How to withdraw ascarid from the body of a child and an adult, than they deduce, can it be eliminated with folk remedies?

Many parents constantly face problems with helminthiases in children. Some of them naively suggest that the worms will leave the body on their own. Ignore the presence of infection in any case impossible. Any invasion can greatly undermine human health, for this reason the question of how to withdraw ascaris continues to be relevant.

Before you begin to talk about what the ascarids lead out, it is important to convey to all parents a single fact. Ascarids, unlike pinworms, do not leave the host organism independently. In order to get rid of parasites, it is necessary to conduct a full-fledged drug treatment. The rest of the non-traditional ways of fighting worms( folk remedies, physiological factors and special devices) can only be part of complex therapy, in addition to the main line of treatment.

At the beginning of treatment, the infectious disease doctor or parasitologist conducts a thorough examination of a sick person. It allows you to find out at what stage ascariasis is located, what complications it could already provoke, how long the manifestations of the disease states are. When breeding ascarids in children it is very important to take into account age, possible toxic effects, functional condition of the main systems of internal organs. In some cases, in addition to the basic antihelminthic drugs, helminthiasis regimens include drugs that help to eliminate the attendant symptoms.

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Than the ascarids themselves are displayed directly? Anthelminthic drugs in fact very much, the choice of a particular drug depends on the stage of helminthiosis.

How to remove ascarid at different stages?

At the migration stage, preference is given to antiparasitic drugs with a wide spectrum of action. It can be Decaris - the most affordable drug, or Vermox - it is most often prescribed to adults. Representative of drugs against new-generation worms is Tiabenazole. Often, the migratory stage is accompanied by bronchopulmonary manifestations. That is why the withdrawal of ascarids from the child's body is accompanied by the use of drugs that dilute and excrete sputum, as well as hormonal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

At the intestinal stage, ascaris should be excreted with tablets and suspensions for a single dose. The child can be appointed Pirantel. Effectively withdraw ascarids in adults helps Nemocide. If necessary, to minimize the level of toxic effects on the body, "Piperazine" is chosen. In the phase of development of intestinal invasion, active use is made of drugs, the active substance of which is mebendazole or alkopar. In the presence of constipation, a laxative soft-acting drugs are introduced into the ascarid withdrawal scheme. Anti-tablets, due to their high toxicity, have strict dosages. They are formed taking into account the weight and age of the patient, so before receiving such funds, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

What is the ascarid output?

Withdrawal of ascaris in a child and in adult patients with antiparasitic drugs is not difficult, it is much more difficult to reduce the risks of side effects and eliminate the symptoms of complications that have already appeared. For this, combined treatment is used.

Correct withdrawal of ascarids is necessarily accompanied by antiallergic tablets - Diazolin, Suprastin or their analogues. They contribute to the elimination of allergic reactions that appear as a response to toxic products of the vital activity of parasites. In addition, when a large number of parasites die within the intestine, fragments of their dead bodies begin to actively penetrate into the blood. The eggs of parasites also enter the bloodstream. That is why sorbent reception at this stage becomes mandatory. Penetrating into the blood, they bind toxins and remove them from the body, reducing the dangerous risks of general intoxication.

Accelerating the removal of ascarids from the body can be achieved with laxatives and cleansing enemas. Vitamin complexes make up for the loss of vitamins and minerals. Weakened immunity is corrected by immunostimulating drugs.

Other ways of output of ascarids

Modern medicine is constantly looking for the answer to the next question. How to withdraw ascaris in a child without the use of highly toxic medicines? More recently, an effective alternative solution has been found. Numerous experiments have shown that ascarids are afraid of pure oxygen. If, for any indication, you can not use antihelminthic tablets to excise ascaris, doctors use the oxygen therapy method. The procedure is as follows:

  • First, on the eve of the procedure, a thin rubber catheter is inserted through the nose.
  • A special installation is connected to it the next day, which allows to dose the oxygen supply with high accuracy.
  • The gas flows slowly into the stomach for half an hour, and then is redistributed into the intestine.
  • Oxygen is toxic to ascarids, so parasites instantly die.
  • After the procedure, the patient must lie down for an hour, after which he can return to his business.

After such an oxygen attack, constipation often appears, so oxygen therapy is almost always accompanied by a laxative. This method allows you to withdraw ascaris in just one procedure, but it has its own contraindications.

Use ascarid output with oxygen in case the patient has a stomach ulcer or erosion, if there are even minor inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, it is impossible.

Is it worth using folk remedies for ascaris output?

Many parents, knowing how highly anthelmintic drugs can be highly toxic, prefer to use folk remedies. Is it possible to take ascarids with them? The effectiveness of grandmother's recipes is a big question. And that's why.

Very often, in order to remove ascarids in a child or an adult, garlic is used that persists for a long time on milk, pumpkin seeds, infused alcohol, and the juice of a plant such as celandine. Such folk remedies work like this.

Garlic contains a lot of essential oils, which unpleasantly affect the receptors located on the body of roundworms. Parasites, trying to escape from an unpleasant environment, actively begin to move in the opposite direction from the movement of stools, that is, to the stomach. Gastric juice - an aggressive environment, in theory, it should cause the death of helminths. But if a large number of ascarids live in the intestine, some of them can survive and enter the esophagus, and from there into the nasopharynx and into the mouth. For any child, worms in the mouth are a huge stress. But this is not the worst of ills. The most dangerous thing that can happen is a blockage of the airways. This phenomenon ends with death. To save a life only surgical intervention will help.

In the skin of pumpkin seeds contains a substance that causes paralysis of roundworms. But only those that are small in size. Against pinworms, they help very well, ascarids also have thicker skin. Therefore, the drug for the withdrawal of worms in a child must be more powerful. Prepare it from pumpkin seeds can. To do this, take four tablespoons of raw materials, fill them with a glass of alcohol and insist in a dark place the medicine for three days. Take it you need four spoons every hour. That is, a glass of vodka should be drunk during the day. For any child this is a dangerous dose. But adults can try this kind of folk remedy in the treatment of ascaridosis.

The juice of celandine also contains substances that can cause paralysis of the muscular muscles in the ascarids. If you choose the right dosage, it is easy to get the immobilized worms to come out with the feces from the intestine. But the juice of celandine is poison not only for worms, but for humans. Unlike modern antihelminthic drugs, the absorption of juice into the blood is great. The only way to choose a safe dose for worm elimination is an experienced herbalist or a medical professional specializing in herbal medicine. And all because the concentration of active substances in the juice of celandine depends on various factors: the time of year, air humidity, soil temperature. Often independent treatment does not give him the expected effect, but causes severe poisoning. That's why you should not be afraid of drug therapy. The main thing is to turn to a doctor in time and get qualified help.

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