Which doctor treats stomach ulcers?

If 25 years ago, the main method of treatment of ulcer was surgical intervention, then with the advent of new drugs, this pathology is successfully cured conservatively. Many patients do not know which doctor heals ulcers and where to turn first. It is worthwhile to visit the district therapist if there are such disturbing symptoms as:

  • pain of any kind in the abdomen;
  • heaviness;
  • nausea;
  • plaque in the language;
  • belching;
  • constipation;
  • bloat;
  • smells from the mouth.

If during the examination the therapist confirms the signs of the disease, he will refer the patient to a specialist who treats digestive system diseases - the gastroenterologist. Since the symptomatology of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract may be similar, it is necessary to bypass several specialists. Before the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist directs the patient to the laboratory to take tests. By blood, a laboratory technician can identify the signs of the disease. At an exacerbation the formula of a blood changes, in a feces there are erythrocytes.

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But only tests can not say that there is a stomach ulcer. Which doctor can confirm the diagnosis with 95% accuracy? Today, the main method of detecting ulcers of the mucosa is FGDS.Endoscopists perform this procedure. During the examination with the help of a special device with optics, the specialist determines the location of the ulcerated site of the mucosa, estimates the size. Thanks to modern instruments endoscopists can take a piece of tissue from the affected area during the examination for further examination( biopsy) to exclude oncology.

If FDD is contraindicated, the patient is referred to a radiologist. Research using the X-ray method with an accuracy of 80% determines the defects, allows you to locate the ulcer, to study the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and determine the compensatory capacity of the stomach. All this helps the doctor to choose an adequate conservative therapy. If the patient has complications( bleeding or perforation), which doctor heals the stomach ulcer in these cases? Complications pose a threat to the patient's life, therefore, in the urgent order of the patient they deliver to the surgical department. When the thin wall breaks, all the contents from the stomach can enter the cavity of the peritoneum and cause severe inflammation. Only the operation can save the life of the patient and prevent a severe disease of peritonitis.

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