Drugs used to treat gastritis of the stomach, a list of the best, what are they taking, how are they treated?

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Gastritis is an inflamed dystrophic-altered gastric mucosa. The change could occur as a result of chemical or thermal burns, poisoning, improper treatment of antibiotic drugs used in other diseases and other factors. According to the form of the course of gastritis is divided into acute and chronic form, so depending on this, different methods of treatment are prescribed.

Treatment of acute gastritis and used medications

Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of acute gastritis, after which to prescribe the necessary and better treatment. If it is caused by chemical or food poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the digestive tract with a rubber probe before treatment.

The first day is contraindicated in the treatment of drugs that irritate the wall of the stomach, as well as the rejection of nicotine, alcohol and food.

As a treatment for gastritis, drugs prescribed for better antisecretory action are prescribed: Ranitidine, Famotidine and other blockers of H 2 -histamine receptors;Maalox, Gastal and Fosfalugel, which possess antacid properties;De-nol with gastroprotective properties;Omepazal is an inhibitor of the proton pump.

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For pain resulting from poisoning, prescribe analgesic medications: Atropine, Papaverin and others.

In the case of persistent urge to vomit treatment is prescribed by Cerucal or any other prokinetic drugs used in gastroenterology.

With specific etiology of gastritis, antimicrobial and antifungal therapy is prescribed.

When dehydrating the body, intravenous saline solutions are prescribed.

In rare cases, drug treatment of chronic gastritis with medicinal products ends with surgery and drainage of the purulent focus or with gastrectomy.

Treatment of chronic gastritis: used drugs

Chronic gastritis is treated as a stomach ulcer. When exacerbating the chronic form of the disease requires physical rest, as well as the measures used in the treatment of acute gastritis, namely: the prohibition of drugs irritating the mucous wall of the stomach, alcohol, nicotine and certain types of sharp, salty and smoked foods and dishes.

Increased acidity in gastritis should be neutralized by one of the antacid agents. List of drugs for better treatment:

  • Half an hour before meals, take burnt magnesia or magnesium carbonate in a dosage of 2 grams, or two tsp. Almagel;
  • Two tablets of powdered Vicalin are taken after eating, with plenty of liquid. Daily rate - three methods;
  • Tablet of Vikaira after eating. Daily consumption is divided into three methods;
  • 12 ml of Geluxil can be drunk at any time of the day or night, perhaps several doses per day;
  • Two tablets of Maalox after eating;
  • 20 mg of Kwamatel is taken twice a day;
  • Two tablets of Aktala dissolve under the tongue, 16 techniques - daily rate;
  • 2 tablets Alugastrin is taken after meals;
  • 4 tablets Alumaga after meals. Daily rate - four receptions;
  • Multiple methods of Anacid 10 ml;
  • Reni rassosat mouth, taking every 2 hours for two tablets. Daily allowance - up to 16 tablets;
  • Andrews an anatocide, the daily norm - 2 receptions;
  • A teaspoon of Andrews Liver Salt powder dissolved in water is taken in four doses;
  • 10 ml of Alsmavit or Megalac after a meal, in 4 divided doses;
  • 4 bags per day at intervals of 3-4 hours Andrews Ansvera;
  • Four tablets or 2 tsp.suspension Milk of magnesia;
  • Pee-Hoo suspension is taken in 15 ml. Daily rate - 5 receptions;
  • SODU( 1 g) several doses per day.

In chronic gastritis, cholinolytic drugs blocking cholinergic systems are divided into the following subgroups:

  1. atropine-like drugs;
  2. blocking synapses of vegetative ganglia;
  3. curlicular action;
  4. preparations-holinolitiki central action. Drugs of holinolothic action:
    • atropine. Dosage and method of admission is prescribed by a doctor.

    Preparations of belladonna for better treatment of gastritis:

    • extract - 0.01 g three meals a day;
    • one tablet of Bacarbon or Besaptal, or Bellallgina, or Bellastesin, or Paveviesin, two to three doses per day;

    Platifillin preparations( list):

    • one tablet of Platyfilin hydrotartrate, daily norm - 3;
    • Gangleron - 1 capsule after meal, - 4 receptions;
    • for one tablet of Palyphin, - 3 receptions;
    • Quaternary - 0,03 g. Daily norm - 4.

    To combat hyperacidity, the following drugs are prescribed:

    • after meals, according to the Zoran tablet, the daily norm is 2;
    • 300 mg per day in 2 receptions of Ranigast or Ranks, course from 4 to 8 weeks;
    • 40 mg of Quamapel. Course - four weeks;
    • half an hour before eating 1 dragee of Librax;
    • 600 mg in three receptions of Simesana.

    With disturbed nervous regulation:

    • Caffeine, Bellaspon and others.

    To suppress pathological reflexes:

    • 0.03 g of Phenobarbital;
    • 10 intravenous infusions of 10% sodium bromide or novocaine.

    For the sedative effect appoint one spoon of tincture of valerian;any sedative teas.


    • Seduxen
    • Mepropane
    • Zunoctin
    • Trioxazine
    • Metamysil
    • Amisyl
    • Elenium

    Dosage is prescribed by a physician.

    Anti-spasmodics, which are prescribed by a physician in combination therapy:

    • 2 tablets No-shy, daily norm - 2 administration;
    • PAVERINA HYDROCHLORIDE BY 0.05 g - daily norm of 2 administration.

    For the normalization of metabolic processes appoint Metiluratsil( 1 g per day) or hormonal drugs - Nerobol( for 3 weeks), protein hydrolysates.

    Preparations that heal damaged areas of the gastric mucosa( list):

    • Vitamin U - two tablets. Daily rate - five times;
    • B12 - monthly intake of 60 mcg per day;
    • Nicotinamide - one tablet, daily allowance - two doses;
    • Retinol - 0.01 g per day B6-100 mg per day;
    • Nicotinic acid - 0.1 g, daily norm - three doses for 20 days;
    • Ascorbic acid - 100 mcg per day;
    • and others.

    Enzyme preparations:

    • Pepsidil - 2 tbsp.spoons, daily norm - three receptions;
    • Pepsin - 2 tbsp.spoons. Daily rate - two methods;
    • Atsdin-pepsin after eating 0,05 g, daily norm - three receptions.

    With achilia - pancreatin 1 g 6 doses per day.

    For good therapeutic effect with gastritis appoint Festal( scheme and amount is assigned individually), Mezim-forte, Digestal, Kotazim-forte.

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