Chronic hyperacid gastritis - symptoms, treatment with folk remedies, diet

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Such a disease of the stomach, in which the inflammatory process that occurs in the mucosa, is associated with an increase in the acid level of the digestive enzyme, is called a hyperacid gastritis.

Symptoms and treatment of hyperacid gastritis

The main signs that make it possible to suspect the presence of just such a pathology in the digestive organ are a burning sensation in the esophagus( heartburn) that occurs immediately after a person ate something that has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and aching pain that manifests after eating.

Among the additional manifestations that correspond to any type of gastritis, you can name the following:

  • Sour belching;
  • Attacks of nausea, often accompanied by vomiting;
  • Persistent impairment of appetite( may either be completely absent, or be excessively elevated);
  • Discomfort in the abdomen accompanied by flatulence;
  • Tachycardia and low blood pressure;
  • Irritability, nervous tension and sleep disturbance.
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If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to confirm the presence or absence of a hyperacid gastritis with a special diagnostic test. This will allow to begin immediate treatment, which will include not only the medical method, but also the corresponding gastrointestinal diseases, as well as the reception of folk remedies intended to alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Chronic hyperacid gastritis

Depending on the duration of the course of the hyperacid type of the disease, it is possible to distinguish 2 of its forms: acute and chronic, in which there are constant changes in periods of exacerbation to the state of remission.

An important role in the course of hyperacid gastritis in the chronic type is played by the increased secretory activity of the mucosa that occurs over a long period of time.

Most often, this disease occurs in men, and at a fairly young age. This is because it is this category of patients that has a great propensity for some hyperacid gastritis-provoking factors.

Among them is the excessive use of hot drinks, coffee, a habit of smoking, failure to eat, as well as eating a lot of irritating mucus products and seasonings.

How can I get rid of hyperacid gastritis myself?

In the case when the patient is diagnosed with a hyperacid chronic gastritis, in the very first place, the medication chosen by the doctor should be strictly observed. But not one is necessary for the most effective treatment of this disease. With all the problems and inflammations of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, a great deal of attention is devoted to proper diet and diet.

She is very strict with a disease like hyperacid gastritis. In addition to smoked, roasted and fatty, whole-bodied vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh bread, are completely banned. This is particularly true of white.

In addition to the rejection of certain products, patients with a hyperacid chronic gastritis should follow the diet with accuracy, which assumes fractionality in meals. That is, you need to eat often( at least 5 - 6 times a day) and in small enough portions.

The state of hunger is also unacceptable. Breaks between meals with hyperacid gastritis should not exceed 3 hours. From products to the use of a diet prescribed for the treatment of this type of disease, the following are allowed:

  • Milk soups and cereals from well-boiled different cereals, in which it is good to add any vegetables, except cabbage, if desired, since it is a prohibited product;
  • Meat only white chicken or lean veal;
  • Eggs that are either cooked just soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet;
  • Cooked steamed( fried foods are prohibited, and if boiled in water - a lot of vitamins are lost), low-fat fish fillets, cutlets, and vegetables;
  • Milk, jelly, slightly boiled tea, decoctions of rose hips and compotes.

Vegetable fats and butter are very useful in hyperacid gastritis. But apart from traditional methods of treatment and adherence to a strict diet, are good for prevention, as well as relief of acute symptoms of hyperacid gastritis and folk remedies, the benefits of which have been tested for centuries.

Very good results give decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, calgary, calendula and St. John's wort. Especially in the case when they are used as antispasmodics.

For enveloping action in folk medicine, oil from berries of sea-buckthorn, flax seeds and oats are used. In addition, they can very well cope with heartburn, which is typical for this disease.

Observing all the recommendations of the attending physician, as well as using the prescriptions of alternative medicine, it is very simple to keep this disease under control without allowing too frequent occurrence of periods of exacerbation and making life easier for oneself.

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