Characteristics of the disease and treatment of false myopia in children

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1 Development of pathology

Very often false myopia develops in school-age children. Such a state can be explained by too strong loads on accommodative musculature. It is this muscle that is responsible for the clarity of the image of objects recognized by the eye, regardless of distance. In the case of spasm of accommodative musculature, visual acuity, especially for long distances, will decrease. In addition, when reading or writing for a short time, there is pain in the eyes, radiating to the forehead and whiskey, there is rapid fatigue. False myopia in a child can result from a variety of diseases, for example, angina, rheumatism, scarlet fever, helminthic invasion, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.

With a poor level of illumination, improper position of the body at work, too close approach of the book to the eyesduring reading, quite large loads are created on the visual system, which leads to a spasm of accommodative musculature. It should also be noted that the use of the drug Pilocarpine in therapeutic procedures aimed at getting rid of glaucoma, sulfanilamide and other types of certain medications, may adversely affect visual acuity.

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2 Symptoms of the disease

Before talking about therapeutic procedures aimed at getting rid of false myopia in children, it is worth knowing about its main symptomatology. In case of false myopia, the object image, which is visible to the eye, will be focused not on the retina, but in front of it. Thus, closely located objects will be seen clearly, but several remote ones are bad. However, children do not always know what they see badly, that is why complaints are not received from their parents, because of which the disease can go unnoticed for a long period.

The first "bell" signaling a false myopia in a child is the following: if you observe the crumb, you can notice that he starts to screw up his eyes and wrinkle his forehead, often blink and stretch the outer corner of his eye. Children with false myopia usually watch TV at close range, toys bring close to the eyes, and also lower the head in the case of drawing, reading and writing.

If the child is sitting in the classroom at the school hours at the last desk, it is only natural that his progress is reduced, since it is difficult for him to see the inscriptions on the board.

In case of false myopia, complaints arise about the appearance of uncomfortable sensation and rezi in the eyes, pain in the head and rapid fatigue.

It is worth remembering that if you do not undergo the treatment of false myopia in children, it is quite possible that binocular vision will be broken, divergent strabismus will develop or amblyopia will appear. Most often there is a vitreous detachment, possibly a hemorrhage, which contributes to retinal damage.

3 Therapeutic actions of

To cure false myopia in children, it is necessary to start wearing glasses. In the event that the child is already quite old, contact lenses can be prescribed to him. After this, you can proceed to therapeutic methods of treatment, that is, to hardware procedures.

The course of hardware treatment will be made according to individual characteristics for each patient. The following methods were widely used:

  • vacuum massage;
  • infrared laser treatment;
  • electrostimulation.

Together with these methods, it is allowed to massage the cervical spine, which will help improve blood circulation. A popular method today for the therapy of false myopia is an excimer-laser visual correction. It is used only after pseudo-myopia has been stabilized and the child is 18 years old.


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4 Preventive measures

False myopia is predominantly a disease that is transmitted hereditary, and preventive measures are sometimes useless. However, you can take some steps, especially if there are people in the family suffering from pseudo-myopia, as well as when teaching in school, when the sight is sufficiently strong. Parents need to control how the child holds the book while reading: it should be removed 30-40 cm from the eyes. Books are best read in a sitting position with a flat back. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the time spent at the computer. The distance from the screen to the eyes should be at least 50 cm.

The room must have good illumination for any actions of the child. Every hour after a load of vision, a child should take a break for 15 minutes. Sufficiently important is given to the general strengthening of health, physical activity and walking in the open air.

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