Exacerbation of superficial gastritis and its acute stage

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Gastritis is a real scourge of modern man. It has many forms and stages of development, each of which is characterized by its severity of leakage. The most secure in this disease, but at the same time very insidious, is considered a superficial form.

Because of mild symptoms, they often simply do not pay attention and do not resort to treatment, which leads to an aggravation of this disease, as well as to its transition to a chronic form. Superficial acute gastritis is an inflammatory process that has arisen for the first time and proceeds with the defeat of the mucosa of the main digestive organ.

Manifestations of it are in the form of severe pain, heaviness and burning in the epigastric region, as well as diarrhea, heartburn, belching and nausea, almost always resulting in vomiting. Such a diagnosis can be established according to the history, the results of laboratory tests and diagnostic tests( FGDS).

Causes leading to exacerbation of superficial gastritis

This disease, which is in the superficial stage of development, can exacerbate its course. In general, it is seasonal in nature and is observed in the spring or autumn period.

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It is at this time in the gastric juice acidity changes, and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly reduced. In addition, during the off-season, always accompanied by high humidity, the provoking occurrence of a superficial gastritis of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is activated.

In addition to exacerbation of the superficial form of this disease, it is during these periods that the shortage of B and C vitamins, which are necessary to ensure that the gastric mucosa is updated naturally, exerts a strong influence.

Factors provoking exacerbation of superficial gastritis

Surface gastritis at the stage of exacerbation may occur in the patient and regardless of seasonality, for a number of specific causes of the disease:

  • In the event that various errors were allowed while observing the diet prescribed by the attending physician;
  • Power failure;
  • Using alcohol or excessive smoking;
  • Emerged inflammatory processes in the body, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, caries;
  • Various food poisoning and taking some medications that provoke the disease;
  • Unforeseen stressful situations and nervous overexertion.

During periods of exacerbation of this disease, one must be very attentive to the state of health and fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions so that the disease passes to the stage of remission as soon as possible. Only properly selected treatment, lifestyle changes and observance of a certain diet can prevent the transition of the disease into more severe forms.

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