Many women want to get pregnant with an irregular cycle. Is it possible to do this? It all depends on what causes the problem. We will talk about ...
Pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammatory process in the renal pelvis caused by bacteria. The most common cause of inflammation is the E...
"Depression" is a word that has recently become common. Our bad mood, unwillingness to do anything, apathy we write off to depression, not ...
Stammering is a fairly common problem, if there is one, then do not panic and give up. It is possible to treat stuttering in adults at home...
A rare daredevil is ready to admit to infection with worms. The society refers to them squeamishly, and the suffering cause ridicule. A rar...
Seborrhea of the scalp in children can appear at a very early age. Seborrheic crusts on the head of the newborn should not cause panic in...
Foot fungus is an extremely unpleasant disease that causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and, in neglected form, leads to complications in...
Intercostal neuralgia is the squeezing or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Causes of the disease can be various diseases: osteochondro...
Small blood vessels( arterioles, venules), the smallest( capillaries) connect and branch out from larger veins and arteries, permeating the...
Gray plugs are an incorrect accumulation of sulfur in the inner zone of the auditory canal. They cause discomfort and pain in the ears. To get rid...
13 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle
Many women want to get pregnant with an irregular cycle. Is it possible to do this? It all depends on what causes the problem. We will talk about ...
05 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Which doctor treats pyelonephritis: symptoms diagnosis and treatment
Pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammatory process in the renal pelvis caused by bacteria. The most common cause of inflammation is the E...
08 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Which doctor treats depression?
"Depression" is a word that has recently become common. Our bad mood, unwillingness to do anything, apathy we write off to depression, not ...
26 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Stammering in adults treatment at home
Stammering is a fairly common problem, if there is one, then do not panic and give up. It is possible to treat stuttering in adults at home...
15 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
How to know if there are worms in a person at home
A rare daredevil is ready to admit to infection with worms. The society refers to them squeamishly, and the suffering cause ridicule. A rar...
23 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Seborrhea of the scalp in children: treatment
Seborrhea of the scalp in children can appear at a very early age. Seborrheic crusts on the head of the newborn should not cause panic in...
25 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Treatment of foot fungus at home
Foot fungus is an extremely unpleasant disease that causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and, in neglected form, leads to complications in...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Intercostal neuralgia: treatment at home
Intercostal neuralgia is the squeezing or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Causes of the disease can be various diseases: osteochondro...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Treatment of couperose on the face at home
Small blood vessels( arterioles, venules), the smallest( capillaries) connect and branch out from larger veins and arteries, permeating the...
05 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Washing of ears from sulfuric plugs
Gray plugs are an incorrect accumulation of sulfur in the inner zone of the auditory canal. They cause discomfort and pain in the ears. To get rid...