Herbs for stomach gastritis, treatment, herbal medicine, what to drink, what help?

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Phytotherapy is a medical industry based on traditional medicine. As a rule, a person resorts to medicinal plants when he does not receive the proper result from pharmaceuticals or simply does not trust them. In general, the course of treatment with herbs gastritis is very long( at least a month), but also the effect of it is fairly stable. Let's consider what medicinal folk remedies should be used.

How to treat gastritis with medicinal herbs?

It is known that there are several types of inflammation of the stomach, therefore it is very important to take into account individual characteristics of gastric acidity in herbal medicine. It is this fact that will determine the features and basic rules of treating gastritis with herbs.

First of all, let us draw your attention to the fact that before starting the course of phytotherapy for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to consult a qualified gastroenterologist.

Treatment of gastritis with plantain

Plantain is a rather unpretentious medicinal herb that grows almost everywhere. It is often used to disinfect open wounds and quickly stop blood. In order to get rid of the pain with gastritis you need to apply it with caution. It will not be useful if, in case of illness in the stomach, high acidity, and gastric juice is abundant and even excessive.

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In all other cases, it cures the inflammation of the gastric mucosa with an infusion of plantain. What are the ways to treat gastritis with this herb? It's simple. Take the dried crushed leaves of plantain and brew them with boiling water. After only a few hours, the infusion obtained must be filtered and drunk in one hour. Repeat every day for 2 weeks.

How to treat gastritis with chamomile

Everyone knows that chamomile is a medicinal herb that is known for its own soothing, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile tea improves sleep and has a beneficial effect on restoring the normal functioning of the digestive system. In connection with these, this herbal beverage is also used for inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Take this tea every day before each meal.

It should be noted that from the point of view of phytotherapy, chamomile is an excellent preparation with a highly acidic gastritis. Strong tincture of this herb is done this way: a tablespoon of dry daisies is infused overnight. You should drink it twice a day in half a glass. In addition, chamomile is a part of most collections, for example, in conjunction with St. John's wort, mint or yarrow.

What properties of celandine help with gastritis?

This medicinal plant from time immemorial is used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Everyone knows that the juice of this herb perfectly cauterizes the inflammation of the epithelium. It is this property that allows you to prepare from it infusions against gastritis. However, be sure to consider that this herb is very poisonous. Take care of yourself - start treatment in small doses, with a gradual increase.

There are two courses of phytotherapy with gastritis using celandine. The first option: to mix the celandine with honey, and then take before meals for a week( the first two days for one teaspoon, and the rest for one canteen).The second option: tincture is made of the juice of celandine and alcohol. This tincture is stored in a dark place for 24 hours, then it is taken 1 tablespoon daily. Both remedies contribute to the recovery of the stomach.

What are the properties of nettles?

Nettle has antitoxic and fortifying properties, so it is an indispensable component in the preparation of preparations against gastritis.

You can make a decoction to improve the functions of the stomach from one nettle. Take dry leaves, pour water and boil for at least 10 minutes. However, for the best result it is necessary to collect a few herbs that help with gastritis, among which are St. John's wort, mint and sporich. All these herbs should be brewed with boiling water and insist tightly closed.

How to treat gastritis with the help of St. John's wort?

Everyone knows St. John's Wort, like a fragrant plant. However, you should know that this herb is very toxic, although not dangerous to humans. Poisoning this plant only animals, hence the name of it. In any case, its use for the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane does not stand for a long time. In addition, patients suffering from hypertension, phytotherapy recommends generally avoiding the use of infusions with this herb at the base, because it aggravates the condition, increasing blood pressure.

To get rid of gastritis, the rest is recommended to make a decoction of St. John's wort. To do this, one tablespoon of dry herbs to pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. After the broth cools, you can drink it 1/3 cup three times a day for half an hour before eating. The broth is stored in the cold for no more than two days.

In order not to aggravate the state of the stomach. All preparations based on this herb should not be strong! In case of high concentration, St. John's wort provokes an exacerbation of gastritis.

What are the useful properties of calendula?

Specialists in the field of phytotherapy emphasize that the inflorescences of this plant are famous for the content of various acids( ascorbic, malic and salicylic), as well as calcium, saponins and phytoncides. Due to these components it has antitoxic, bactericidal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antispasmodic properties.

Thanks to these properties of this medicinal herbs, an effective preparation is obtained from erosive gastritis. To do this, take a few teaspoons of flowers and brew them with steep boiling water. This tincture is consumed throughout the day. If you combine calendula with chamomile and yarrow, the results of treatment improve. Also, the use of tinctures from calendula is used to relieve the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It should be insisted on 70 percent alcohol for several weeks, and after taking 25-30 drops daily several times.

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