Treatment of bovine tapeworm, how to get rid of how to get rid of man's shadowarinhosis, how to treat medicines, drugs, pills, folk remedies?

Parasites settle in the human body and there are imperceptible there. Bullcatch is no exception. Despite the huge length( more than four meters), its presence is not so easy to recognize, the disease often proceeds asymptomatically. But even if the clinical picture is pronounced, doctors rarely attribute the disease to parasitic nature and treat it from another( which, of course, does not in the least help to get rid of the bovine tapeworm).Therefore, for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, for the selection of the right drugs and the subsequent removal of the bovine tapeworm, various research methods are used. They also make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of tenierhynchosis.

So, the first stage in getting rid of bovine tapeworm is diagnostics. If a person suspects the likelihood of being infected by bullish chain, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out. In case of a positive result, it is urgent to take measures and begin treatment - the second stage of disposal. If you approach the issue of removing the parasite responsibly, then you can be cured without any special difficulties and subsequent complications, completely getting rid of the bovine tapeworm.

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How to get rid of bovine tapeworm?

Hospitalization with a teniarhynchosis is not required, and the patient can be treated at home under ambulatory control. Inpatient treatment of bovine tapeworm is required only for the development of complications that threaten life.

To remove bull tit, you should take special anthelminthic chemical medications or use folk recipes. Their action is different, some can remove the protection of the parasite from the gastric juice( the integrity of the cuticle of the bovine tapeworm is broken and the helminth is digested), others cause paralysis of the muscles( the worm will not be able to stay on the intestinal wall, will not resist peristalsis and will be removed naturally).

In case of severe intoxication, colloidal and crystalloid solutions are administered intravenously. They are necessary for the removal of toxic substances released during the death of a bull chain. For the same purpose, a generous drink is recommended. Preference should be given to beverages such as mineral water without gas. Treatment of teniarinchosis dictates the need to perform cleansing enemas during deworming. The enemas will additionally help to remove toxins. It is also good to take lactulose-based preparations some time after anthelmintics( usually in a few hours).They sorb on themselves toxic metabolites of bovine tapeworm and, accelerating intestinal peristalsis, contribute to their excretion, thereby creating a detoxification effect.

In treatment for bovine tapeworm, the following measures should be taken:

  • diet;
  • traditional medicine - in the first place, implies the use of anthelminthic drugs;
  • phytotherapy as an addition to drug treatment of bovine tapeworm.

Diet in the treatment of bovine catheter

A person infected with a bovine chain should adhere to certain dietary rules before starting the parasite and until it is completely finished. You can eat lean fish, low-fat soup and broth, buckwheat, rice, whole-grain bread, drink compote, jelly, tea. You can not include alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, milk, chocolate, fruits( apricots, peaches, grapes), berries( gooseberries, raspberries), legumes, vegetables( beets, cabbage, radish, garlic), spinach, sorrel,, sweet, fried, smoked, spicy and fatty.

The selection of permitted and prohibited products in the treatment of bovine tapeworm is based on the following principles:

  • Increase in the diet of foods rich in fiber. The latter, like lactulose, "absorbs" toxic substances. In combination with a sufficient amount of water( at least 2 liters per day), it is a stimulant for intestinal peristalsis.swells and increases in volume, stimulating the baroreceptors( receptors of pressure) of the intestinal tract.
  • Eliminate foods with a high glucose content. This substance is very actively used by worms for nutrition.releases a large amount of energy necessary for their life. Therefore, sweet, incl.and fruits with a high glycemic index, should be excluded from the diet.
  • Prohibited products that have an aggressive effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract. Its inflammation creates favorable conditions for the life of helminths and helps them to camouflage themselves from the cells of the immune system. Therefore, sharp spices, smoked products, sausages, etc. are prohibited.

Features of treatment of arthrosis

Anthelminthic medication( dehelminthization) is the main method of antiparasitic therapy. The main drugs for the treatment of teniarinchosis are Nichlosamide and Praziquantel( Biltricide).

Niclosamide( Nicosamide, trade name - Fenasal) helps to remove the bovine chain from the body, as well as to get rid of some other parasites, causing paralysis of their musculature. The form of release - tablets. Contraindication to the use of Nichlosamide is hypersensitivity( especially of an allergic nature), pregnancy, expressed violations of the liver, kidneys, elderly age, pig disease, stomach ulcer. In the process of therapy, side effects are possible - an allergic reaction and an exacerbation of atopic dermatitis.

