Treatment of ascites of the abdominal cavity, how to treat a dropsy of the abdomen, is it possible to cure what to do, how to clean, get rid of, remove, which doctor heals?

When ascites is diagnosed, the treatment is chosen taking into account the underlying disease, which triggered the development of hydrocele. The therapy is complex. The patient is prescribed medication, a diet is prescribed. To eliminate a large amount of accumulated ultrafiltrate, surgical techniques are used. Today they are gentle, puncture the abdominal wall and drain the fluid under local anesthesia under stationary conditions, so the recovery occurs very quickly.

The story of how to treat ascites, you need to start by listing the main causes of this complication. Approximately 85% of cases of abdominal dropsy is a consequence of the development of liver cirrhosis, it can provoke portal hypertension, cardiac and renal failure, oncology and acute infectious diseases. Any of the listed pathologies can cause ascites of the abdominal cavity, treatment should be directed exclusively at eliminating the source of the disease.

Conservative treatment of abdominal ascites of the abdomen

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Conservative treatment of hydrocephalopathy is effective when a disease of small and moderate severity is diagnosed. When there is still no permanent pain, difficulties with breathing, digestive disorders, and signs of an imbalance in the lymphatic system, you can try to cure ascites with diuretics. In 65% of cases, they are effective.

If abdominal edema was triggered by heart failure, treatment is performed using drugs that cause an increase in the contractile function of the myocardium, diuretics and medications that can reduce the burden on the left ventricle of the heart. It is necessary to try to completely exclude psychoemotional loads, the patient is prescribed diet number 10 and diet number 10a. He should significantly reduce the intake of table salt.

In cases of kidney disease, ascites of the abdominal cavity can be cured with drugs that help reduce protein loss in the urine. As a rule, ampulin transfusions are used, diuretics are also prescribed. In addition, the patient is advised to adhere to the pastel regimen and learn how to apply diet number 7, as much as possible to reduce the intake of salt( until it is completely excluded from the daily diet).You can not drink much water either.

Many people want to know what to do with ascites caused by infectious diseases. In this case, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating medications are used. The treatment actively includes antibiotics.

Answering the question, whether it is possible to cure ascites of the abdominal cavity, provoked by cancer, doctors give very cautious predictions. In this case, surgical treatment of the primary tumor comes first, followed by oral chemotherapy( injections are also possible).And only after the completion of the course of treatment is a decision made on how to treat a dropsy abdomen.

Treatment of ascites with liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is almost always accompanied by a described complication, therefore, in order to remove ascites in destructive processes, the following scheme should be followed:

  1. The patient is first assigned hepatoprotectors, they are able to restore dead liver cells and normalize the functioning of the diseased organ.
  2. The treatment is then carried out, allowing to replenish protein losses.
  3. Much attention is paid to the restoration of the total metabolism in the body.
  4. When a large amount of fluid is accumulated in the peritoneum, laparoscopy is prescribed.
  5. In particularly severe cases, liver transplantation is indicated.
  6. Intrahepatic and extrahepatic bypass surgery is often used.
  7. A number of measures are aimed at eliminating nitrogen compounds in the blood, which can provoke another terrible complication - hepatic encephalopathy.
  8. It is necessary to eliminate in parallel all the symptoms associated with digestive system disorders.
  9. It is also useful to use antibiotics.

Knowing how to treat abdominal ascites, you can try to follow all the rules of effective therapy. In addition to medication, a liver cirrhosis in order to remove ascites is prescribed diet. It is based on dishes without salt. It delays fluid in the body, so its restriction helps to eliminate swelling. Pastel mode is also useful. The patient should lie at least 12 hours in a row. In this position, the kidneys receive much more blood, which means they will better process the urine.

How to get rid of ascites with paracentesis?

