Diagnosis of helminthiases( worms, helminths), laboratory, computer, immunological methods, how to diagnose helminthic invasion in humans?

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Helminthiases are a term that unites all diseases caused by parasitic worms - worms.

Every third person is infected with helminths and does not even suspect about them. If you for some reason suspected worms, you need to see a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies, and afterwards begin treatment. Often worms can mimic other diseases. In addition, do not forget about infectious diseases.

There are at least 300 species of parasites that can be found in the human body. Parasites can settle in various organs and tissues, not necessarily in the digestive tract. In the digestive tract, worms come from the beginning, and from there they move with blood or lymph flow to other systems. Some can get through the lungs.

Methods of diagnostics of helminthiases are divided into two large groups: direct and indirect. Direct confirm the presence, indirect suggest the presence of worms, and are needed for differential diagnosis.

Methods of diagnostics of worms

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There are such kinds of researches:

  1. The presence of eggs of worms in the feces of a patient. Most often they are seen even by an unprofessional look. Such a study is called macroscopic - laboratory diagnostics of helminthiases;
  2. Microscopic methods - to this study pass, if macroscopically failed to detect anything. As well as the previous method, refers to laboratory methods;
  3. Immunological status examination;
  4. Muscle tissue examination - a biopsy is done for this;
  5. Study of the contents of the duodenum and gallbladder;
  6. Instrumental diagnostic methods;
  7. Computer diagnostics.

Diagnosis of worms in humans

The basis for the correct diagnosis in humans is not only laboratory or instrumental diagnostics. How to diagnose worms in humans? Correctly collected data is already half the result. To determine the presence of infestation, it is necessary to find out whether the patient used dirty vegetables fruits, raw meat, fish, etc. Do not forget about dirty hands. Also a prerequisite for infection is contact with animals that can be infected with parasites. There are a number of symptoms that can lead to the idea of ​​worm infestation in the body:

  • weight loss while maintaining the habitual diet;
  • weakness, lethargy, apathy;
  • nausea without vomiting;
  • Stool disorders, constipation or diarrhea;
  • bruxism;
  • rashes;
  • presence of helminth eggs in the stool.

In general, the main manifestations of symptoms are associated with intoxication and abnormalities in the digestive tract.

There are a number of factors on which the first manifestations of invasion depend:

  • firstly, this is how the parasite got into the body. It can even be an air-drip way - larvae are inhaled along with dust;
  • second, the direct dependence of adaptation of worms to the body. Some species of worms can not survive in the human body. Most often, these are representatives of fish helminthiases, which enter the patient's body( their final host) with the fish, where they perish;
  • third, from the phase of development of worms. It depends on how the worm gets into the human body. It can be an adult and a larva. Some parasites show their pathogenicity only when they fully develop;
  • Fourth, the number of parasites. If they are few, the clinic will be weakly expressed or it will not exist at all. Manifestations will appear only with repeated invasion, when the number of parasites will increase and begin to poison the body with toxins.

Diagnosis of worms in adults

Most often, adults have diseases that are caused by roundworms, tape or flukes. All the rest are much rarer.

After the collection of information, it is necessary to begin laboratory and instrumental studies for the differential diagnosis of helminthiosis. First, a general blood test is taken, in which changes are found that are characteristic of allergic reactions of the body caused by invasion. From the general analysis of blood, we can assume the presence of parasites by shifting the leukocyte formula to the left and increasing eosinophils. Normally, the number of eosinophils is 0-1.

Next, it is necessary to conduct macro- and microscopic laboratory methods to study feces for egg worm. Macroscopic diagnosis can determine the presence of helminthiasis caused by the class of roundworms. To do this, use a special cup, bearing the name of the scientist Petri.

Microscopic diagnosis of helminthic invasion is carried out using the laboratory method of "thick drop".He bears the name of the scientist Kato. The disadvantage of microscopic research is that with its help it is possible to detect not all types of helminthiases. Often it is combined with methods of laboratory contrast microscopic diagnosis.

