Chronic tonsillitis: photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

Tonsillitis is an infectious-allergic disease in which the inflammatory process is located in the palatine tonsils. Also, nearby lymphoid tissues of the pharynx are involved - larynx, nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsils.

Chronic tonsillitis is a fairly common disease, which is probably due to the fact that many people simply do not consider it a serious illness and are easily ignored. Such tactics are very dangerous, because the constant focus of infection in the body will periodically acquire the form of acute angina,will reduce efficiency, worsen overall health.

As this disease can serve as an impetus for the development of dangerous complications, the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, as well as the basis of treatment in adults, must be known to everyone( see photo).

Reasons for

What is it? Tonsillitis in adults and children occurs when getting on the tonsils infection. Most often, the bacteria are "to blame" for the appearance of this disease: streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, pneumococci.

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But some viruses are also capable of causing inflammation of the glands, for example, adenoviruses, the herpes virus. Sometimes the cause of the inflammation of the tonsils are fungi or chlamydia.

To promote the development of chronic tonsillitis may a number of factors:

  • frequent sore throats( acute inflammation of the tonsils);
  • dysfunction of nasal breathing due to curvature of the septum of the nose, the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity, with hypertrophy of adenoid vegetations and other diseases;
  • appearance of foci of infection in the nearest organs( caries, purulent sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc.);
  • decreased immunity;
  • increased allergic reactions, which can be both cause and effect of the disease, etc.

The most common chronic tonsillitis begins after a sore throat. In this acute inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils does not undergo complete reverse development, the inflammatory process continues and goes on into a chronic form.

There are two most basic forms of tonsillitis:

  1. Compensated form of - when there are only local signs of inflammation of the tonsils.
  2. Decompensated form of - when there are both local and common signs of chronic inflammation of the tonsils: abscesses, paratonzillites.

Chronic tonsillitis compensated manifests itself in the form of frequent catarrhal diseases and, in particular, with angina. In order for this form not to develop into a decompensated one, it is necessary to quench the outbreak of infection in a timely manner, that is, not to let the cold catch it, but to engage in complex treatment.

Signs in adults

The main signs of chronic tonsillitis in adults are:

  • permanent sore throat( moderate to very severe);
  • pain in the glands;
  • swelling in the nasopharynx;
  • tubes in the throat;
  • inflammatory reactions in the throat on food and cold liquid;
  • body temperature does not decrease for a long time;
  • smells from the mouth;
  • weakness and rapid fatigue.

Also a sign of the disease may be the emergence of pulling pains and aches in the knee and wrist joint, in certain cases there may be shortness of breath.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

For a simple form of chronic tonsillitis is characterized by a meager presence of symptoms. The adult is disturbed by the sensation of a foreign body or embarrassment when swallowing, tingling, dryness, bad breath, possibly raising the temperature to subfebrile digits. Tonsils are inflamed and enlarged. Without exacerbation, general symptoms are absent.

Frequent tonsillitis( up to 3 times a year) with a prolonged period of recovery, which is accompanied by fatigue, malaise, general weakness and a slight increase in temperature.

In the toxic-allergic form of chronic tonsillitis, angina develops more than 3 times a year, often complicated by inflammation of neighboring organs and tissues( paratonzillar abscess, pharyngitis, etc.).The patient constantly feels weakness, fatigue and malaise. Body temperature remains subfebrile for a long time. Symptoms from other organs depend on the presence of certain conjugate diseases.

Consequences of

With prolonged course and the absence of a specific treatment for chronic tonsillitis, there are consequences in the body of an adult. Loss of ability of tonsils to resist infection leads to the formation of paratonsillar abscesses and infection in the respiratory tract, which contributes to the formation of pharyngitis and bronchitis.

Chronic tonsillitis plays an important role in the occurrence of collagen diseases such as rheumatism, nodular periarthritis, polyarthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, hemorrhagic vasculitis. Also, persistent sore throats lead to heart diseases such as endocarditis, myocarditis and acquired heart defects.

The urinary system of man is most susceptible to complications in infectious diseases, therefore, pyelonephritis is a serious consequence of chronic tonsillitis. In addition, cholecystitis and polyarthritis are formed, the musculoskeletal system is disrupted. With a chronic foci of infections, glomerulonephritis develops, small chorea, parathonsillar abscess, endocarditis septic and sepsis.

Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

The absence of preventive measures and timely treatment for chronic tonsillitis leads to various exacerbations of the disease in adults. The most common exacerbations of tonsillitis are angina( acute tonsillitis) and paratonsillar( okolomindalikovy) abscess.

Angina is characterized by fever( 38-40˚ and above), severe or moderate pain in the throat, headaches, general weakness. Often there is an ache and severe pain in the joints and lower back. For most types of angina characterized by enlarged lymph nodes, located under the lower jaw. Lymph nodes are painful on palpation. The disease is often accompanied by chills and fever.

With the right treatment, the acute period lasts from two to seven days. Complete rehabilitation requires a long time and constant medical supervision.

Prevention of

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to ensure that nasal breathing is always normal, in a timely manner to treat all infectious ailments. After a sore throat it is necessary to spend preventive washing of lacunae and smearing of tonsils with preparations which will be recommended by the doctor. In this case, you can use 1% iodine glycerin, 0.16% Gramicidin-Glycerin, etc.

It is also important to regular hardening in general, as well as hardening of the pharyngeal mucosa. For this, morning and evening gargles of the pharynx are shown with water, which has room temperature. In the diet should be present foods and dishes high in vitamins.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

To date, in medical practice there are not so many methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults. Medical therapy, surgical treatment and physiotherapy are used. As a rule, methods are combined in different versions or alternately replace each other.

In chronic tonsillitis treatment is applied local, regardless of the phase of the process it includes such components:

  1. Flushing lacunae of palatine tonsils in order to remove purulent contents, and rinsing the pharynx and oral cavity with copper-silver or physiological solutions with the addition of antiseptics( miramistin, chlor-oxidine, furacilin).The course of treatment is at least 10-15 sessions.
  2. Reception of antibiotics;
  3. Probiotics: Hilak forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin in order to prevent dysbacteriosis, which can develop against the background of taking antibiotics.
  4. Drugs that have a softening effect and eliminate symptoms such as dryness, pershenia, sore throat. The most effective means is a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which must be gargled 1-2 times a day. In addition, a preparation based on propolis in the form of a spray( Proposol) can be used.
  5. To correct general immunity, Irs-19, Bronhomunal, Ribomunil can be used as directed by an immunologist.
  6. Carrying out physiotherapy( UHF, tubos);
  7. Sanitation of the mouth, nose and paranasal sinuses.

To increase the body's defenses use vitamins, preparations of aloe, vitreous, FIBS.To cure chronic tonsillitis once and for all should adhere to an integrated approach, and listen to the recommendations of the doctor.


Physiotherapy procedures are always appointed against the backdrop of conservative treatment and a few days after surgery. Several decades ago, these methods were focused on: chronic tonsillitis was tried with ultrasound or ultraviolet.

Physiotherapy does show good results, but it can not be a basic treatment. As an auxiliary therapy its effect is undeniable, therefore physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in chronic tonsillitis are used all over the world, and are used actively.

The most effective are three methods: ultrasound, UHF and UFO.They, in essence, are used. These procedures are appointed almost always in the post-operation period, when the patient is already discharged from the hospital home and goes to outpatient treatment.

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis: reviews

Sometimes doctors perform surgery and remove sick tonsils, a procedure called tonsillectomy. But for such a procedure, it is necessary to have readings. Thus, the removal of tonsils is carried out in cases of relapse of the paratonsillar abscess and with certain concomitant diseases. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to cure chronic tonsillitis, in such cases it is worth considering about the operation.

For 10-15 min under local anesthesia, the tonsils are removed with a special loop. After the operation, the patient should observe bed rest for several days, take only cold liquid or mushy non-irritating food. After 1-2 weeks, the postoperative wound heals.

We picked up some reviews from the removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, which left users on the Internet.

