Pancreatic necrosis, necrosis of the pancreas, necrotic pancreatitis as a disease, what is it, photos, video

Pancreatic necrosis is a complication of such a disease as acute pancreatitis( inflammation of the pancreas).Mortality with this severe disease is 40-70% and this is provided timely treatment with the latest medical methods. Necrotic pancreatitis is characterized by the death of a specific site or the entire pancreas. This process is due to dissolution of tissues by enzymes, which itself produces iron in combination with infection, peritonitis and other complex exacerbations.

According to statistics, about 70% of patients with pancreatic necrosis abused alcoholic beverages for a long time, and 30% of patients with pancreatic necrosis previously had cholelithiasis.

The main causes of pancreatic necrosis are:

  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Abuse of fried and fatty foods;
  • Gallstone disease;
  • Ulcers of the duodenum and stomach;
  • abdominal operations and injuries, including due to endoscopic procedures;
  • Severe infectious and viral diseases.

To date, pancreatic necrosis is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of the abdominal cavity. With pancreatic necrosis, not only the pancreas suffers, but cases in violation of the work of other digestive organs are not uncommon.

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In the course of the development of the disease, the pancreas first swells, and then areas of necrotic tissue appear in it. If the disease failed to diagnose in time and begin treatment, necrosis can also be added to the pancreas abscess.


The development of this dangerous, and often fatal disease, occurs in three stages:

  1. Toxemia. Toxemia is the first stage in the development of this necrotic disease. During this period, the patient begins to appear in the blood toxins of bacterial origin, while the presence of the microbes that produce them, in the blood is not mandatory.
  2. Abscess. An abscess is formed in the gland surrounding the pancreas or in the gland and near lying organs.
  3. The third stage of acute necrotic pancreatitis is characterized by the onset of purulent changes in pancreatic tissue and in retroperitoneal tissue.

The doctor's prognosis for the development of the disease and the chances of successful treatment largely depend on the degree of pancreatic damage and how quickly it was possible to diagnose and begin treatment for pancreatic necrosis. Most often, the patient is diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis in the first stage of necrotic disease.

As a treatment at this stage of acute necrosis of the gland, medicines are used to help block pancreatic activity. The use of the surgical method of treatment at the first stage of the development of the disease is unjustified, since it is rather difficult to determine exactly which part of the pancreas has undergone necrosis. In addition to blocking the process of secretion by the gland, in order to avoid complications of a purulent nature, with pancreatic necrosis prescribe drugs of antibacterial and antiseptic nature, as well as immunostimulants.

With proper and timely treatment, the development of pancreatic necrosis can be stopped at the first stage, without any serious complications. But to talk about the treatment of pancreatic necrosis can only be done in a hospital environment, since many medics, such as specialists in endoscopy and echomatography, therapists, endocrinologists, surgeons, need to participate in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of this necrotic disease and, in the case of a severe complication of pancreatic necrosis,brigade.

Necrosis of the head, tail of the pancreas

With regular malnutrition, alcohol abuse, as well as under the influence of other traumatic factors, pancreatic tissues begin to become inflamed, and then completely die. Such a process in medicine is called necrosis of the head or tail of the pancreas, depending on which part of the organ is affected.

According to statistics, in most cases, such an ailment can be avoided if you seek competent medical help on time and undergo an appropriate course of treatment.

harbingers of necrosis of the head or tail of the pancreas are:

  • Tinea in the left part under the rib. Painful sensations can pass and further on a body, extending in a humeral zone. Quite often, patients confuse her with a heart attack;
  • abundant and frequent vomiting;
  • presence of elevated temperature;
  • causeless redness or vice versa, pale skin;
  • periodic bloating;
  • with palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, there is a sharp sharp pain.

The presence of at least one of the listed signs of pancreatonecrosis, is the reason for contacting a specialist with the purpose of establishing the presence of this disease, its stage, type. Necrosis of the head or tail of the pancreas can be either lethargic or progressive. Depending on this, a course of treatment is prescribed.

In the first case, a drug reaction is usually prescribed. But in the second - immediate surgical intervention.

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