Nervous tic of the eye, eyelid, face, legs, neck in children and adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Involuntary twitching of the eye or muscles next to them is familiar to most people. Many know that this is a nervous tic, but only a part of people guess that the same movements can affect not only the external muscle groups, but also the voice gap, causing a repeat of different sounds. About what to do with a nervous tic will be told in this article.

Nervous tics

Nervous tics are subdivided by the mechanism of their development into:

  • Primary, arising as an independent disorder of the central nervous system.
  • Secondary arise as a consequence of diseases of the centers of the brain.
  • Hereditary tics bear the names of Tourette's syndrome and can affect different muscle groups. For example, the mother has a periodic contraction of the muscles of the mouth, the daughter may have involuntary twitching of the head.

According to the types of tics are divided into three large groups:

  • Mimic tics.
  • Tics of the vocal cords.
  • Teeth muscles of the extremities.
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Treatment of tics depends on the root cause of the disease. If the periodic twitchings arise as a consequence of diseases of the nervous system, then they pass, as a rule, after the drug stabilization of the underlying pathological disorder.

It is much more difficult to cope with psychogenic and hereditary. The main emphasis in this case is on psychotherapeutic help.

Teeth of the eye

The nervous tic of the eye is considered the most common. Associate this with a large number of nerve endings and especially sensitive muscles of the skin near the eye. Teak of the eye is most often due to the influence of stress, a lot of emotional overstrain.

Tick of the century

Twitching of the lower or upper eyelid occurs not only with a strong nervous overstrain, but also with ophthalmic problems. Teak can occur after conjunctivitis, often it accompanies people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

On the face of

Teak on the face can manifest as a jerk of completely different muscle groups. It can be involuntary, frequent blinking, wink, twitching of the corner of the mouth, tip of the ear, chaotic movements of the eyebrows.

We present to you the program "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva, dedicated to the facial nerve tic:

Teeth of the legs

Teak of the legs manifests itself in various involuntary movements. This can be flexion, limb extension, dancing, bouncing. Quite often, a tick appears as a pulsating sensation in the subcutaneous layers of the thigh, the lower leg.

Teeth neck

Involuntary neck twitching is often combined with facial facial tics. Teak neck is expressed in nodal movements, head turns from side to side. A complex tick occurs when the muscles of the neck, head, shoulder-blades, and shoulder blades are simultaneously involved.

Causes of nerve tics in children, adolescents and adults

To quickly and permanently get rid of the nervous tics, it is necessary to find out the cause of the development of the disease. To the most frequent reasons carry:

  • SGM, a bruise of a brain.
  • Postponed viral diseases.
  • Inflammatory foci on the face - blepharitis, conjunctivitis. In children, often the root cause of tics is tonsillitis.
  • Magnesium deficiency in the body.
  • Long-term psychoemotional stresses. Vegeto - vascular dystonia.
  • Admission of neuroleptics and psychostimulants.
  • Infection with helminths.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Neural tics in children are observed between 3 to 5 years and from 7 to 11. Earlier the beginning of tics indicates the presence of a primary serious disease. To provoke the appearance of tics in childhood can be tense situation in the family, sudden fear, conflicts with friends, anxiety about studying.

A sharp focus on the problem, a constant reminder of tics leads to the opposite result - jerking becomes longer and harder.

Symptoms of

The appearance of involuntary jerking of different muscle groups a person notices at once. Usually the strangers pay attention to others. Tics can be expressed in a variety of movements. On the face - this closes the eyes, winks, pulling the corner of the mouth. Voice tics are manifested by smacking, groaning, that is, sounds that repeat with frequency.

No matter how nervous the tick is, it does have a distinctive feature - it can not be controlled and it can not be removed simply. Concentration of willpower can temporarily stop the tick, but after a while it will arise again, and more often it will last longer and more noticeable.

Treatment of

Diagnosis of tics is not difficult, but in order to exclude tumors, lesions of the central nervous system, a number of additional examinations are necessary. Modern treatment of nerve tics of different groups is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Selection of drug treatment.
  • Psychotherapist's help.
  • Use of Botox.

The choice of the scheme for the reception of pharmacological preparations depends on the results of the diagnosis. If no provoking diseases are detected, then preparations of a mild soothing effect are prescribed. They also use neuroleptics, which have a positive effect on the cerebral cortex.

Lack of magnesium requires its replenishment, this can be achieved by taking vitamin complexes and nutrition. Magnesium is found in fish, spinach, buckwheat and oatmeal, nuts. Exclude carbonated and tonic drinks.

Psychotherapy allows coping with tics and children and adults. The doctor with the help of special tests, influences reveals the psychoemotional cause of a tick and teaches the patient to cope with it. It is important to learn how to relax, to ensure a healthy sleep, walking outdoors.

In severe cases or when a tick affects the visible part of the face, Botox injections may be used. The drug blocks muscle contraction.

Drugs for the nervous teak

For the stabilization of the nervous system, mild-acting drugs with sedative effect are used. This is Persen, Calming, Novopassit, Valerian extract, oregano. If the tick is observed on the eye, then drugs can be used to eliminate the dryness of the mucous layer.

Sedative drugs take a short course, prolonged use of them leads to the addiction of the body and the tics are no longer amenable to their effects.

How to treat a nervous tic folk remedies

Nervous tick, especially in mild form, can be treated with folk remedies.

  • Honey compress. In half a glass of warm water you need to dissolve a spoonful of honey and apply the solution as a compress to the area of ​​twitching. The advantages of such treatment include the absence of contraindications( if there is no allergy to honey) and the possibility of treating tics in children with honey compress.
  • Aromatherapy. Using lavender oil, cinnamon, cloves helps to relax and removes nervous overexertion. Essential oils can be used even at work, this refers to the advantages of this method. The disadvantages of aromatherapy include the possibility of developing headaches if the oil is picked up incorrectly.
  • Well helps to relieve the nervous strain of the decoction of herbs of oregano, thyme, chamomile, mint, melissa. These herbs have a calming and hypnotic effect and can be used to eliminate tics in children, which refers to the benefits of such treatment.
Tiki in childhood often pass in a short time, if the child's attention is shifted to games that require concentration of brain activity. These can be puzzles, chess, making puzzles.

It is important to limit contact with computers, tablets, televisions. And most importantly, you do not need to show your baby how you are concerned about his condition - this will only exacerbate the problem.

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