Enteritis of the intestine in a person - symptoms and treatment, signs of a syndrome of inflammation of the small intestine( feces, temperature)

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Symptoms and treatment of enteritis, which is an inflammation of the small intestine, will be determined by what form the disease and its severity.

Predominantly acute enteritis in humans will necessarily be accompanied by inflammation of the cavity of the stomach and colon. To the disturbed processes, which are associated with the pathology of absorption and production of intestinal juice, gastritis and colitis will be added along with their symptoms.

Chronic enteritis will be accompanied by a prolonged illness of the liver, bile duct and pancreas, with accompanying symptoms. Separation of primary signs from secondary lesion is not possible, since they have a common pathological process. This type of disease is characteristic of hereditary ailments of the digestive organs and autoimmune symptoms of the disorder.

Accordingly, the treatment of the disease is carried out with consideration of all the symptoms and disturbed processes.

Signs of enteritis

Typical manifestations of enteritis in humans are signs of small intestine inflammation and impaired absorption and intestinal motility.

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Symptoms of acute enteritis are:

  • The onset of diarrhea is a stool up to 10 or more times a day.
  • Repeated tenderness in the peri-ocular zone, which have a cramping characteristic.
  • Appearance of nausea and vomiting in the presence of food and bile impurities.
  • The tongue is covered in white.
  • Flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Increases body temperature to high levels.
  • Cal at enteritis has a liquid state with impurities of undigested food residues. Feces of a yellow shade.

If enteritis has a severe course, first of all there are symptoms of dehydration, loss of electrolytes and mineral substances in the body, manifested in the dryness of the cutaneous and mucous cover, weight loss, and convulsive syndrome.

In addition to the fact that the temperature of enteritis increases, there are other signs of general intoxication, manifested in severe weakness and headaches.

It should be noted that due to the fact that the blood condenses, the appearance of thrombotic syndromes is possible. The cardiovascular system will respond in the form of severe symptoms of tachycardia and a drop in blood pressure. In a severe case, shock and coma are possible.

Chronic form and symptoms of enteritis in humans will manifest themselves during a period of exacerbation, when patients forget about diet compliance and restriction from stressful situations. Symptoms of chronic enteritis are:

  • The appearance of diarrhea mainly after eating. The feces are watery in nature and have not overcooked food particles.
  • Painful sensations in the peri-papular zone are no longer grasping, but rather aching.
  • Constant flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Possible temperature increase.
  • The tongue is covered in white.
  • Since iron absorption is impaired, iron deficiency anemia will develop, accompanied by syndromes such as dizziness and increasing weakness.
  • Because of calcium deficiency in the blood, it will wash out of the bone tissue, leading to osteoporosis, an increase in brittleness that contributes to frequent fractures.

Signs of hypovitaminosis will be expressed in the early aging of the body, a sharp decrease in immunity, frequent colds. You can also observe symptoms such as a strong weight loss, regardless of increased diet.

Symptoms and treatment of enteritis

Treatment of enteritis symptoms will be initiated with nutritional restrictions. Diet for syndromes of the disease provides for the refusal of alcoholic beverages in any form, spicy sauces of fatty meats, vegetables and fruits, which contain coarse fiber. The table №4 will be appointed. It is characteristic for him to use dairy products, boiled meat and vegetable dishes, exclusion of black bread and confectionery.

The frequency of eating with symptoms of enteritis in humans will need to be increased to 5-6 times a day, while portions need to be reduced. It will be taken into account that liquid is lost due to vomiting and liquid stool, therefore it is allowed to drink up to 3 liters of water or broth of wild rose if there are no contraindications related to heart and kidney diseases.

In case of acute enteritis symptoms, the patient will be hospitalized in a hospital for treatment, and he will receive antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics with a wide range of effects in high dosage, the course of which is not less than a week. The effectiveness of treatment of enteritis syndromes can be judged by the fact that the temperature decreases, diarrhea ceases, the general condition improves. In a severe case of enteritis, antibiotics can be replaced or two drugs can be taken at once.

To replenish the water balance intravenously, solutions of glucose and calcium chloride with the addition of potassium will be introduced. Inside permitted the use of Regidron.

To restore and compensate for signs of insufficiency, enzymatic medicines will be prescribed. To consolidate the effect obtained from the treatment of symptoms, Smekta and Enterosgel are appointed. If the pain syndrome is strongly pronounced, then spasmolytic drugs are used, for example, Almagel A. B vitamins of groups C and B will be introduced if necessary, intramuscularly.

When treating acute forms of enteritis in humans, it is not necessary to conduct an uncontrolled long course of antibiotics. In addition, it is worth paying close attention to the balance of intestinal microflora. After discharge from the hospital, it is recommended that the diet be followed and the treatment continues for several more months, the intake of enzymatic agents and the strengthening of immunity.

In chronic form, the treatment of symptoms of small intestine inflammation will be very lengthy. Diet in this pathology is observed throughout life. It is recommended to completely abandon bad habits. So, the use of alcoholic beverages will always cause an exacerbation of symptoms, and treatment will not make sense.

A patient with chronic enteritis should use antimicrobial agents only if the inflammation of the small intestine is caused by an infection of a chronic type. To reduce the severity of symptoms are appointed:

  • Enzymes.
  • Drugs to improve motor function of the intestine, reduce nausea and bloating, as well as fever.
  • Probiotics to preserve the microflora.
  • The use of vegetative agents with astringent effect for a long time, thanks to which the feces get normal.
  • Complex vitamin-mineral therapy in sufficient dosage with a long course.

To fix the effect of treating the symptoms of patients with chronic type of enteritis, prescribed therapy in a sanatorium. In addition to mineral waters, treatment with mud in the abdomen and lower back will be prescribed. It is worth noting that other diseases of the digestive organs can be cured simultaneously.

If you follow a strict diet regime, then the acute and chronic form of enteritis in humans has a very favorable prognosis. Supportive treatment to prevent the onset of symptoms will not cause any inconvenience. Patients should be observed with a specialist gastroenterologist, and the examination should be conducted in accordance with standard requirements.

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