Are they taking in the army with chronic pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is a serious recurrent pancreatic disease that requires complex treatment. The majority of patients with this disease are interested in such issues as a proper diet, average life expectancy, the possibility of full healing and much more. But patients of the male sex and draft age are interested in another question: are people with chronic pancreatitis suitable for military service? Unambiguous answer to this question before 2004, no one could give, but according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 866 of December 31, 2004, a table of requirements for the health of conscripts and a list of diseases that are not being drafted into the army are indicated.

Can chronic pancreatitis serve as a reason for exempting from service in the army, clearly and clearly spelled out in Article 59 of this resolution.

59 the article is fully devoted to the issues of fitness for diseases of the duodenum, stomach, liver, bile duct, gallbladder and pancreas.

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Article includes 3 points on the degree of violation:

  • significant violations;
  • moderate disorders in combination with frequent exacerbations;
  • minor violations.

Significant violations for this article include chronic recurrent pancreatitis of severe severity, polyhypovitaminosis and progressive frequent pancreatic and pancreatic diarrhea.

Moderate disorders include a chronic form of the disease that manifests itself as frequent exacerbations and a violation of the endocrine or secretory function.

To minor violations will include forms with good treatment rates and rare exacerbations.

Based on the points in the 59th article on the appeal, we can safely say that pancreatitis is an indication that it is worthless to serve in underwater troops. The severe form of the disease falls under the category "not good".The form of moderate severity will be an indication of limited access to military service or the need to decide on the suitability of an individual. An easy degree will only lead to insignificant limitations on the shelf life.

As you can see, although the diagnosis - chronic pancreatitis may be the basis for exemption from military service, but the last word in many aspects is the decision of the commission of the military commissariat.

If you undergo treatment for exacerbation at the time of recruitment, you are required to provide a respite from six months to a year for health reasons. If the aggravation occurred during the service, you can expect early demobilization. In order to get a discharge from military service in case of chronic pancreatitis, you must not only confirm your disease, but also provide medical solutions of many specialists about your state of health and documented information about exacerbations and treatment in their period.

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