Treatment of ascaris with folk remedies and methods at home, recipes against ascariasis in adults with tansy, garlic, pumpkin seeds, wormwood

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The popular treatment of ascariasis helps to accelerate recovery processes in traditional medical therapy, it can be the only remedy for those who are not allowed to take antiparasitic drugs for some reason. Folk remedies are also actively used in the process of ascaridosis prophylaxis, which is why the interest in methods of alternative medicine invariably grows.

In order to know what folk remedies can be used to treat ascaridosis in the home, what methods of control are effective, it is necessary to understand some of the features of the described disease. What is ascariasis? This is helminthiasis, in which a large number of roundworms, ascarids, settle in the host's body. Developing, they absorb nutrients destined for human development, disrupt the work of almost all internal organs, form processes that lead to general intoxication.

Symptoms of invasion are not immediately apparent. The first manifestations even an adult can not connect with the presence of worms. When there are problems with sleep, constant headaches, fast fatigue, few who guess that inside settled dangerous parasites. The child in the first stages of ascariasis is marked by constant moodiness, irritability. Virtually all in the acute phase, there are digestive disorders, the patient loses appetite, his weight decreases, the pallor of the skin and the unhealthy appearance appear. And only one unique symptom makes you sound an alarm and start to act actively in a certain direction - it's an itch in the anus. Sometimes the worms come out through the anus, or even( in especially severe cases through the mouth).When a living worm is found, doctors strongly recommend conducting a similar study of the body's functions, getting the appointment and recommendations of a doctor about the medication and folk treatment of ascaris at home. There are actually a lot of fighting methods.

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How to treat ascaris at home?

Folk treatment of ascaris has centuries-old traditions, therefore all the recipes proposed in the article can be safely taken on board by all those who dream of getting rid of parasites. The principles of traditional therapy have long been defined. It is based on the use of products that can be easily prepared at home using herbs and some food. Infusions and oils, pastes and enemas create uncomfortable conditions for ascarids( they hardly tolerate an acidic or bitter environment), disrupt their habitual vital rhythms, change the composition of the intestinal microflora, deprive the Askaris of the opportunity to fully eat.

In addition, all folk remedies that are easy to prepare on their own at home, help to remove inflammation, provoked by the vital activity of parasites, eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. With the help of medicinal plants and infusions, local immunity increases, which also contributes to a speedy recovery. It is important during the treatment to provide and select the means that will facilitate the introduction of dead worms from the host organism. Multifunctionality leads to the use of different folk methods of treatment of ascarids - infusions, enemas, aromatic oils( oil of hilba, for example, is actively used).Only an experienced specialist can assemble them into one scheme. He will advise what foods should be included in the daily diet in order to form unfavorable conditions for living in the gut of Ascaris, what herbs to use for killing worms, which for their removal. This article is intended to introduce the most popular and effective antiparasitic folk remedies on which any unconventional treatment is based.

Herbs against ascarids

Treatment of ascariasis with herbs shows good results. There are several plants that are traditionally used to expel worms from the host organism. This tansy, wormwood and dandelion is curative. Any products made from them are very bitter. Some medicinal plants contain substances that are part of complex poisons, so use such folk remedies must be very carefully, strictly observing the existing dosage. Treatment of ascaridosis in children is carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

How is tansy from askaris used?

For the treatment of ascaridosis, the flowers of this plant are used. They contain a large number of essential oils, which contain special biologically active substances( thujone, pinene, borneol, camphor), they are destructive to all roundworms and eliminate the main symptoms of invasion. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to properly prepare funds and take them in accordance with existing instructions. It should be remembered that an overdose of folk remedies prepared from this plant can be very dangerous for a person. That is why it is necessary to choose tansy for the treatment of ascaridosis only if the patient is over 18 years old. Children do not need to prepare tinctures and decoctions from this plant. Such a method of struggle is justified only for the treatment regimens that are made for adults.

Adults can take on the following anthelmintic folk remedy, which can be easily prepared at home:

  • A spoon of flowers is placed in enameled dishes and poured into a glass of boiling water. The container is placed on a water bath( the medicine must be soaked for about twenty minutes).
  • After this, the liquid is filtered and cooled.
  • A glass of infusion is drunk during the day in three divided doses, fifteen minutes before meals.
  • The course of treatment lasts one week. In parallel with receiving the infusion, it is necessary to take laxatives. They facilitate and accelerate the removal of dead worms from the intestine of the patient.

