Fighting worms, how to deal with helminths( helminthoses) in humans at home by folk remedies, what methods( methods), measures for children and adults?

Even if you carefully process food, wash your hands before meals, observe other rules of personal hygiene, the risk of infection of humans with worms is very high. So ordered nature, that some organisms live at the expense of others. The World Health Organization has published data according to which every fourth inhabitant of the planet is a carrier of helminths, while the fight against worms can be continued all the time, but the general situation of parasite infestation in the world does not change.

This is explained by the fact that infection with worms is a cyclic process, and it is very easy to get helminthiasis. But to recover, despite the numerous medications and methods is difficult. How to deal with worms?

Fighting worms at home

In modern society, there are various measures to remove worms. They can be divided into methods of official medicine and folk remedies for helminths. In any case, before you start fighting with helminths, you need to consult with a specialist. What are the recommendations of a doctor?

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Some methods produce worms only of a certain type. Other helminths may be resistant to the drug or folk methods. Only an expert, knowing the type of helminth in a particular patient, can give an adequate recommendation for effective treatment.

Some methods of fighting worms in humans have contraindications, for example, they can not be used to treat helminths in people with chronic diseases. Fighting worms at home without consulting a doctor can cause significant harm to health.

Only a specialist can correctly determine the dosage of the drug and make an effective treatment regimen, so forget about the embarrassment and shame and go to the clinic for recommendations.

Control of helminthiases with the help of medicines

The modern pharmacological market offers a wide range of drugs for controlling worms narrow and broadly directed. The first drugs help get rid of parasites of a certain type. The second - detrimental to absolutely any worms. In order to avoid re-infection, if a parasite is found in one family member, an adult person or a child, it is recommended that the course of the fight against helminths be passed to everyone who is in close personal contact. There are also preventive medications that experts advise to "drink" once every three to four months:

  • Decaris is a preparation for the treatment of worm-ascarids. It can be taken by adults, but is not recommended for children.
  • Albendazole is a medicament for protecting against non-katorosis and ankylostomiasis. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets and can be taken against worms by an adult or children up to two years of age.
  • Medamin - prevents infection with helminths such as ascarids and nematodes.
  • Pirantel is an effective preparation for combating helminths of various types with intestinal localization.

Not all doctors are of the opinion that it is worthwhile to prevent helminthiasis. They argue that the fight against worms should begin when parasites are surely found and their type is determined. To decide to you, what opinion of experts more corresponds to your representations about health and safety of the and relatives. Moreover, there are safer measures to control and prevent worms using folk remedies.

Fighting worms with folk remedies

To control worms at home use a variety of plant doses, bark and pulp of individual vegetables and fruits, various herbs. Effective means of curing helminthosis include tinctures and decoctions of wormwood, tansy flowers, nettles, burdock and dandelion. Well help to get rid of worms pumpkin seeds, sorrel, onions and garlic. How do these ingredients work? The main thing to understand is that the fight against worms with folk remedies at home is justified if the invasion is not chronic and not started:

  • Onion infusion: onions are poured into a jar and fill the glass container by two thirds. The rest of the can is filled with vodka. The remedy should be infused in the heat of ten days. The resulting composition should be filtered. The liquid is consumed by adults at 50 grams.before meals twice a day. For children, the infusion is not suitable because of increased aggressiveness.
  • Infusion buckthorn: buckthorn pharmacy pour water at the rate of 2 tablespoons dry grass per liter of liquid. Cook the mixture for about five minutes. Insist for two hours, strain. Use before each meal a week. This infusion for the control of helminths is suitable for everyone.
  • Tincture of wormwood medicinal prepared as follows: a spoonful of dry herbs pour a floor with a liter of boiling water. Insist. Use tincture you need three times a day before eating 50 grams.the whole week.
  • An excellent effective drug for controlling worms is the infusion of pomegranate peel. To make it at home, pomegranate skin is poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled for five minutes. The received medication is insisted, consumed twice a day for half a cup before meals.
  • Well at home, with helminthosis helps decoction from the walnut partitions. They are boiled in a small amount of water for half an hour, then insist and filter. The adult person should take a decoction three times a day on a tablespoon. To kids this treatment does not approach or suit.
  • A good method of combating helminthiases is the regular use of decoction of tansy. The flowers of the plant are poured with boiling water. Insist. The received medicine is taken three times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Those who do not use onions and garlic can try to fight worms with carrot juice. It should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning for three weeks in a row. It is a question of freshly squeezed root vegetable juice.
  • Pumpkin seeds are an effective remedy for controlling worms. They can be eaten raw, fried, with honey or cranberry juice. A positive result will be if you eat pumpkin seeds at least 300 one time every day.

Specialists of traditional medicine even made a diet, which, in their opinion, will help drive out helminths within a short time. The diet is designed for three days:

  • 1st day. On the first day you can eat only raw fruits and vegetables. The last time you can eat no later than 18:00.
  • 2nd day. To eat on this day you can only pulp of coconut and drink only coconut milk. There are no restrictions on the number of meals. The main thing that in the diet of this day were exclusively coconuts.
  • 3rd day. On an empty stomach drink 50 gr.castor oil. Specialists of traditional medicine guarantee that helminths will necessarily leave the human body.

There is a set of measures to avoid repeated infection with worms. A simple way for a person to protect themselves is to observe personal hygiene. In addition, all food should be treated qualitatively: meat and fish should be processed thermally, and vegetables and fruits - thoroughly washed.

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