Mineral water in colitis

Mineral water for a patient with colitis is not so much a means of quenching thirst, as a therapeutic drink that promotes the rapid healing of inflamed mucous membranes. Therefore, it should be chosen only after consulting a specialist and taking into account the violation that exists in the motor function of the intestine.

In the case when it is increased, it is recommended to use a low-mineralized, non-carbonated variety of this drink. To start the reception is necessary with the third part of a single dose, and gradually within a week, bringing it to the full volume prescribed by a specialist. The treatment course lasts 21 days, the temperature of the mineral water should be warm, at least 36 ° C.

If colitis is accompanied by a decreased function of the intestine, the mineralization of the drink should be moderate and the temperature around 20 ° C. The course of treatment also lasts 21 days. The ionic composition of this agent can be sulphate-chloride-sodium, chloride-calcium-magnesium, or chloride-sodium-magnesium.

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The results of drinking mineral water in colitis

In the chronic course of this inflammatory bowel disease treatment with this tool it is possible to achieve in its therapy the following results:

  • Normalization of motor-evacuation function of the intestine;
  • The regenerative capacity of the mucosa of the large intestine increases;
  • Excretory function is increased;
  • There is a good anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the use of mineral water in colitis can have a positive reflex-humoral effect on the intestine. This therapeutic drink is prescribed to patients taking into account both the underlying disease and accompanying diseases of the digestive organs, as well as their secretory function.

Mineral water for rectal procedures for colitis

In addition to the fact that this drink is recommended to patients for drinking, it is also used for rectal procedures. With the help of it, enemas are made that help stop the inflammatory process in the intestine by washing out mucus and pus, as well as normalizing the microflora.

For microclysters in colitis use the same mineral water that is prescribed by a specialist for oral administration. It is heated to 37 ° C, and injected into the anus with a syringe at night. The volume of a single dose should not exceed 50 ml. But alone such treatment without consulting a specialist is not recommended, since it is fraught with complications.

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