Products for gastritis - a list( list) of allowed and useful, what can be eaten( eat)?

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that occurs as a result of malnutrition. Gastritis can be confidently called the disease of the century, since only in Russia, according to health statistics, it affects about 50% of the population. Both adults and children at any age are ill, so many people think that this disease is not dangerous, but if after confirming the diagnosis, in addition to taking the medication, do not start eating properly on time, the gastritis can go on into chronic form, and then into peptic ulcer and evenin the cancer of the stomach. There is a gastritis for many reasons, but even if it is an infection - with normal nutrition it can be transferred almost without consequences.

List of products for gastritis

First of all, you need to eat regularly, 5-6 times a day in small portions. Food should be thoroughly chewed, swallowing slowly.

Dietary nutrition for gastritis is based on the rejection of all acute, fatty, roast and too sweet. What remains to eat?- you will say. Next, you can see a list of useful foods that are approved for gastritis and recommended for use.

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List of permitted products for gastritis of increased acidity:

  • White dried bread, breadcrumbs and biscuits;
  • Oat, buckwheat and rice porridge on water, or with a little milk addition;
  • Puree of mashed carrots, potatoes, beets and cauliflower;
  • Fresh bananas, baked apples, ripe pears and sweet berries, but in limited quantities;
  • You can have a little parsley, dill, vanillin and cinnamon to strengthen your appetite.
  • One soft-boiled egg a day, a protein omelet for steaming;
  • Low-fat milk, preferably with tea, cream low-fat cottage cheese to prevent heartburn;
  • Butter and vegetable oils in moderation;
  • Young lean lamb, chicken, turkey and rabbit without skin and tendons. It is desirable to eat the product chopped into small pieces;River fish - Alaska pollock, cod. You can eat as a cutlet or cook the product on a steam;
  • Seafood. The main thing is not to abuse;
  • From sweet you can milk cream, marshmallow, pastille and honey. The latter will be very useful for the stomach, if diluted with water and drink a couple of hours before eating;
  • From drinks with gastritis, you can have a weak tea with milk, mineral still water, cabbage, potato and carrot juices, which are very useful and help prevent ulcers, and broth of dogrose - a healing and appetizing product.

List with gastritis with low acidity:

  • Slightly hardened, dried white bread;
  • Semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge welded on the water;
  • Squash, pumpkin, potatoes, finely chopped white cabbage or colored - all this, cooked in steamed or mashed potatoes, can be eaten;
  • Watermelons, grapes without peel and baked apples;
  • To improve appetite, you can drink already mentioned honey water;
  • A pair of soft-boiled eggs, an omelet;
  • Milk can be drunk with tea, recommended sour-milk products, cheese, not sharp and cut into pieces;
  • Vegetable and cream oils;
  • Meat of calf, beef and chicken without skin, steamed. You can also make a meat broth, adding cereals, pasta;
  • Fish better eat sea;
  • You can drink tea with lemon and milk, not strong coffee, cocoa, the same broth of dogrose. Juices from cabbage, carrots and potatoes are allowed, it will be better and more useful to consume them before eating.

What foods are used for gastritis?

Every person with a gastritis needs to think about and make up his own menu, and even better - not himself, but with the attending physician. Here is an approximate list of food for the day, which you can take as a guide:

  1. First breakfast - buckwheat porridge on the water, soft-boiled egg and tea, diluted with milk.
  2. The second breakfast - there should be very few products here, enough to eat a couple of baked apples.
  3. Lunch - potato soup, steamed meat and carrot juice.
  4. Snack - a decoction of rose hips with breadcrumbs.
  5. Dinner - steamed pollock with vegetable ragout, tea and marshmallows to it as a dessert.
  6. For the night - warm milk.

Now that it's clear that without goodies you will not stay, the desire to recover must prevail over the desire to destroy yourself. The doctor will help you in difficult situations and reveal subtlety in the diet and special products that will be allowed or banned individually, because all cases are different.

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