What to do with diarrhea in pregnant women, treatment of diarrhea in pregnancy, what to treat, what to drink, what to take, drugs, pills, drugs, how to stop?

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A liquid stool in women in an "interesting position" in the early stages or before childbirth is quite common. At the beginning of the term, the loose stool is associated with the hormonal reorganization of the body and is manifested against the background of toxicosis. On the eve of childbirth, the body strives to get rid of all excess and is purified. However, if diarrhea is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps, flatulence, malaise, headache, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to determine what to do and how to treat diarrhea in pregnant women.

What to do with diarrhea in this case, the doctor decides on the basis of the reasons that caused malaise. In the absence of appropriate diseases in the question of how to stop diarrhea in pregnant women, folk methods and a special diet will help.

What to do with diarrhea in pregnant women?

If a sudden discomfort of the stool begins, then this may be the earliest sign of the birth of a new life. Often the suspicion of pregnancy diarrhea says earlier than signs of toxicosis. In such cases, you do not need anything, the liquid chair passes itself in one or two days. With normal stomach disorders caused by the use of stale foods or unusual changes in food preferences, it is sufficient to use safe folk methods and diet.

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If, despite treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women, it lasts more than 3 days, then it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. And, of course, diarrhea in combination with temperature, the presence of mucus or blood in the stool, painful sensations require an immediate visit to the doctor. The main thing is what to do with diarrhea during pregnancy, do not panic, and independently analyze why the disorder has arisen. Nervous condition only strengthens manifestations.

Treatment of diarrhea in pregnancy

The main direction of treatment for diarrhea in pregnancy is the restoration of lost fluid and salts, the organization of proper dietary nutrition and drug therapy. The main danger in severe diarrhea, even if it is not accompanied by additional factors, is dehydration of the body. Signs of beginning dehydration are:

  1. Darkening of urine, absence of urge to urinate.
  2. Feeling of dryness in the mouth.
  3. The lasting desire to drink.
  4. Dizziness, sometimes drowsiness, irritability.

On the first day of diarrhea during pregnancy in drinking, it is better to limit yourself to a lot of boiled warm water, strong tea without sugar, fruit drinks. Given that the body of a woman during this period requires more nutrients than at any other time, starvation is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes in the diet and include low-fat broths. Helps to fight with liquid stool such a remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy as a rice broth, which is taken every three hours for a quarter of a glass for every reception. The amount of liquid consumed per day should be at least 2.5 liters.

In the future, the choice of what to take with pregnant women with diarrhea depends not only on the factors that provoked the ailment, but also depending on the period of the disorder of the stool. The fact is that until the thirtieth week it is forbidden to use any kind of medication so as not to disrupt the normal process of fetal development.

During this period, with diarrhea in pregnant women, more attention is paid to a special diet. Such a diet provides for the exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, and also all natural dairy products. Very useful natural yogurt, containing lacto- and bifidobacteria, beneficial effect on the weakened intestinal microflora. Unloading the body gives the use of viscous porridges of room temperature. Hot or cold food, getting into the acidic environment of the stomach, irritates it and worsen digestion. The effectiveness of the diet increases herbal infusions on melissa, mint, chamomile flowers.

Folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy

The most popular ingredients, which make tinctures and decoctions from diarrhea for pregnant women, are the bark of oak and white willow, chamomile flowers, calendula, herbs of thyme, Artemisia vulgaris, leaves of mother-and-stepmother and plantain. The effectiveness of the use of funds is greatly increased when they are used in the form of fees. However, it should be borne in mind that the female organism during this period is very selective not only to food, but also to medicinal herbs that can cause an allergic reaction. What to drink when diarrhea is pregnant, is determined individually. The most safe folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy are blueberry jelly, starch solution in chilled boiled water, tincture of pomegranate rind or blackberry leaves.

Drugs for diarrhea in pregnancy

When drug therapy is not recommended for the safety of normal fetal development, as an exception, medicines for adsorbing action can be used. Among them Smecta against diarrhea during pregnancy is the most common medicine, which, moreover, has no side effects. Another advantage of using Smecta for diarrhea in pregnant women is that it is of natural origin. The main active substance - dioctahedral smectite, getting directly into the intestine, is not absorbed into the blood and therefore does not adversely affect the child.

Mechanism of exposure Smecta in pregnancy with diarrhea, is the binding of gases and toxins and their subsequent removal from the body. In addition, by binding to the glycoproteins of the secretion of the mucous membranes, the active substance increases their number and provides increased protection against the negative effects of bile acids, gastric juice, pathogenic microorganisms and pathogenic viruses. As auxiliary substances, the preparation contains vanillin, glucose, saccharin, sodium.

Women are wondering what to do with diarrhea during pregnancy, what pills to drink and what course of admission they should follow? Accept the scheme of admission and the duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the duration of admission is from three to seven days. In the absence of effect, after completion of the doctor makes an adjustment of therapy. Smektu is prescribed for intestinal infections, strong manifestations of toxicosis and food allergy. At the same time, the high absorption capacity of the drug contributes to the removal from the body of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria, leading to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Smecta is not recommended for high blood sugar levels due to the presence of glucose. Despite all the positive properties and the ability to buy without a prescription, it is strictly forbidden to use it without medical advice. After all, any laxative medicine, including Smecta, strengthens the muscular activity of the intestine, which can cause premature births in the early stages.

Quite often, doctors prescribe similar drugs, such as Enterosgel, to resolve the issue of stopping diarrhea during pregnancy. With the help of Enterosgel it is possible:

  1. To remove toxins and decay products, pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  3. Remove gassing and rotting in the intestine.
  4. To block the development of ulcerative formations on the surface of the mucous membrane.
  5. To intensify the peristalsis of muscle fibers.

Withdrawing poisonous substances from the body, Enterosgel does not absorb useful for normal life. Very effective use for diarrhea during pregnancy and activated charcoal.

Tablets for diarrhea for pregnant women

Not so long ago, the choice of medications that can be used against diarrhea in pregnancy was very limited and consisted in the use of folk methods or in inpatient treatment under constant medical supervision. Currently, there is no particular difficulty in choosing a suitable medicine for diarrhea for pregnant women. Tablets from diarrhea during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes only after a careful analysis of the symptoms of a loose stool and a woman's examination.

What to do with diarrhea in a pregnant woman depends on the specific clinic and the factors that caused the disorder. One of the cheapest and most effective tablets for diarrhea during pregnancy is Lediumum. It is used when the cause of diarrhea is a violation of emotional, allergic, associated with taking medications, changes in diet and diet. Lediumum and its analogs( Imodium, Enteraloperamide) increases the time of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down the muscle contractions, reducing the urge to defecate and has the property of increasing the tone of the anal sphincter.

At the same time, they can not be used in the first trimester and with the establishment of intestinal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery. It is also possible to use tablets Amnapulgite or Kaopecil containing kaolin and pectin, but only after the 30th week. How to treat diarrhea in pregnant women safely? To do this, doctors prescribe probiotics, which restore the intestinal microflora.

What should I do to prevent diarrhea in pregnant women?

Diarrhea, especially in the early stages, or at the 35th week, creates a high risk for normal fetal development, up to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, as a preventive measure to prevent the disorder, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Be under constant medical supervision.
  2. Do not start chronic illness.
  3. Organize rational nutrition.
  4. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Carefully process vegetables and fruits.
  5. Increase the consumption of dairy products.
  6. Small meals up to 6 times a day and only freshly prepared.
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