When deciding on how to get rid of ascites, it sometimes becomes necessary to remove fluid by puncturing the wall of the abdominal cavity. Such an operation in medicine is called paracentesis. It is not always appointed. Puncture is contraindicated when there is very little fluid in the abdomen( up to 1.5 liters).In this case, you can try to eliminate the liquid with diuretics. Paracentesis is not possible when the patient has a peritoneum wall thicker than the needle, with which a puncture of the abdominal wall is performed. It is impossible to use the described method of treatment even when the consistency of the liquid is very thick.

Sometimes there is a situation in which the needle hole is blocked by clots of pus, skin cells or fibrin. In this case, a puncture of the wall of the abdominal cavity is also extremely problematic. Many people want to know whether ascites can be cured with paracentesis. Puncture and drainage of fluid is only part of the treatment process that helps to alleviate the patient's condition, the procedure does not heal, but only eliminates the consequences of the complication. Therefore, paracentesis alone without medication can not be used.

Today ascites is curable, complex treatment helps to fight the most dangerous complications, but there are cases when paracentesis is vital. It is indicated in the following cases:

  • Puncture of the peritoneum is prescribed in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.
  • Telling about how to remove ascites of the abdominal cavity, it is important to understand how much fluid has accumulated in the abdomen. When its a lot( liters 6-10), you can still remove it for one puncture. But such a procedure is performed on strict medication, in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.
  • Surgical care for giant ascites is combined. In this case, a combined operation is performed. First, up to seven liters of fluid from the peritoneum is pumped out in one puncture. Then they are pumped out daily, no more than one liter daily for seven to ten days.

How is hydrotrophy treated?

Puncture of the peritoneum is carried out under stationary conditions on an empty bladder. If the patient feels well, the operation will be carried out in a sitting position, the paracentesis is carried out in the position lying on its side to the severely ill. The puncture is performed after local anesthesia, under the control of ultrasound, the abdominal cavity is pierced by the trocar. It looks like a very thin tube, which has one sharp end. The puncture is carried out exactly in the middle between the pubis and the navel of the patient. After the puncture, a catheter is inserted into the tube, and liquid is discharged through it. She descends very slowly, per liter in an hour. This is done so that the pressure inside the abdomen does not fall sharply. If this happens, there will be a collapse of blood vessels.

Surgeons, answering the question, whether to cure ascites, pay attention to the fact that the procedure of paracentesis takes place within a few hours. If after that the liquid continues to flow, a special reservoir is applied to the patient's side, it is cleaned after a day or two.

When removing a large amount of liquid( liters 5-7), a large amount of protein and mineral salts is excreted from the body, so protein deficiency can occur. To prevent this process, an ambulin is introduced during the operation. Repeated puncture is dangerous because after it is possible the fusion of the epiploon, resulting in a significant deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. When carrying out the paracentesis, the risk of more dangerous complications grows third time, so it is so important to start treatment of hydrocephalus in time, to correctly recognize the causes of its appearance and to undertake such treatment that can effectively eliminate the source of pathology.

Paracentesis helps to get rid of hydrocele, but it does not guarantee no relapse. The patient should strictly adhere to the above recommendations, in time to treat diseases that can provoke ascites. It remains to answer two more questions: where do they treat ascites, and what doctor is involved in this problem?

Many forms of dropsy pass with themselves, as soon as a passing disease is cured. This happens when the acute form of hepatitis develops. In cases where everything goes according to plan, the patient adheres to all the recommendations, but abdominal edema develops rapidly, the treatment is adjusted, the emphasis is on alleviating the patient's condition through laparocentesis, a strict diet and a pastel regimen. The situation is controlled by the doctor who is treating the underlying disease.

Is ascites always cured? As a rule, when the underlying disease is not started, you can make positive predictions. If you know how to get rid of ascites, you can try to start on time effective therapy and try to achieve a full recovery. Modern methods allow to remove ascites, but its growth invariably worsens and aggravates the severity of the underlying disease. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the dropsy of the abdomen.

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