The folk treatment of ascaridosis by plants is carried out in two stages: first the tincture is taken inside, then a cleansing enema is made with the help of a natural remedy. To fill it, only 50 ml of liquid is used, another infusion is prepared for the enema. Flowers tansy blend with chamomile and bitter wormwood. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the spoon of the collection is poured with boiling water, the infusion is prepared in the same way as the above recipe. To enhance the effect before the enema is introduced into the infusion, a gruel of grated garlic is added. After introducing fluid into the anus, you must lie on your left side for half an hour. Microclysters are made every day during the time of taking tinctures of tansy and laxatives. Such treatment at home shows good results, after the first procedure disappears the itching in the anus - the most characteristic symptom of the presence of parasites in the human body.

Wormwood from Ascarids

Bitterness wormwood also helps to get rid of ascarids. The leaves of the plant also contain thujone, a poison for all roundworms, including ascarids. In addition, they have a lot of pinene, cadinene, capillin and alkaloids, responsible for the bitter taste of all folk remedies, prepared from a medicinal plant. To eliminate the ascarids, a decoction is taken and at the same time the intestinal cleansing is performed. The medicine for both procedures is prepared from a teaspoon of a dry plant and a liter of boiling water. The liquid is brought to a boil, and then infused for ten minutes. Inside the broth is taken on a third of the glass three times a day, for the cleansing enema is not quite cooled infusion. It is also useful at night to enter microclysters from wormwood 50 ml into the rectum. Infusion instantly absorbed and disastrously affects the ascaris.

Actively can be used against ascarids and dandelion. To prepare an anthelmintic folk remedy, the roots and leaves of the plant are used. They are crushed, two tablespoons of raw material are poured into two hundred milliliters of boiling water and insisted in a cool place for about a hour. The medicine prepared at home should be drunk in small sips throughout the whole working day.

Other recipes from Askarid

There are other ways of preparing medicines that are actively used in the process of folk treatment of ascaridosis. It:

  1. Garlic broth for enemas and candles.
  2. Pumpkin seeds.
  3. Folk remedies based on vodka and onions.

Folk treatment of ascaridosis with garlic broth at home has been well established, one remedy is often included in the scheme of traditional medicament therapy, if necessary, enhance the effect of drugs. It is prepared in the following way: a garlic clove is added to the glass of hot milk, the liquid is put on the fire and cooked until it is completely softened. Garlic milk is cooled and used to introduce a cleansing enema. If such a folk remedy is prepared for children, the volume of injected liquid is reduced by half. The garlic candle will also drive the ascarid. It is prepared as follows: several garlic heads are rubbed on a grater, and turn into a monotonous gruel. Kashitsa is poured with a small amount of water. The drug is infused for half an hour. After that, a small cotton swab is dipped in it and injected into the ass of a child or an adult. A tampon needs to be pulled out in about twenty minutes. After the swab, adult specimens of roundworms will independently leave the intestine.

Treatment of ascaridosis with pumpkin seeds also contributes to a quick recovery. It quickly eliminates the main symptoms of invasion. The folk remedy against askarids is not difficult to cook at home, using modern household appliances. The best and delicious medicine is sweet pasta. For its preparation 500 grams of raw pumpkin seeds are taken and immersed in a coffee grinder or in a blender. Then add a small amount of water and a spoonful of liquid honey. All this is thoroughly crushed and turned into a paste. Take it on an empty stomach on a teaspoon. During the first hour it is important to eat all freshly prepared pasta. Children from two years old and older need to prepare the medicine from 70 grams of seeds. Further, folk treatment with pumpkin seeds assumes the intake of water in which magnesium is dissolved( gram of powder for a year of life, but not more than 30 grams for an adult patient).Half a glass of water is drunk three hours after eating the paste. Half an hour after taking magnesia, you need to make a cleansing enema. Such folk treatment of ascaridosis is applied when medicinal preparations for any reasons can not be taken.

Another popular remedy against ascarids can be prepared from onions and vodka. The vegetables are cut very finely and placed in a glass dish, with a capacity of 250 milliliters. Fill it completely with vodka, close the lid and insist for ten days. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 20 grams of folk remedies before meals three times a day from the first day of the onset of the symptom of the described helminthiosis.

It is important to understand that the treatment of any helminthiosis by folk remedies should be under the supervision of the attending physician and after his appointment.

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