Diet with erosive gastritis of the stomach( with erosion), an approximate menu for the week and recipes

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Erosive gastritis of the stomach can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Irritation defects with it are numerous and can be arranged singly, or be collected in the hearths. They give severe pain after eating, nausea, heartburn. Therefore, a diet with erosive gastritis of the stomach is a very important part of both treatment and prevention of further relapses.

On the first day after the exacerbation of the disease began, eating is completely forbidden, and then, within 3 weeks, until the inflammatory process is removed, patients are prescribed a strict diet.

The first days, until the process taking place in the stomach, will not be stopped, only well-cooked porridges, soft-boiled eggs and natural jelly are allowed. This is done in order to prevent further damage to the mucosa, which can be either chemical, or thermal or mechanical. Therefore, with erosive gastritis, too hot or cold food should be removed from the diet, that is all that can irritate the damaged gastric mucosa.

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The consistency of food is also given great attention. Products before consumption should be carefully crushed or wiped, as rough food with gastritis, aggravated by erosions, will very much irritate the damaged gastric mucosa. All the principles of dietary nutrition in this form of gastritis are based on completely eliminating inflammation in the gastric tissues.

Food intake should be divided, not less than 6 times a day and in very small portions, so as not to cause the sick stomach to work in a strengthened mode. All dietary dishes with erosive gastritis are prepared strictly for a couple, it is forbidden to eat fried and stewed. In order to ensure that the therapeutic effect is fully entrenched, adhere to a therapeutic diet should be no less than 3 months.

If the acidity with an erosive gastritis is increased, then in the menu you can gradually include vegetable oils, and if reduced - a small amount of salt, loose broths and lemon juice. But throughout the prescribed diet under the ban will be any sharp and highly salty foods, as well as baked goods. About alcoholic drinks sick with an erosive gastritis should be forgotten, also you need to try to give up such an addiction as smoking.

When the remission period comes, the menu can be slightly expanded, but the food in any case should be fractional, at least 6 times a day. Every morning, before you start eating, you should drink a glass of clean, but not cold water. Fruits that are allowed in a diet with erosive gastritis should be consumed only without skin. Also in the menu there should be no butter and creams on its basis, it is necessary to replace it with vegetable oil.

Sample menu with erosive gastritis

The first question for those who are prescribed such a diet will be: "And from what to make a diet and where to get recipes, because the food in any case should be diverse?" The answer here is simple. The menu should include only light meals that will not load the stomach. When a person has an erosive gastritis, an approximate menu for a week can be as follows:

For breakfast, soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, curd casseroles or with jam or berries and fruits, oatmeal porridge, rice and wheat, and steamed curds.

It is compulsory for erosive gastritis to be a second breakfast, or snack, during which you should eat fruit, except for citrus, they should be cleaned from the skin. And also tea, which is very weakly brewed or decoctions of rose hips, chamomile with biscuits.

Lunch includes vegetable or cereal soups, steamed for a couple of dietary meat, sea fish fillet, meatballs in a dairy sauce. On the side dish, boiled potatoes and buckwheat are suitable. From drinks you can slightly boiled tea, compote, a decoction of chamomile with a small cracker.

Snack, which is also mandatory in a diet prescribed by a patient with chronic erosive gastritis, can consist of berry and fruit soufflé or mousses, dietary curd, biscuit biscuits or a handful of any dried fruits.

For dinner, a liver or steam fish is served with potatoes, buckwheat or stewed vegetables, meat stew, light casseroles. From drinks also slightly boiled tea or herbal decoctions, biscuits or dried bread.

Before going to bed, you should definitely drink a cup of sour kefir or ryazhenka. Tea is also possible, prepared with milk.

Recipes of all dietary foods that should be eaten with erosive gastritis are simple enough and do not require any culinary skills. Prepare dishes that are described in the menu for a week can be any, even inexperienced in cooking people.

It has been universally proven that adherence to a diet in this disease really helps, therefore, together with a healthy lifestyle, it will inevitably lead to the disappearance of all rather unpleasant symptoms and very rapid recovery.

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