Chronic mixed gastritis - what is it, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies, diet, how to treat with bulbitis and duodenitis?

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In the case when gastritis is represented not by one, but by several forms, a mixed type of this disease is diagnosed. It is very difficult to determine it even with a diagnostic study, since there is no clear picture due to the presence of several forms at once. Yes, and the treatment of this form of the disease is difficult.

Which species are included in mixed gastritis?

The biggest role here is played by the surface form. It is always present, because only on the background of her it became possible the appearance of this type of disease.

After the primary inflammation in the gastric mucosa has started under the influence of unfavorable factors, additional types of chronic gastritis can easily join him in case of ignoring the treatment.

So a mixed form is formed, the treatment of which is very complicated because of this. They are always represented by the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Erosive( on the inflamed skin appear small in size, but multiple erosions, which bleed very often);
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  3. Hypertrophic( the gastric mucosa grows and can form a cyst or adenoma);
  4. Hemorrhagic( most severe, with permanent bleeding form).

Presence of them all together and makes the clinical picture of the disease lubricated, and its treatment is quite complicated.

Symptoms and causes of chronic mixed gastritis

The main cause of this type of disease is the infection of the body with Helicobacter pylori infection, which is very good in the acidic environment of the stomach. Infection can occur only by direct contact with a person who is infected with it. The airway is completely excluded.

Since chronic mixed gastritis is a composite form of the disease, it is not difficult to guess that its symptoms can also manifest themselves in different ways. This is influenced by what kind of disease is most manifested. But there are basic ones that are present in any case:

  • Feeling of "sucking in the pitcher";
  • Spasmodic pain and constant discomfort in the stomach;
  • Nausea, accompanied by vomiting, and in the masses excoriated from the stomach there are impurities of blood;
  • A sharp deterioration in appetite and associated depletion of the body;
  • Belching after eating, heartburn, constant bloating.

Also at visual inspection it is visible, that in the case when the basic of forms of a chronic mixed gastritis is erosive, all surface of a mucosa is covered by small язвоподобными defects. Treatment in this case is aimed at their elimination.

If the hemorrhagic form is the main among these species that served as the beginning of the development of chronic mixed gastritis, the thinness and fragility of the blood vessels that are located on the walls of the digestive organ becomes noticeable. In this case, the main treatment activities will be aimed at strengthening them.

The third form of the disease, present with mixed gastritis, is hypertrophic, characterized by a modified state of the walls of the digestive organ, which is expressed in their considerable thickening. Treatment in this case will be aimed at eliminating the factors that led to this development of the disease.

Mixed gastritis bulbit

Very often, along with a mixed gastritis, a disease such as bulbitis is diagnosed. It is expressed in acute or chronic inflammation of the duodenum, namely, that part of it closely adjacent to the digestive organ.

The development of mixed gastritis of bulbit is due to the fact that excess acid, from the digestive organ enters the initial section of the duodenum and has a strong irritant effect on its mucous membrane.

Due to the fact that with this form of the disease, normal motor activity, which is present in the duodenum, is severely impaired, its contents are thrown back into the main digestive organ. This causes the patient a bitter eructation and strong vomiting, in which undigested masses with an admixture of bile leave the digestive organs.

Mixed gastritis duodenitis, causes, symptoms and treatment

Another disease, which often accompanies mixed gastritis, is duodenitis. It is based on inflammatory, dystrophic and regenerative changes that occurred in the duodenum.

In chronic mixed gastritis duodenitis, structural rearrangement occurs in the digestive glandular apparatus, pathologies such as cell atrophy and metaplasia develop. Symptoms of it are such as pain in the spoon of varying intensity, general weakness, headache, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the mouth and painful discomfort in the epigastric region.

Treatment of the chronic form of this disease is carried out in the form of complex therapy, which includes not only the reception of medicines, but also a special diet and folk methods that are most often used for the most effective prevention of the disease.

Diet and folk remedies for mixed gastritis

The effectiveness of treatment for chronic mixed gastritis depends on the correct choice of the therapy used for this. The therapeutic process in the first place should be aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked the disease and its symptoms.

For this, a special sparing diet is selected, in addition to drug treatment, in which the main place is given to products that do not cause additional damage to the inflamed mucosa. At the same time they should have a puree or liquid structure, as well as a full set of vitamins and trace elements in their composition. Good in the role of dietary nutrition in this form of the disease milk porridge and grated vegetable soups.

As a means of preventing and removing acute symptoms, folk recipes, proven for centuries, are also used. With their help, one can not only alleviate the patient's life during an exacerbation of the disease, but also extend the period of remission. Among the folk remedies used for this type of disease, beekeeping products, potato juice, various herbal preparations can be distinguished.

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