Home methods of treatment of sinusitis in children

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1 Drug therapy

Treating a child's genyantritis at home is necessary only after consulting a specialist, and this method should only be an additional measure to the main treatment.

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Do not forget that the healed ailment can cause very serious complications, such as purulent meningitis or cerebral cortex swelling, so it's necessary to take some precautions with caution.

If the child has mild illness, the specialist can approve the treatment at home. If the first symptoms of the disease appeared, then you can drip a few drops of green tea or freshly squeezed carrot juice. They contain substances that stop the inflammatory process. The procedure for performing the procedure at home is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary: ​​

  1. To place the child on a sofa or bed, put his head so that it is directed to the side in accordance with the nostrils where the house drops are planned to be dripped.
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  2. After this, gently drip into the nose drops, while making sure that the pipette is clean and sterile.
  3. Wait a little while, then turn the child to the other side to drip into another nostril.

It is possible to be treated in this way, if only the first signs of the disease appear, which bear a weak character. If the symptoms are more severe, then in this case, you just need to see a doctor immediately.

2 Folk methods of treatment of the disease

If children have the first symptoms of sinusitis, then the use of folk methods is possible only after consulting a doctor who will give good or prohibit their use. Some folk recipes can only worsen the general condition, cause strong swelling of the nose and sinuses in the baby.

Specialists allow the following folk recipes to be used:

  1. Take a spoonful of sage and chamomile herbs, mix, put on a water bath in 500 ml of water for about 15 minutes. Then place in a cool place, cool the solution to about 60 ° C, pour into the inhaler. Give a breath and breathe out the baby while the steam is coming. This method can be used only if there are no purulent clusters.
  2. You can smear the baby with cedar and pine oil, nose and nose, then massage. It is necessary to avoid strong pressing on the skin.
  3. Perfectly treats sinusitis in children propolis. To do this, take 1 tsp.tinctures of propolis, mixed with 1 tbsp.l.butter. In the prepared mixture, lower the cotton swabs, wait for them to soak, then insert them into the nose for 10 minutes. Use this method should be 2 times a day.
  4. Perfectly treated sinusitis with green tea. To do this, it must be brewed in a glass of freshly boiled water, let it stand, cool. After this, the resulting solution is dripped into the nose 3 drops into each nostril.
  5. You can use eucalyptus. To do this, infuse the leaves of eucalyptus strain, then rinse with the resulting remedy nose. Rinse this way you need 3 times a day.

3 What else is applicable?

  1. Quickly helps to get rid of the disease saline solution. You can buy a pharmacy already prepared saline solution, rinse them several times a day with your nose, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, take 200 ml of boiled water, dissolve in it 1 tsp.cooking or sea salt. Apply this method should be rather cautious, because the child may be intolerant to such procedures, and the condition noticeably deteriorate.
  2. An excellent way is to use aloe and honey juice. To do this, you need to take the juice of the plant, mix it with honey in an equal proportion. The received means to drip into the nose, 3 drops in each nostril. Repeat this procedure is 3 times a day, in this case you can achieve a fairly fast result.
  3. To treat sinusitis, you can use a fairly unusual solution, which includes leaves of yarrow, immortelle and tansy. You need to take flowers of these plants equally, mix with each other. Then 1 tbsp.l.mix the brew in 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew. In the resulting solution, moisten gauze lotions, apply them to the paranasal sinuses for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure is 2 times a day, for a better effect before use, the solution is better to warm up a little.
  4. You can use the old method, which was used by grandparents. To do this, you need to take the potatoes, boil it in a uniform. After it is cooked, put the pot on a table or stool, put the child on a chair next to it, ask him to bend down to the pan as low as possible, inhale the steam with his nose and mouth. The procedure continues until the steam ceases.
  5. It is useful to carry out inhalations with propolis. For this, a small amount of water should be poured onto the bottom of the pan, add 1 tsp.alcohol propolis setting. Preheat the mixture, then inhale the vapors with the nose and mouth.
  6. You can use special ointments, which have long proved themselves. Excellent for treating sinusitis ointment, which consists of the root of cyclamen root, calanchoe, aloe, onion and Vishnevsky ointment. All components must be taken for 1 tsp, mix them with Vishnevsky ointment. After preparation, lubricate the tampon with the product obtained, insert into the nasal sinuses for a minimum of 5 minutes.
  7. You can treat genyantritis with garlic. To do this, crushed garlic smeared on the paranasal sinuses, lightly massage the area of ​​the nose.


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The rules of using folk methods for treating sinusitis at home remind that this method of treatment should be used only with the permission of the attending physician, so as not to harm the baby's health.

4 What is not recommended for the pathology of

If the child has symptoms of purulent maxillary sinusitis, you can not warm up your nose and do thermal procedures for your legs.

Also, if the baby develops a bacterial type of disease, on the face there are already swelling, then it is not necessary to conduct warming up. It will lead to an increase in the inflammatory process, resulting in a variety of complications. Some folk methods, which provide for the heating of a mixture or solution, can only worsen the overall physical state, since they can provoke the development of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, any methods associated with the use of a hot mixture should be negotiated with a specialist.

Also some herbs and plants used in folk medicine can develop allergic reactions, in some cases with serious consequences.

If children do not improve after 3-4 days of treatment at home, they should immediately go to the hospital, where the doctors will provide the necessary help, reduce the manifestation of symptoms. That the disease does not return, after recovery should be strengthened immunity. These methods will not allow the disease to return.

Treatment of sinusitis in children at home should be done with extreme caution. If the condition does not improve, then immediately consult a doctor. The main thing is to follow the signs of ailment, with the strengthening of stopping traditional medicine, to begin medical treatment.

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