Polyp urethra in women: photos, symptoms, treatment, reviews

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Timely diagnosis and the right treatment approach will relieve the discomfort caused by the polyps in the urethra. Do not self-medicate. Attentive attitude to health will pay off after the absence of unpleasant surprises.

The concept of

The inner surface of the urethra, like many other organs, has a mucous layer. And it can appear benign formations.

Pathology is called polyps. The international classification assigns the disease code D30.4.

Polyps have the ability to expand, in some cases, the formation is regenerated into cancer tumors.

The problem happens in the male part of the population, and in women. These cases are distinguished by the dislocation of polyps. This is due to the fact that the ureter in men and women has differences in structure.

In women, the ureter has a short length. In this case it consists of three departments.

The structure of the latter of them is most suitable for the appearance of polypous formations. Often pathology chooses a site at the exit from the ureter or in the region of the posterior wall.

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Photo of the urethral polyp in a woman

Some time ago, the disease was typical of patients of adulthood, especially after forty years. Now pathology occurs at any age.

With regard to the male body, the process of polyp formation mainly covers the places on the ureter, where it is in contact with the seminal tubercle and with the prostate.

The polyp has a reddish color and a smooth surface. The difference from papilloma is that it is endowed with a loose surface. The polyp is characterized by a connection to the urethral wall through a thin pedicle.

The very process of formation of polyps carries on the part of the body a protective character on the unhealthy circumstances inside the organ. The proliferation of formations can also occur from negative processes on the urethral mucosa.

Symptoms of the urethral polyp in women

Pathology can give such signals:

  • discomfort during urination:
    • pain,
    • burning,
    • jet dispersion, uncontrolled jet;
    • itching,
    • feeling that there is a foreign object in the urethra;
    • with a strong proliferation of polyps - a difficult process of urination;
  • blood inclusions in the urine,
  • weakness,
  • possibly a fever.

Causes of

The appearance of urethral polyps can cause such phenomena:

  • inflammatory processes of the urinary system,
  • decreased immunity,
  • mechanical damage to the urethra,
  • insufficient blood flow to the urethral wall,
  • abnormalities in the microflora of the vagina,
  • poor nutrition,
  • hormonaldisorders,
  • negative ecological situation,
  • infectious diseases occurring in the urethra:
    • mycoplasmosis,
    • chlamydia,
    • trichomoniasis
    • and others;
  • disease is a viral infection, the causative agent of which is genital herpes;
  • reception of potent drugs for a long period,
  • inflammation of the intestine.

What's dangerous?

  • If the time is not determined that the process of polyps formation takes place in the urethra, then further development of the disease can lead to the appearance of cystitis.
  • Polyps have a tendency to expand, in some cases, formation is regenerated into cancer tumors.
  • If bleeding occurs, then this development may lead to anemia.
  • The proliferation of polyps is dangerous with the situation of complete blockage for the passage of urine.
  • Chronic stagnation of urine can initiate pyelonephritis.


Small polyps can not give any symptoms of their presence. A problem is found either with the appearance of discomfort, or accidentally when examining another pathology.

Sometimes it happens that for the polyp take the eversion of the channel sheath during the menopause. The task of diagnosis is to clarify the situation.

  • In an interview with a patient, the specialist finds out what is bothering him, and what diseases of the genitourinary system were diagnosed in him.
  • Inspection of the external opening of the urethra with a check for the presence of the polyp at this site.
  • If necessary, diagnose the internal surface of the urethra with the help of cystourethroscopy. In the urethra, micro instruments are introduced with an optical device that is capable of transmitting images to the monitor.
  • Laboratory tests are conducted:
    • A smear from the inner surface of the urethra to check for inflammation, pathogenic bacteria.
    • Mucosal scraping to determine if there is a causative agent and its appearance. The method yields accurate results in a short time, its name is a polymerase chain reaction.
    • Urine examination for microbial composition by its inoculation.
    • The same smear taken from the mucous membrane of the organ.

Treatment of polyps of the urethra

If the education does not cause anxiety, the patient may receive a recommendation from a specialist to be monitored and leave the situation so without taking any action.

Methods for removing

There are several ways to remove urethral polyps:

  • Electrocoagulation - the tissue of the formation undergoes a process of destruction by electric current. The method allows to completely control the process and not to affect healthy tissues.
  • Vaginal excision of education is performed when the polyp has grown to a considerable extent. The operation requires general anesthesia. The tissues of the polyp are excised with a scalpel. After the removal of diseased areas, seams are superimposed.
  • Cryodestruction of the polyp - under the influence of low temperatures, pathology is destroyed. It is performed with local anesthesia.
  • The radio wave method is the most sparing and modern. The polyp is destroyed under a stream of radio waves directed at it. It does not leave scarring, it ensures rapid healing.

Folk remedies

In some cases, the patient can be recommended, apply folk recipes. It happens in order to raise the defenses of the body, reduce the inflammatory process. This method is not basic, but complementary to the overall treatment program.

  • The celandine is used with problems of neoplasms very widely. With the urethral polyp there are many prescriptions for treatment:
    • Application of plant juice. Freshly squeezed juice is mixed in half with vodka. Take a month and a half for 20 drops before eating. It is recommended to have three courses with breaks for two weeks between them. If the polyp is located at the entrance to the urethra, then it is good to apply gauze tampons moistened with celandine juice to it.
    • Tincture of celandine is taken half an hour before meals on a tablespoon for thirty days. After ten days, treatment is recommended to be repeated.

    Care should be taken to use celandine. The grass is poisonous. Can not be used with:

    • pregnancy,
    • epilepsy,
    • personal intolerance.
  • Six tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, without the husk of finely ground, are combined with seven egg yolks, hard-boiled. The preparation is prepared for a third of an hour on a water bath. Take the mixture according to the scheme: five days of treatment - the same amount of rest time until the drug is completely consumed. The treatment consists of the morning intake of the mixture in amounts of a teaspoonful.
  • If the polyp bleeds, then you can drink the infusion of herbs:
    • 1 part zhabreya,
    • 3 pieces of knot,
    • 1.5 parts of field horsetail.

    Add a spoonful of mixture to several glasses of water and bring it to half the original volume with a slight boil. Take infusion three times a day for a quarter of a glass until the result is obtained.

Reviews on the treatment of

Patients who used folk recipes received a result with small polyps that did not cause severe discomfort. After the course with the use of a mixture of pumpkin seeds with yolks, the polyp came out in the form of a clot of the syphilis.

Patients note the effectiveness of using celandine in the early stages of polyp development.

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