to develop. A common person who does not understand the intricacies of medicine, it is difficult to distinguish gastritis with a decreased and increased secretion.

And this can often lead to the fact that in case of self-medication, which, incidentally, is strictly forbidden in this disease, the patient prescribes to himself unsuitable medications, which causes serious complications.

Symptoms of gastritis with a decreased preserved secretion of

To understand all the subtleties of this disease, it is necessary to find out what signs can accompany this or that species. The main symptoms that can occur in case of insufficient, secretion of the gastric secretion, can be the following:

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  • Blunt pain and a feeling of heaviness, dislocated in the epigastric region;
  • In the abdomen, there is often a swelling due to gases accumulating there, and this leads to such sound effects as gurgling and rumbling;
  • A very unpleasant smell comes from the mouth, the tongue is covered with a whitish coating, a constant feeling of nausea, and frequent eructations;
  • The patient's chair is broken, there are constant diarrhea.

These are the primary signs that accompany gastritis with a decreased secretion. But this disease has secondary. These include the general condition of the patient's body. This is a general weakness, dizziness, tachycardia. The person strongly loses weight, the skin becomes very dry, the hair becomes thinner, their brittleness and prolapse intensifies.

Most often, low acidity accompanies the chronic form of the disease and occurs in patients at a more mature age. And in young people who have not reached the age of 40, this disease basically has a preserved secretion, which is expressed by dyspepsia. Among them, the most frequent are the following manifestations: belching sour, burning sensation, heartburn.

Diagnosis of gastritis with a decreased secretion of

In order for the disease to be most correctly classified and to take all the measures for its successful treatment, it is necessary to turn to a specialist when manifesting the very first signs. In addition to mandatory general laboratory tests and ultrasound, to undergo special diagnostics( FGDS), which with the greatest accuracy determines not only the form of the disease and the area of ​​its spread, but also the degree of mucosal damage.

For treatment of gastritis with low acidity, both medical therapy and adherence to a special diet are required, so that the stomach damaged by the inflammation process can work in the normal regime.

Chronic gastritis with reduced preserved secretion of

With this form of the disease, atrophic phenomena with varying degrees of severity begin to occur, as with digestion of gastric juice the digestive glands cease to function normally, which leads to their gradual withering away. The most common symptoms of chronic gastritis with decreased secretion are the following:

  • Appetite is significantly reduced, a person is very thin, accompanied by a constant general weakness;
  • In the mouth there is always an unpleasant aftertaste, the stomach is bursting from the accumulated gases, there are very frequent eructations.

With a chronic gastritis with a decreased secretion, the patient's body lacks such vitamins, which belong to groups C, B and PP.But with timely and proper treatment, positive results are achieved, and the periods of remission become quite long.

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