Seborrheic pemphigus( Senir-Asher syndrome): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

One of the most difficult diseases of the dermis is seborrheic pemphigus. She's been treated for a long time, but it's possible to get rid of it. The disease is prone to relapse. It is also known as the Senir-Asher syndrome. And this article will tell you about the virus of seborrheic pemphigus, the stage of development of the disorder and its treatment.

Features of the disease

Seborrheic pemphigus manifests itself in the form of blisters, epidermal stratification, seborrheic hyperkeratosis.

When the face is affected, the disease resembles a lupus erythematosus. Even a blood test provides physicians with an immune picture that is characteristic of red lupus. Localized lesions more often in such areas:

  • thorax;
  • person;
  • back.

The pathology considered by us is considered chronic, relapses are followed by periods of remission. The risk group includes people whose age is between 30 and 50 years.

Seborrheic Pemphigus( Photo)

Causes of

The cause of seborrheic pemphigus was not found out by scientists. It is known only that it has an autoimmune nature. The disease begins with an attack of antibodies( immune cells of the body) directed at healthy body tissues. With seborrheic pemphigus, antibodies of desmoglyin( a glycoprotein, which is responsible for the connections between the layers of the dermis) are noted. So begins peeling of the epidermis, the formation of blisters, crusts. Antibodies irritate the dermis, thus provoking its redness.

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Sometimes experts can not explain the occurrence of the disease by autoimmune nature. In this case, doctors diagnose seborrheic pemphigus( idiopathic cause of unknown cause).Many people think that heredity plays an important role. Not the last role in the appearance of seborrheic pemphigus is allocated to different autoimmune diseases( lupus, allergy).

To provoke the appearance of the derma pathology we are considering can:

  • burns;
  • the effect of sunlight;
  • reception of certain medications( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE inhibitors, penicillins);
  • allergy.

Symptoms of seborrheic pustusitis

Symptoms during the development of the disease are slightly different. We distinguish several stages with the characteristic symptoms:

  1. On the body, initially there are erythematous foci. Their edges are clearly limited. Localized lesions on the nose, cheeks like a butterfly. Neoplasms are characterized by loose structure, they begin to peel off. The affected areas are covered with crusts with a peculiar color( grayish-yellow, brown).Cracks arise from the fluid that flows out after opening the bladder. Bubbles burst so quickly that the sick person may not even notice the formation of vesicles.
  2. The covering of the scalp with fatty scales is noted. This symptom is similar to seborrhea. The affected dermis turns red. Scars can appear on top of the scales, sometimes there is a cessation of hair growth, bald patches may appear.
  3. The area of ​​the lesion is spreading, it affects other areas: the thorax, the upper back. On dots( red color) dense crusts are formed. If you try to remove such crusts, the patient will feel a strong pain.
  4. Neoplasms spread to the mucous membranes( mouth, nose, genitals).This disease spread is observed in every third patient.


General rules

Usually, the specialist diagnoses after an external examination, discovering from the patient:

  • blisters;
  • crusts;
  • erosion.

In this case, the doctor must take into account the general condition of the person, the location of the lesion, the chronic course of the disease. In addition to an external examination, a specialist may need tests:

  • immunologic;
  • histological;
  • study of serum to detect antibodies against those antigens that are characteristic of pemphigus.

Differentiation of

The disease should be differentiated from a large list of pathologies:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • Sneddon-Wilkinson dermatosis( subcorneal pustularis);
  • vulgar pemphigus;
  • Brazilian pemphigus;
  • seborrheic eczema;
  • foliate pemphigus.

Now let's find out how to cure seborrheic pemphigus.


Treatment of pathologies seborrheic pemphigus is aimed at eliminating external manifestations of the disease( skin lesions). The specialist also prescribes suitable therapy to obtain negative results after immunoassays. If the case is very severe, the patient needs to be at the hospital.

Therapeutic method

To treat affected areas, you can use:

  • disinfectant baths( daily);
  • ointments containing glucocorticoids( "Lorinden", "Dermozolone", "Hydrocortisone ointment").

If the disease has affected the mucous membranes, a specialist will prescribe:

  • suspensions containing corticosteroids;
  • disinfecting suspensions;
  • "Natamycin".

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good effect:

  • laser therapy;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • hemosorption.


In the fight against seborrheic pemphigus, specialists use:

  • corticosteroids( "Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone");
  • immunosuppressants( "Azathioprine", "Cyclophosphamide", "Methotrexate").

Initial dosages of medications( corticosteroids) are large:

  • "Prednisolone" - 100 mg / day;
  • "Cyclophosphamide" - 150 mg / day.

Within a few months of therapy, the dosage of drugs is gradually reduced.

Sometimes a specialist can prescribe intravenous administration of drugs that exert a depressing effect on immunity.

The specialist can assign enzymes:

  • "Phlogenzyme".
  • "Wobenzym".

These medications help to increase the therapeutic effect that corticosteroids have.

Folk methods

The basic therapy can be supplemented by methods from traditional medicine. It is well suited for the control of seborrheic pemphigus phytotherapy. Plus from the use of herbs is the rapid healing of wounds. Useful are:

  • garlic oil;
  • decoction of arnica;
  • herbal collection of yarrow, leaves of plantain, clear white( flowers), herb hyssop.

Prevention of disease


  • to conduct regular examinations with a dermatologist;
  • avoid taking certain medications;
  • avoid direct sunlight.

Complications of

Usually complications arise due to long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, large doses of these drugs. Most often observed:

  • steroid diabetes;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenum ulcers;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of cardiac activity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • muscular atrophy;
  • osteomalacia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • candidiasis lesions of the dermis, oral mucosa;
  • supernumerary processes.


If treatment is started in a timely manner, it is performed in accordance with the instructions of a specialist, you can completely remove all manifestations of the disease. But do not forget about relapses, because this pathology is characterized by a chronic course.

The prognosis for those patients who have very extensive lesions of the dermis, mucous membranes is unfavorable. Also dangerous complications arise in people who need supportive therapy with high doses of glucocorticosteroids.

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