  1. To me have removed tonsils 3 years ago I do not regret a droplet! The throat hurts( pharyngitis), but very rarely and not at all like before! Bronchitis often occurs as a complication of the common cold( But this is not at all compared to the anguish brought to me by tonsillitis!) Angina was once a month, eternal pain, pus in the throat, fever, tears! Complications to the heart and kidneys were. If you do not have everything so neglected, it can make no sense, just walk a couple of times a year to rinse to the lor and all. ..
  2. Remove and do not think. As a child, I was ill every month, with a high fever, heart problems started, immunity weakened. Have removed in 4 years. To cease to hurt or be ill; be sick, sometimes only and without temperatures, but the heart is weak. "The girl, who also suffered from tonsillitis and who did not undergo surgery, began rheumatism and now she is 23, moving with crutches." My grandfather removed in the years 45, heavier than in childhood, but the inflamed tonsils give heavycomplications, so find a good doctor and delete
  3. I did the surgery in December and I never regretted it. I forgot what constant temperature is, constant plugs in the throat and much more. Of course, it is necessary to fight for tonsils to the last, but if they have already become a source of infection, then we must part with them unequivocally.
  4. I was removed at the age of 16 years. Under local anesthesia, they typed to the chair in an old-fashioned way, they covered their eyes so that they could not see anything and cut it off. The pain is terrible. My throat then ached wildly, I could not speak, I also could not eat it, and bleeding opened. Now probably not so painful and more professional. But I forgot about angina, only a little bit of a start recently. But it's her own fault. We must watch ourselves.
  5. I had my glands cut out at 35 years old, after years of uninterrupted painful angina, rinses and antibiotics. I reached the point, I myself asked for an operation from an otolaryngologist. It was painful, but not for long and - voila! Neither angina nor pain in the throat, only in the first year after the operation try not to drink cold and drink immunostimulants. I am pleased.

People tend to worry that removing tonsils can weaken the immune system. After all, tonsils are one of the main protective gates when entering the body. These fears are justified and justified. However, it should be understood that in a state of chronic inflammation the tonsils are not able to perform their work and become only a hotbed with infection in the body.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis at home

When treating tonsillitis at home, it is important to be the first to start raising immunity. The faster for infection there will be no possibility, where to develop, the faster you will be able to bring your health back to normal.

How and how to treat an ailment at home? Consider the common recipes:

  1. In case of chronic inflammation of the tonsils, take fresh leaves of mother-and-stepmother, wash three times, chop, squeeze the juice, adding equal amounts of onion juice and red wine( or diluted cognac: 1 tablespoon per 0.5-1 glass of water).Stir the mixture into a refrigerator, shake before use. Take 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon, diluted with 3 tablespoons water.
  2. Two large cloves of garlic that have not allowed any sprouts yet, crush, a glass of milk boil and pour it with garlic clove. After the infusion is standing for a while, it must be filtered and gargle with the resulting warm solution.
  3. Tincture of propolis on alcohol. It is prepared as follows: 20 grams of product to grind and pour 100 ml of pure medical alcohol. To insist a medicine it is necessary in a dark place. Take three drops a day for 20 drops. Tincture can be mixed with warm milk or water.
  4. All you need is 10 fruits of sea-buckthorn every day. You will need to take them 3-4 times, each time before thoroughly rinsing your throat. Slowly squeeze and eat the fruit - and the tonsillitis begins to pass. It should be treated within 3 months, and the method can be applied to both children and adults.
  5. Cut 250 g of beet, add 1 tbsp.vinegar, the dates brew for about 1-2 days. Sediment can be removed. With the obtained tincture rinse the mouth and throat. One or two tablespoons.recommend a drink.
  6. Yarrow. You need to brew 2 tablespoons of herbal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave to stand for an hour. After filtering. Infusion to use when you are treating folk remedies of chronic tonsillitis during its exacerbation. Rinse your throat 4-6 times a day.
  7. One tablespoon of lemon juice mix with one tablespoon of sugar and three times a day take. This tool will help to strengthen health, and also helps to get rid of tonsillitis. In addition, for throat rinsing with tonsillitis it is recommended to use cranberry juice with honey, warm carrot juice, 7-9-day infusion of tea fungus, a decoction of St. John's wort.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis? Strengthen immunity, eat properly, drink plenty of water, rinse and lubricate the throat, if the condition allows, do not rush with antibiotics and, especially, do not rush to cut the tonsils. They may well come in handy for you.

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