The causes of the appearance of a feeling of pain when you touch the scalp

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1 Why the scalp "burns" when you touch

This type of headache is a "neurasthenic helmet". There are other types of headaches: migraine, chronic, pressing, pulsating. With them, a person experiences extremely unpleasant sensations and strive to get rid of the symptom as soon as possible. Remember that taking an analgesic drug, when your head hurts, you drive the problem even deeper without solving it.

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To confuse "neurasthenic helmet" with another kind of headache is impossible for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is monotonous, like a feeling of constant tension; secondly, all the pain sensations are concentrated on the roots of the hair, the pain does not penetrate deeper, and thirdly, the intensity of pain gradually increases, and then slowly disappears.

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It is worthwhile to understand why the scalp hurts? This condition causes various reasons, but most often it is stress, but rather a person's reaction to the situation that has arisen. In some, the reaction is less pronounced, others are more sensitive and already suffer from a tiring headache with little experience. Such features are determined by the type of nervous system, it can be stable or weak, easily arriving at the excitation state.

The next reason is the disturbance of the operation of the vessels of the head. With atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, the vessels become more susceptible to changes in pressure, both inside the body and from the outside. People with such diseases most often complain of headaches and poor health.

Why else does the scalp hurt? Women should pay special attention to the headgear: small tight rims or hats, unsuitable wigs can cause a severe headache. It should be remembered that prolonged wearing of metal pins in one place can lead to violation of local blood circulation, then to violation of innervation, and later to alopecia.

2 Reasons for the appearance of discomfort

When using hair hygiene products, it is necessary to remember the individual tolerability of shampoo, mask, balm for hair. The cause of irritation of the scalp may be just one of the means of hygiene. There may be a burning sensation, dandruff, itching, and sometimes pain in the hair region of the hair.

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of walks leads to a malfunction of the entire body. There may be hormonal disorders, excess weight, metabolic disorders. All this leads to a disruption of nourishment of the scalp and a developing "neurasthenic helmet".The same type of pain accompanies many neurological diseases.

You should not go to the frost without a hat, as you can catch a cold or hypothermia. Already warmed up, after drinking tea, you can feel that when you touch your head, the roots of your hair hurt. This condition can last from several hours to 2-3 days. Of course, the appearance is important, but it is not worth it for him to take risks for health.

Most often the vertex hurts in autumn and spring, at this time the body needs additional vitamins, fresh air. The weather is changeable, and one should dress accordingly. Drink body-strengthening substances, eat fully, do physical exercises and the head will be healthy.

Sometimes there is a feeling that the head is burning. Most likely, it is an allergic reaction. It can be itching, pain under the hair, hair fall out. Often such a reaction develops into chemical paint, which is why a skin sensitivity test must be performed before staining.

Sometimes the cause of pain on the vertex are serious skin conditions. In this case, a consultation of a dermatologist is necessary, since the disease can be dangerous to others. From animals transferred ringworm, from other people - infectious alopecia, pediculosis, fungal dermatosis. In this case, the hair falls out, becomes brittle, dull.

3 Effective treatment of

Treatment should begin with determining the cause of the disease. To do this, carefully observe the moment when pain appears. What precedes the attack? Perhaps the conflict at work, an unpleasant conversation provoke pain, then it is necessary to carry out treatment with sedatives:


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Sedation drugs have been used for a long time, their effectiveness is unquestionable. One of the most popular is the extract of valerian, it is available in the form of infusion, tablets, drops. It can be used by adults, during pregnancy and lactation only after consulting a doctor. Sedation drugs for children 6-12 years old can be prescribed only by a doctor. With the intake of valerian, sleep improves, it becomes deeper, falling asleep occurs more quickly.

Valerian can be applied at courses of 14-21 days at intervals of 3 months. After a dream a person wakes up rested, cheerful, ready for the coming day. Becomes less susceptible to stress, responds more adequately to events around him. There is a stabilization in the work of the nervous system. The drug is transferred very well, individual intolerance is possible with a frequency of occurrence of 1: 10000.Very rarely there are side effects in the form of drowsiness, dizziness. Do not take the drug above the recommended dose, since there may be drowsiness during the day.

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Preparations of motherwort are also very common. These products are available in the form of infusion or tea bags. Motherwort has not only a sedative, but also an antihypertensive effect. This should pay attention to people with reduced blood pressure. Use the drug can adults, to admit to children is not recommended. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks. You can apply at the same time motherwort and valerian up to 4 times a day, you can apply a slightly larger dose before bed. It is necessary to drive vehicles with caution, since it can, very rarely, decrease the reaction.

After taking the motherwort some patients noted the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, absent-mindedness, drowsiness. Quincke is edema with an allergic reaction.

Integrated herbal sedative is Novo-Passit. It is not strange, after taking the course of this drug, the pain on the vertex disappears. The drug has an easy hypnotic effect, relieves the manifestation of a mild degree of depression, drives away the feeling of anxiety and anxiety, relaxes smooth muscles. The body is adjusted to a long and deep sleep. Produced in the form of syrup and tablets. The dose is selected according to the mass of the body and the severity of the disorder.

Before taking Novo-Passit, you need to see a list of contraindications - it's epilepsy and myasthenia gravis, of course, these are rare enough diseases. The drug is excreted mainly by the liver, so there are restrictions for people with chronic hepatitis, liver failure. There are no exact studies on the taking of the drug during pregnancy and lactation at the moment.

4 Removing symptoms with folk remedies

Clearly, people who are painful to touch their head after the sedative therapy become easier, but there is additional non-drug therapy. It includes regular sleep and rest, normalization of the regime of the day, 5 meals a day. Point massage or self-massage is also helpful. When self-massage is recommended to use diluted essential oils and work with the following points.

Point on the temples: massage it clockwise and counterclockwise for 2-3 minutes, do not press strongly, as in this area the nerve fibers pass. Then point on the bridge of the nose, also work with it. Two more symmetrical points at the base of the eyebrows. Regular work with these areas not only relieve the feelings of pain, but also restore the youth of the face.

It is equally important to take care of long hair, avoiding tight hairstyles and prolonged wearing of metal hairpins. Some women have to wear short hair, since a long thick head of hair leads to painful sensations on the scalp.

If, when talking to a particular person, it becomes painful to touch the head, you should pay special attention to this, since most likely he is a liar. Scientists can not explain the nature of this phenomenon, but it is already proved that liars and two-faced persons are felt by those around on the mental level. There is a desire to leave during a conversation, and if this is not possible, then there is a pain in the head.

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