Worms in pollock, cod liver, sea fish, are there helminths in the herring and blue whiting, is it possible to catch from a frozen product?

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An integral part of nutrition, which promotes health and reduces the risk of many different diseases, is fish, especially marine fish. And all because it has a rare set of unusually useful properties. Currently, its acquisition is not a problem, because you can buy it in almost any supermarket.

But do not forget that sea fish are not protected from infection with worms( pictured)!

In marine fish worms are much less common than in freshwater, but this does not mean that you can neglect the safety rules and violate the cooking technique of this dish.

In 2007, a study was conducted on the presence of worms in the most commonly consumed species. It became known that among the control amount of whiting examined, helminths affected 40% of the individuals.

Does the Baltic herring have worms? In the Baltic herring, parasites have also been found repeatedly, but often they do not affect meat, but live and reproduce in air bubbles.

It is worth highlighting pollock, which is considered one of the most common species among our population. The pollock is a representative of the cod family.

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Can there be worms in pollock? According to statistics, one third of the meat of pollock found helminths.

Clams in pollock

If you compare pollock with other seafood, its distinctive feature is affordability, but its useful properties, it is not inferior to other, more expensive types of fish. There are innumerable dishes, which include pollock. But, despite its continuous positive characteristics, it can also be infected with worms( pictured).

Can I get helminths from frozen pollock? The product that has undergone a shock freeze becomes usable, as virtually all parasites exposed to critically low temperatures are killed. But the useful qualities do not suffer.

But even if the fish you bought was frozen, preferably after it is thawed, carefully inspect the meat. If you have found helminths in pollock, it's enough just to get rid of the insides, rinse it and heat it.

To be afraid is only living parasites. In principle, if you cook the pollock, respecting all the rules, you can eat it. But it must be remembered that some types of worms, getting into unfavorable conditions, form cysts( protective shell).Cysts are a temporary form of parasites. Therefore, if you find in the meat of Alaska live worms, it is better to throw it away and not risk your own health.

Next we will talk about cod, it is very tasty and quite expensive. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that in the cod they can not simply be worms. This is another misconception. It, as well as pollock, is often infected with helminths. However, do not deny yourself such a delicacy, because cod is no different from pollock, and if it is properly prepared, then you can safely eat tasty and healthy food.

Presence of helminths in the liver of cod

Very often, having bought canned cod liver, opening the jar, you can find worms in it( pictured).

But do not panic ahead of time! According to the sanitary-hygienic rules, the larvae of parasites, and the worms themselves in the cod liver - this is the norm. In canned food the presence of an unlimited number of helminths is allowed, so the cod liver with worms is usable. This is due to the fact that all the canned food undergoes proper heat treatment during its preparation, as a result of which all parasites die. Therefore, when buying you can not be afraid of infecting these parasites. Pay attention only to the shelf life of the product, since already spoiled canned food can cause much greater harm to your health than dead parasites.

Much more closely you need to be with the cod, which is sold on the market. Fish when admission to store shelves is always preliminarily exposed to low temperatures, which, in turn, contributes to the death of worms. In the markets, this does not happen. So, no matter how tempting the proposals, you should not take risks. It is better to buy cod in specialized stores and have confidence in its quality.

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