Before the start of treatment of teniarinhoza, Fenasalum should drink 2 g of sodium bicarbonate( this is the usual baking soda) dissolved in boiled water( a quarter of a cup) in the morning on an empty stomach, then take the drug( the tablet needs to be dissolved in the sweetened water).The exact dosage of the substances must be studied according to the instructions. In the process of treatment should eat low-fat and liquid foods( mashed potatoes, kissels, liquid porridge).After taking this medicine, bovine tapeworm perishes and, together with the feces, is removed from the intestine. If the joints are not found in feces for three months, then the therapy was successful. This ends it.

Praziquantel( trade name - Biltricide, Cysticid, Azinox, Dronzite, Cesozole).It removes the bovine chain from the body, relieves flat worms, increases the permeability of the outer helminth cover, destroys the cuticle, so that the worm is digested, and its death sets in. Tablets should be taken after meals, dosage according to the instructions( do not forget to read the contraindications).

Biltricid and Nichlosamide are effective in the treatment of bovine chainworm, but it should be remembered that all actions in order to avoid problems must necessarily be agreed with the doctor and carefully checked according to the instructions! Treatment should be carried out until the entire parasite, all proglottids and eggs, can be removed. A control test of the results is done after 3 months and the next two years the patient is observed twice a year, without forgetting the preventive measures.

Treatment of bovine tapeworm folk remedies

It is possible to recover from bovine tapew and with the help of folk remedies. However, it is recommended to consider them as an additional option to treatment with pharmacological anthelmintics. Immediately repeat that the intake of all dosage forms for the breeding of bovine tapeworm, cooked both according to the recipes of traditional medicine, and purchased at the pharmacy, should be agreed with the attending physician without fail!

Traditional pumpkin with action against parasites( bovine tapeworm) includes pumpkin seeds and male fern extract. The latter is successfully used by man for the treatment of tanearhinchosis and is available in the form of capsules. Filicic acid in its composition promotes the onset of paralysis of the musculature of the parasite, its death and removal from the intestine. Contraindications for the intake of male fern are - liver disease, kidney disease, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, anemia, malnutrition, active forms of tuberculosis, children under two years of age, pregnancy, acute digestive system diseases, circulatory insufficiency.

Teniarinhoz is an insidious disease. After all, bovine tapeworm can not give any signs of presence and at the same time cause great harm. In order that you do not have to remove the parasite and be treated for arthritis, some rules should be followed:

  • Do not consume raw and half-baked meat;
  • Look carefully at the meat before cooking. Sometimes, if you look closely, you can see the larvae of the chainworm( have a whitish appearance);
  • Expose meat to proper heat treatment, both at home and during outdoor recreation( cooking shish kebabs, while on the cut they should not have a bright red color).To kill a bovine tapeworm is possible only under certain conditions, it dies at a temperature of at least 80 ° C inside the piece, and also during prolonged freezing( 5 days, -19 ° C).

The described preventive measures are also necessary in the treatment of tenierhynchosis. It will go wrong if in the course of treatment a person repeatedly becomes infected with the use of "harmful" meat. Therefore, this fact should be excluded with the help of preventive measures. Naturally, you need to eat meat, but you should pay close attention to its quality. At the same time, not only visual characteristics are evaluated, but also the results of veterinary examination for the presence of a bull tie, held in markets and stores.

How does a bull tart come out?

The treatment is naturally accompanied by the fact that bovine tapeworm leaves the human body( this is clearly seen on video).It turns out that he is already dead, becausedrugs cause its death, having a paralyzing effect. This means that bovine tapeworm gets out passively unlike the living parasite. The latter crawls out actively by separating the segments( video demonstrates this process clearly).They come out at night, provoking the appearance of itching. It is connected with the fact that during the movement of the helminth special substances like histamine are excreted, irritating the nerve receptors of the skin of the perianal region.

Bovine tapeworm is more active when it consumes some food stuffs. Such are garlic, onion, spices and pumpkin seeds. Therefore, they are recommended to be used together with pharmacological therapy. The emergence of segments of bovine tapeworm in this case will reduce the effects of intoxication, developing at the death of the parasite. However, this will be accompanied by increased itching, but only for a short period of time.

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