What shows ultrasound of the pancreas: preparation, interpretation of the results, parameters of the norm, price

The ultrasound of the pancreas is an important stage in the diagnosis of diseases of this organ. The study is due to an ultrasound device that visualizes the organ in various projections. It is ultrasonic scanning that will allow us to assess the condition of the pancreas, which is usually hidden in the back of the abdominal space.

The specifics of this survey, as well as the necessary preparation and methodology of the procedure are described in detail in our information.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrasound examination is completely painless and does not take much time. Using a special sensor and a gel-like conductor, the doctor examines the position of the pancreas, its size, possible abnormalities and pathologies.

Also using an ultrasound transducer, you can take an organ puncture for further and more detailed examination.

Indications for:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, manifested most often after a meal.
  • Diagnosed pancreatitis in acute or chronic stages.
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  • Suspicion of neoplasm of this organ.
  • Changed sizes of internal organs during previous examinations. Adverse laboratory tests.
  • Decreased appetite and a sharp drop in weight for no apparent reason.
  • Digestive function disorders that do not last a long time.
  • Suspected jaundice in a patient.
  • A sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

The study provides a lot of information about the condition of the organ, which is why it is in demand when diagnosing many diseases.

Contraindications for ultrasound at this time does not exist, because this examination is carried out by pregnant women and even newborns.

Objectives of the study

In the appointment of an ultrasound, the specialist will be able to detect changes in the size and contours of the organ, the condition of the ducts, and the presence of tumors. The tissue structure and possible changes are studied. In the presence of tumors, this is the best way to determine their exact localization and the type of such tumors.

Preparation of

Qualitative diagnostics are impossible without prior preparation. For this it is necessary to consult a specialist who will perform ultrasound.

The patient is usually given a special diet that excludes fatty and heavy foods for the stomach, alcohol.

It is advisable to exclude food from the diet, which can provoke swelling. On the eve should be a light supper, but not earlier than 12 hours before the examination. You can take a laxative, but only on the advice of a doctor. Before the examination you can not drink or eat, and also smoke.

If you are taking any medications, you must notify a specialist before the examination.

Often, the results of ultrasound is influenced by correctly conducted training. If you strictly adhere to a diet and follow the recommendations of a doctor, you can rely on more reliable information.

Procedure for conducting

The procedure itself is performed in a clinic or hospital using special equipment. The duration ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the qualifications of the specialist.

For convenience, the patient lies on the couch, the doctor applies a lubricating gel and conducts the sensor on the abdominal area. At specification of disputable indications, the additional inspection in position on a side, standing and on a stomach or belly can be demanded.

Normal values ​​in adults and children:

  • Homogeneous structure.
  • Dimensions within normal limits.
  • Average reflectivity index.
  • No deformation of the vascular pattern.
  • Virsungov duct should not be expanded( within 1.5 - 2.5 cm).

What pathology shows ultrasound of the pancreas?

With such a survey, you can identify some diseases in the early stages, as well as determine the pathology of internal organs. Most often, ultrasound confirms the following pathologies.

Explanation of identified diseases and pathologies:

  • Lipomatosis. Substitution of healthy tissues with fat cells. It is determined by increased echogenicity, lighter parts of the organ.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. The thickness of the duct walls is increased, it is often unevenly expanded. In addition, the iron is enlarged or its contour is changed.
  • Tumors and cysts. Increase the size of the body, the displacement of the head and disproportionate dimensions. Normal tissue is replaced by fibroids or a tumor.
  • Inflammatory processes in the head. Increase in size, narrowing of the duct and additional change in the echogenicity of the organ.

Depending on the condition of the body, additional examinations may be needed, for example, taking a puncture and further laboratory examination.

Deciphering the results of

Of course, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, but you can determine the approximate results yourself. For this, it is necessary to analyze three main indicators.

  • The form of the gland should be sausage or in the form of a letter S.
  • The size of the pancreas depends on individual indices and varies from 14 to 22 centimeters. The width should not exceed three centimeters. The length of the head varies from 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters.
  • The contours should be smooth and sharp, without any blurry areas. Any visualization problems should be considered in each case.
  • The normal structure of the organ is fine-grained( in some cases, coarse-grained) and homogeneous.

Why use a puncture?

In some cases, after an ultrasound examination, you will need to make an additional puncture. It will allow the laboratory to determine the tissue structure and analyze the possible type of tumors.

Endoscopic ultrasound

One of the types of special diagnostics is an endoscopic ultrasound examination. In this way, you can more closely examine the internal organs and reduce the result of the error.

Diagnostic price

Estimated cost of such a survey depends on the region of conduct, as well as the type of the chosen medical institution.

On average, it is from 500 rubles, but in a comprehensive diagnosis can be included in the total cost, for example, a complete examination of the digestive tract, pancreas, liver and gall bladder is from 1500 rubles.

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