Abdominal pain in IBS( irritable bowel syndrome), character - strong, in back, hurts below, left, right side, how long does the painful attack last?

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In irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain refers to the main signs in the diagnosis of this disease. The main site of pain in IBS is the wall of the large intestine. The presence of a number of especially sensitive nerve endings in the tissues of this organ, and in connection with the already existing pain impulse, even a small stretching in the intestine that accompanies intestinal irritation leads to its further amplification.

In the formation of a painful form of IBS, the main mechanisms can be identified:

  1. Parietal - arising with the involvement of the peritoneum.
  2. Visceral, caused by increased osmotic pressure, tension and tension of internal organs accompanied by circulatory disorders.
  3. Irradiating when pain is given in the area of ​​hypersensitivity of cutaneous zones in other organs that are connected to the same segment of the spinal cord as the digestive tract.
  4. Psychogenic, caused by a deficiency of inhibitory factors and increased exposure to incoming nerve signals.
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Depending on the mechanism, the different pain patterns of IBS are different. With the parietal mechanism, severe pain in IBS is clearly localized and increases with coughing, changes in body position. Irritable bowel syndrome with a visceral pain syndrome is characterized by blunt, spastic, burning pains that do not have exact localization. In this case, these sensations can be accompanied by vegetative disorders( nausea, vomiting, pallor, anxiety, sweating).

In irritable bowel syndrome, pain in the left side is most often noted, but it can migrate through the body. The strength of expression can range from uncomfortable sensations to violent paroxysmal intestinal colic. How long does the pain attack of IBS lasts, is determined individually, and the duration of the attack is very different, and can last for minutes or several hours. A distinctive feature of the syndrome is that they do not manifest at night with sleep.

How does the abdomen hurt IBS?

Among those suffering from this disease, pain syndrome is noted with almost one hundred percent probability in all. Basically, unpleasant sensations are located in the lower abdomen, but also their location in the navel. Pain in the right side of the IBS can increase with menstruation in women. In general, IBS pain in the abdomen - abdominal, is a fundamental factor, indicating a 100% probability of the presence of this disease.

Sometimes, when seeking medical help, the patient can not pinpoint exactly where the abdominal pain hurts during IBS.This is due to the fact that when the abdomen with IBS is very sore, the syndrome acquires a diffuse character. It seems that it hurts, literally, the whole stomach. Sometimes the reinforcement in IBS pain on the left side of the intestine in a person standing, is associated with a significant increase in the volume of intestinal gas in the colon, which is at the top.

When the body is moved to a horizontal position, a significant decrease in the severity of the symptom is possible. Very often with IBS, the back is hurting. IBS with pain in the lower abdomen means that the descending and partially transverse colon is involved in the pathological process. In IBS, back pain is a consequence of the irradiation that occurs as a result of the very strong severity of intense salvages.

What are the pains with IBS?

In addition to unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, which can be blunt, sharp, aching, cramping or spasming, varying degrees of intensity. Irritable bowel syndrome can be characterized by headaches. They can be compressive, like a hoop, head or blunt. The reason for them are the factors of psychoemotional disorder. The psychopathic factor causes long-lasting pain in the back, blunt or aching.

In an irritated bowel with pain, the diet is very important. Normalizing intestinal motility, eliminating increased gas production, the products contribute to reducing and eliminating the syndrome. For a relaxing effect in the diet menu include rye bread, beets, carrots and other vegetables rich in fiber. Using them together with vegetable oil and onions can provide a significant effect in the treatment of the disease. Foods rich in fiber stop spastic pain, reduce intestinal pressure, accelerating the progress of stool. General requirements for dietary nutrition are the provision of physiological usefulness in the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This excludes products that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction and which stimulate increased gas production.

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