Treating epilepsy with folk remedies in children, adults and alcoholics: recipes and reviews

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To treat epilepsy is necessary in a complex. It is very important to establish the cause of seizures. You can do this only after a complete examination in the hospital. Should I hope for folk remedies? It would be irresponsible. But grass can help.

For the treatment of epilepsy, folk healers have been selecting herbs for centuries, which have the following properties:

  • cramping;
  • strengthening of vessel walls;
  • output of excess fluid;
  • general strengthening of the body.

Preventing attacks

Regardless of the type of epilepsy, the baths work well. The root of the aura, willow, aspen and pine buds are poured with boiling water and insisted. The bath is taken 15-20 minutes, the water temperature can not be above 40 ° C.Baths with infusion of forest hay are considered effective.

The herbs gently but strongly work if they fill the patient's pillow. For this you can take dried mint, hop cones, thyme creeping, sweet clover, flowers of marigolds, lovage and feverfew. On such a pillow you need to sleep constantly.

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Ointment helps prevent seizures.100 g of rhizome root chop and pour 0.5 liters of pork fat. In the liquid state, the fat with the lover needs to be diligently mixed, so that the root is distributed evenly. This ointment should be rubbed once a week.

It is worth eating more onions and spinach, or drinking freshly squeezed juices. The motor activity is very important. Even physical work helps to cope with the disease.

Seizure may occur unexpectedly. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know how to provide first aid in an attack of epilepsy. Read the material, perhaps all previously known to you will not be true.

If a person falls before your eyes and hit your head, then he will need first aid in case of a brain injury, you can get acquainted with her in this article.

Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy

The first time an alcoholic epileptic fit occurs due to a strong or prolonged alcohol poisoning. If the first seizure occurred, then the next will be necessary. The reason is pathological changes in the brain. Seizures will occur regardless of whether the patient has had a drink.

From alcohol will have to give up, without options. Even with successful treatment of epilepsy, the minimum amount of alcohol can cause seizures. In addition to treatment in the narcologist and neurologist, you can use herbs. For treatment of alcoholic epilepsy, herbalists recommend the following remedies:

  • Angelica milk powder 0.5 g 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of polynia vulgaris.
  • Barley, rye, oats, dandelion root and chicory, peeled acorns are mixed and boiled with boiling water. This coffee can be drunk 3 times a day.
  • Helps with alcoholic epilepsy rubbing soles of feet with lemon juice.


This type of epilepsy manifests itself due to another brain disease:

  • tumor;
  • abscess;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • vascular disease;
  • inflammatory granulomas.
To begin the fight against symptomatic epilepsy it is necessary to eliminate its cause. But to prevent seizures is also very important.

Proven and effective recipe:

  • black tea;
  • dried chamomile flowers;
  • dried wormwood.

All herbs need to take 3 tbsp. L., mix and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 4 hours. Then it should be filtered and drunk throughout the day. Take a medicine for a month, then a month off. There should be 3 courses in total.


Nighttime epilepsy, as a rule, is easiest to cure. Often occurs self-healing after maturation, if the cause is heredity, and the manifestations began in adolescence. Seizures can happen often, even every night. A strong nervous stimulation or alcohol intake can provoke the appearance of seizures.

Before going to bed in the room you need to dispel the smell of tar downright. It can be bought at specialized church stores. This smell will help to relax, and the patient will sleep peacefully. You need to do this for at least a month and a half.

1 tbsp.l.grated or ground root valerian need to pour a glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours. Filtered infusion adults take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.l., Children - 1 tsp each.3 times a day.

Modern life with its fast pace, frequent conflict situations provokes the development of cardioneurosis, manifested by pain in the heart, tachycardia, a sense of anxiety and suffocation. In this case, optimal treatment will be cardioneurosis folk remedies.

And may become nervous on nerves and headaches and dizziness, migraines. And again, you can choose the methods of treatment in folk medicine in this material.

The inability to settle in the lives of some people leads to alcoholism, which is fraught with personality changes, alcoholic seizures of epilepsy. Such a person needs to be urgently helped. And to treat alcoholism by some folk remedies can even without the knowledge of the patient. How? Read http: // bolezni-nevrologii /alcogolizm/ lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html

Epilepsy in children

In children, epileptic seizures occur more often than in adults. But there is a very great hope that they can pass in general after the child has cut through the first molars of the .Folk remedies will help cope with the disease, but you can not rely on them alone. What should parents do?

  • Do not overload the child with training and physical activity.
  • The child should not be nervous. Patient should be treated patiently and gently.
  • Constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary. The sooner you start to heal the baby, the better. You can not abruptly stop treatment.
  • A good folk remedy for epilepsy is used in Ukraine - peeled apricot bones. They need to eat as much as the child years. For example, the baby is 5 years old. Hence, every morning on an empty stomach he must eat 5 peeled bones. After a month of treatment, you need to make a break for a month. Then you can repeat it again if the seizures do not go away.

Another popular way to treat epilepsy in the program "Malakhov Plus" was voiced by Muhammad Khamraev, a member of the Academy of Traditional Medicine of Uzbekistan:

Reviews of popular methods of treating epilepsy

Many people suffering from epilepsy, folk methods helped get rid of the disease. But you can not give up medicines. Treatment for epilepsy should be comprehensive. Now medical institutes are studying folk recipes and using them to create new medicines.

Doctors often recommend using recipes for herbalists, but only proven and reliable. It is important to consider what kind of epilepsy the patient has, because this disease is many.

Sometimes, a good prescription for infusion does not help because the original cause of seizures is not found and is not eliminated.

For centuries of history, mankind has accumulated a lot of effective methods of combating epilepsy. Folk recipes are also actively used in traditional medicine. By combining all the knowledge of ancestors and new discoveries of modern scientists, it is absolutely possible to get rid of this disease forever.

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