To study the immunological status, take blood serum. The essence of the study consists in the detection of specific antibodies to certain helminthiasis.

If an adult patient is suspected of having parasites in the muscle tissue, he needs to make an instrumental diagnosis - a biopsy. Most often, a biopsy is a direct method of detecting trichinosis.

There are a number of helminthiases with lesions of the liver, gall bladder. Therefore, there is a special method of diagnosis, which takes bile and examines it for the presence of parasites and differentiation of the disease.

And additionally use methods such as FGDS and ultrasound. You can also turn to computer diagnostics of worms.

How to diagnose helminthiases in children?

Children are exposed to infection 10 times more than adults. This is due to the fact that they most often come into contact with the environment, land, animals that can be infected with helminths. For children, repeated invasions are also frequent.

If the child is small, then, it is unlikely that he will tell about what concerns him. Therefore, you should carefully monitor its behavior. If the baby is drowsy, dull, inactive, you should start worrying about a possible invasion. Decreased appetite and gnashing teeth may indicate the presence of helminthiosis.

The first manifestations may look like an ordinary cold. Further, invasion of the digestive tube can cause dyspepsia. A clump of worms can cause a picture of intestinal obstruction or acute appendicitis. Confirm with eosinophilia in a general blood test. There are two phases of ascaridosis: early and late. Each has its own characteristics. In the case of early diagnosis, sputum should be examined for the presence of roundworms in it, in the later phase of the disease, larvae are detected by feces. In this case, macroscopic laboratory diagnostics of worms is used. Immunoenzymatic analysis will help to identify antibodies to this helminthiasis.

Alveococcosis is a helminthiasis that develops after parasites get through the respiratory tract. It affects primarily the hepatobiliary system. This plays an important role in the correct diagnosis of this helminthiasis in children. Most often there is no symptoms. Then there is a clinical picture, similar to acute cholecystitis. The liver increases in size, has a tuberous consistency. In the laboratory analysis of blood: leukocytosis, a high number of leukocytes, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation increases. Hyperproteinemia is also characteristic. Do serological diagnosis, to detect antibodies to alveococcal antigens. Additionally, the diagnosis can be confirmed by instrumental diagnostics: X-ray examination and ultrasound. Contraindicated to do a biopsy with this helminthiasis. Computed tomography is also a reliable method of investigation.

Ankylostomidosis is a group of helminthiases that can penetrate the skin and affect the small intestine. In addition to symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, they can cause strong intoxication of the body, allergies and even cause a bleeding in the intestine. In accordance with this, there are symptoms, characteristic not only for all parasites, but also posthemorrhagic manifestations. These include pallor, brittle nails and hair. In the blood, a decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocytes is found. The diagnosis is confirmed by a laboratory study of feces and examination of the contents of the duodenum - a favorite place of parasitism by hookworm.

Diffilbotriosis is one of the types of intestinal parasitic diseases. Accordingly, the manifestations of this helminthiasis are caused by the defeat of the intestinal wall by helminths. This helminthiasis can cause a picture of acute obstruction in the intestine. Diagnosis of this helminthiasis is not difficult, confirms the diagnosis of the detection of helminths in the feces.

Opisthorchiasis is a parasitic disease characterized by the worms affected by the biliary system, the pancreas. Infected with children from cats and dogs, after eating half-baked and raw fish. When lesions of the liver parenchyma form in her cystic cavity. The first manifestations are similar to the clinical picture of the flu, then the symptoms of dyspepsia are added. And when the process is chronicized, symptoms from the defeat of the hepatobiliary system are added. Helminthiasis can mimic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and hepatitis. Confirm helminthiasis diagnosis of the contents of the duodenum and bile. It is necessary to conduct a study for the presence of helminths in the stool of the patient. In addition, X-ray examination and ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system are used.

Trichocephalosis is a disease that is caused by a vagus head with a predominant lesion of the large intestine. Helminthiasis causes severe intoxication. In addition, helminths love the red blood sprout. Therefore, hypochromic anemia can occur. To confirm this helminthiasis, study feces.

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