Is it possible to make raisins with gastritis?

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Everyone knows that fruits are necessary for the body as well as vegetables. People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases often wonder whether it is possible to use raisins for gastritis.

Fructose and glucose in this wonderful product is not less than in fresh grapes. Due to its energy value, raisins are an indispensable source of energy for citizens forced to adhere to a diet.

Such a disease as gastritis was no exception. Since the patient has to give up many food products, he does not have enough energy. This can be corrected by using a certain portion of raisins. It is better to choose dried grapes of dark color.

The use of raisins for gastritis

It is worth remembering immediately that you can not use such a product in its pure form. Then the question arises whether it is possible to use raisins in a different form with gastritis. It is best to use a similar product as a decoction. In addition to dried fruit, you should add oats or oats to the decoction. Such a medicine can relieve the pain and irritation that occurs with gastritis.

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To prepare the decoction, you need to follow a small instruction:

  • In a small container, put a half cup of oats, half a glass of raisins, pre-washed with running water.
  • The contents of the container are filled with water in an amount of one and a half cup.
  • The resulting mass should be brought to a boil.
  • When the broth boils, it must be removed from the fire and allowed to stand for at least three hours.
  • It is better to strain before use.
  • Use the decoction for gastritis should be 30 minutes before eating half a cup. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If desired, raisins can be added to the porridge. During preparation, the fruit will not lose its properties, but will not irritate the mucous membrane.

Those who like to eat sweet, but because of gastritis are forced to refuse sweets, can boil a little dried grapes. This product will help to get rid of hunger, as well as

. In dark grades of dried fruit contains proteins, fats, fiber, a group of vitamins B, A, K, E, iron, chlorine, sodium, zinc and potassium. Due to the presence of oleanolic acid, the growth and spread of certain bacteria ceases.

Rice raisins for gastritis

Although raisins have practically the same beneficial properties as grapes, it is not recommended for use in moderate portions. Overeating, can cause complications that are not desirable for gastritis.

The product sold on the market is rather polluted. To prevent the fruit from irritating the mucosa, it should be well washed and placed in a sour-milk product. This method will disinfect the product.

Very often, such a dried fruit can be contaminated with insect larvae, and this is harmful for both the patient and the healthy person. Determine the pollution, you can in a simple way. Berry of dried grapes chokes between the fingers. If there were larvae in the fruit, they would be noticeable.

Light tones of dried grapes are treated with sulfurous anhydride, so that the product has a marketable appearance. From this it follows that with gastritis it is better to acquire dark varieties. It is worth remembering that even light grapes get a light brown color during drying. This means that the shade is too bright, it tells about the content of harmful substances in the body.

The amount of raisins used should be minimal. This is due to the high content of fructose and glucose. Especially similar dried fruits are dangerous at an aggravation of diseases of the digestive tract.

If you choose the right fruit, and also eat them in moderation, the patient will not experience gastritis exacerbation and complications.

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