Causes of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, psychosomatics

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When a patient is diagnosed with such a terrible inflammatory bowel disease as ulcerative colitis, is primarily interested in the causes of the development of this disease and why he was at risk. This question has not been unequivocally answered until today. Numerous studies have yielded only hypothetical variants of the onset of this inflammatory bowel pathology.

Scientists on this issue put forward a number of hypotheses, among which the most attention deserve such as:

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is an infectious disease with an unknown pathogen;
  • According to the second version, it is considered a disease of the autoimmune system. It occurs when there are violations in the immune system, and it begins to destroy the native epithelial cells of the intestine, taking them for strangers and developing antibodies against them;
  • Many scientists consider this pathology as a hereditary disease, the development of which is provoked by unfavorable environmental factors.
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The triggering mechanism for the development of slumbering colitis in the body is for the most part the following:

  • Persistent stress conditions or severe mental trauma;
  • Often called and such a reason as dysbiosis;
  • Food restrictions, or compliance with a diet that is excessively rich in carbohydrates, and products intended for consumption, do not contain any dietary fiber;
  • A sedentary lifestyle is also the cause of ulcerative colitis.

When investigating an inflammatory disease such as ulcerative colitis, an interesting observation was revealed, from of which it follows that those people, who had appendectomy, are much less likely to suffer from this inflammatory pathology. But this disease does not only consider the physiological causes that contribute to its occurrence, but also psychological ones.

Psychosomatics of ulcerative colitis

By and large, many scientists tend to believe that ulcerative colitis can be attributed to psychosomatic diseases. They came to this conclusion for the reason that when psychotherapy is included in the process of treating this disease, to cure the patient of possible causes of its occurrence, the prognosis for recovery in patients with ulcerative colitis becomes much more optimistic. They also significantly reduce the risk of exacerbations.

The cause and development of the disease in a certain category of patients are such factors as suffering, fear, cruelty. Also, the majority of adherents of the psychosomatic theory of the onset and development of ulcerative colitis believe that this factor is promoted by a factor such as a person's dissatisfaction with work or a way of life.

In addition, since the time when ulcerative colitis was considered to be a psychosomatic disease, and to use psycho correction to eliminate the causes of its appearance, additional factors of the disease and peculiarities of patients appeared. These are for the most part:

  • Difficulties in making decisions;
  • Sentimentality and passivity;
  • Emotional instability;
  • Acute mental trauma in the past;
  • Participation in protracted conflicts.

All these factors, according to the adherents of the psychosomatic theory of the development of diseases, are the main cause of ulcerative colitis in a patient. But, in spite of the supposed nuances of its appearance, the important in the presence of in humans of this rather terrible inflammatory pathology of the intestine is the timeliness of its detection and the conduct of adequate treatment.

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