Vomiting in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, its nature, what to do?

Pancreatitis is accompanied by a number of symptoms, among which there is vomiting. This reflex is caused by the inflammatory necrotic process occurring in the alveolar-tubular tissue of the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes trypsin, amylase and steapins digest the organ, causing swelling or turning it into a necrotic mass. The consequence of this effect is an increased intoxication of the body. Symptom is the appearance of severe girdling pains, bloating, constant nausea and profuse vomiting, not bringing relief.

The nature of vomiting in pancreatitis

Its nature depends on the form of the disease, and also on the phase of its course. The acute and chronic forms differ both in the clinical picture and in the intensity of the reflex. In turn, in acute form, namely, with interstitial( edematic) and hemorrhagic( pancreatic necrosis), the masses released are completely different in nature.

Acute interstitial pancreatitis is accompanied by severe pain syndrome and persistent profuse vomiting. After the devastation of the stomach, the patient does not feel relief. The contents of the stomach first consists of the food used on the eve of the illness, then from the mucus-gallstone composition. This symptom stops on the 3rd-7th day of the disease after conservative treatment and a decline in puffiness.

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Hemorrhagic form of pancreatitis is accompanied by necrosis of the organ due to its enzymatic autolysis. Necrotic masses in parallel with the flow of blood spread in the abdominal cavity. Intoxication of the body reaches a peak, and it responds with abundant and unceasing vomiting with blood content. Its consistency is similar to a gruel made of blood and food pulp with a sharp smell of alcohol. This form of the disease is characterized by suddenness and complications. Pancreatic necrosis is subject to emergency surgery.

What should I do if I vomit?

When vomiting with pancreatitis, you need to react quickly and confidently. All actions should be directed to:

  • elimination of the pain syndrome for this are taken analgesics and antispasmodics. Their pharmacological action is aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles of the internal organs( intestines, stomach and gallbladder).But-Shpa and Papaverin are known antispasmodics, which quickly relieve pain and eliminate vomiting. They need to be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The group of antispasmodics also includes: Duspatalin, Dicetel or Odeston. These drugs are prescribed strictly observing medical indications.
  • providing complete rest of the pancreas. Preparations containing enzymes remove the functional tension from the body, giving him a temporary rest. They reduce pain and stop vomiting. In this group are: Creon and Mezim Forte.
  • reduction of secretory function of the stomach. Antisecretory drugs are directed towards inhibition of HCl production. Due to this, vomiting calms down and disappears. This group of medicines includes Omeprazole, Gastrozole, Maalox and Almagel. Is there pancreatitis without vomiting?

    Secondary pancreatitis, the main causes of which are gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, as well as congenital anatomical abnormalities of the pancreas, diverticulitis and helminthic invasion of the intestine or bile ducts - develops clinically without this reflex. It should be emphasized that pancreatitis without vomiting occurs with relapses and chronic form of the disease.

    Vomiting in pancreatic cancer

    Persistent pain in the epigastric region, irradiating in the lumbar region and in the back area, which do not have a direct connection with food intake, is a clear sign of an oncological disease. The pain syndrome is worse at night. Vomiting in pancreatic cancer appears in the fourth stage of the disease, when the tumor of the gland fuses with the duodenum or stomach. The emitted masses are similar to black jelly with a sour smell.

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